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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

1.6.3 Conservation of Momentum

1. Introduction to Momentum

Momentum, a key concept in physics, is defined as the product of an object's mass and velocity. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction.

Fundamentals of Momentum

  • Mathematical Representation: Momentum (p) is represented by the equation p = m * v, where m is mass and v is velocity.
  • Vector Nature: The direction of momentum is the same as the direction of the object's velocity.

2. Conservation of Momentum

This principle states that within a closed system, the total momentum remains constant in the absence of external forces. It is a direct consequence of Newton’s Third Law of Motion.

Understanding the Principle

  • Closed System: A system where no external forces are acting. In such systems, the total momentum before and after an event (like a collision) remains constant.
  • Application in Collisions: In collisions, the total momentum of the colliding objects before impact is equal to their total momentum after impact, assuming no external force acts on them.

3. Momentum in One-Dimensional Problems

Focusing on scenarios where objects move along a single straight line, either in the same or opposite directions.

Approach to Problem Solving

  • 1. Determine the Direction: Assign a positive or negative direction to each object's motion.
  • 2. Initial and Final Momentum: Calculate the total momentum of all objects before and after the event.
  • 3. Apply Conservation: Set the total initial momentum equal to the total final momentum to solve for unknown variables.

4. Resultant Force and Momentum Change

Resultant force is the total force acting on an object. It’s related to momentum through the rate of change of momentum.

Key Equation

  • Formula: The equation F = Δp / Δt, where F is the resultant force, Δp is the change in momentum, and Δt is the time interval, is central to understanding how forces affect momentum.
  • Practical Examples: This equation is used in scenarios like a car accelerating or a rocket launching, where forces cause a change in momentum over time.

5. Applications in Real Life

The conservation of momentum principle finds extensive applications in various fields, from vehicular safety to space exploration.

Everyday and Scientific Examples

  • Vehicle Safety: In designing crumple zones in cars that absorb impact, conserving momentum while reducing force.
  • Space Missions: Spacecraft maneuvers, like docking and thrusting, rely on momentum conservation principles.

6. Worked Examples

Collision Example

  • Scenario: Two ice skaters pushing off each other on an ice rink.
  • Solution Steps:
    • Assign direction and calculate individual momenta.
    • Apply the conservation principle.
    • Find the final velocities or positions post-separation.

Rocket Problem

  • Scenario: A spacecraft in space ejects a gas cloud backward.
  • Solution Steps:
    • Calculate the momentum of the ejected gas.
    • Apply conservation to determine the spacecraft's subsequent motion.

7. Problem-Solving Strategies

  • Check Units: Ensure mass is in kilograms and velocity in metres per second.
  • Vector Consideration: Always account for the direction in momentum calculations.
  • External Forces: Identify if any external forces act on the system, as this affects momentum conservation.

8. Theoretical Basis

  • Newton’s Laws: Momentum conservation is rooted in Newton's laws, particularly the law of action and reaction.
  • Implications: This principle underlies many physics phenomena, making it essential for students to grasp for further physics studies.

9. Misconceptions and Clarifications

  • Conservation vs. Constant: Momentum being conserved in a system does not mean it is constant for each individual object within that system.
  • Force and Momentum: While related, force and momentum are distinct concepts. Force is related to the change in momentum.

10. Exercises for Practice

Sample Questions

  • Question 1: Calculate the final velocities of two colliding hockey pucks of different masses.
  • Question 2: Determine the velocity of a bullet after it exits a gun, given the mass of the bullet and the gun, and the initial velocity of the bullet.


  • Solution to Question 1: Use the conservation of momentum principle, considering the masses of the pucks and their initial velocities.
  • Solution to Question 2: Apply conservation of momentum to the gun-bullet system to find the bullet's final velocity, taking into account the recoil of the gun.

11. Deep Dive into Momentum Change and Resultant Force

Detailed Analysis of the Concept

  • Change in Momentum (Δp): It is the difference in an object's momentum over a period of time, calculated as the final momentum minus the initial momentum.
  • Understanding Resultant Force: The resultant force is the overall force acting on an object when all individual forces are combined. It's the force responsible for any change in the object's momentum.

Relevance in Mechanics

  • Mechanical Systems: In mechanical systems like engines or turbines, understanding how forces change momentum is crucial for design and analysis.
  • Safety Mechanisms: In designing safety mechanisms like airbags in cars, the concept of force and momentum change is essential.

12. Revision Techniques and Study Tips

Effective Study Methods

  • Diagrammatic Representations: Use diagrams to visualize momentum conservation in collisions and explosions.
  • Group Study: Discussing and solving problems with peers can enhance understanding and retention of concepts.

Additional Resources

  • Videos and Animations: Online educational videos can provide a more dynamic understanding of the concepts.
  • Interactive Physics Simulations: Websites offering physics simulations can be excellent tools for visualising and experimenting with momentum conservation scenarios.

13. Beyond the Classroom

Applying Concepts to Real-World Scenarios

  • Sports Physics: Analyzing sports like football or pool in terms of momentum can provide a practical understanding of the concept.
  • Engineering Applications: Concepts of momentum and resultant forces are integral in fields like mechanical and aerospace engineering.

Encouraging Curiosity

  • Science Fairs and Projects: Engaging in projects that demonstrate conservation of momentum can deepen students' interest and understanding.
  • Career Opportunities: Understanding these principles opens doors to careers in physics, engineering, and other scientific fields.

14. Final Remarks

In summary, the conservation of momentum is a pivotal concept in physics, offering profound insights into the behavior of objects in motion. It's not just a theoretical construct, but a principle that finds practical application in everyday life and advanced scientific research. For IGCSE Physics students, mastering this topic lays a strong foundation for further studies in physics and related fields.

Remember, physics is not just about learning formulas and principles; it's about understanding the fundamental laws that govern the world around us. By delving deep into the concept of momentum and its conservation, students gain valuable skills in analytical thinking and problem-solving, which are essential in both academic and real-world contexts.


Yes, momentum can be conserved in a system where energy is not conserved. Conservation of momentum and conservation of energy are two distinct principles governed by different conditions. Momentum conservation is related to the forces acting on a system and is observed in any closed system free from external forces, regardless of whether energy within the system is conserved. On the other hand, energy conservation depends on the nature of the forces involved. In elastic collisions, both energy and momentum are conserved. However, in inelastic collisions, while momentum is conserved, kinetic energy is not, as some of it is transformed into other forms of energy like heat or sound. Thus, it's entirely possible for a system to conserve momentum while experiencing changes in its total energy.

The conservation of momentum plays a critical role in understanding rocket propulsion, a concept central to astronautics and space exploration. Rocket propulsion is based on Newton's Third Law of Motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In the context of a rocket, as it expels exhaust gases backwards at high speed, the rocket itself is propelled forwards. This is a direct application of the conservation of momentum. The momentum of the exhaust gases being ejected in one direction results in the acquisition of momentum by the rocket in the opposite direction. The amount of momentum gained by the rocket is equal to the momentum carried away by the exhaust gases. This principle allows engineers to calculate the required velocity of exhaust gases to achieve a specific thrust, enabling the rocket to reach the desired speed and altitude. Understanding this momentum transfer is crucial for the design and operation of rockets, especially for missions involving satellite deployment or interplanetary travel.

In a collision, a smaller mass can impart a larger change in momentum to a larger mass primarily due to the velocity factor in the momentum equation (p = mv). Momentum is the product of mass and velocity, so a small object with a high velocity can have a substantial momentum. When this small but fast-moving object collides with a larger mass, it can transfer a significant amount of momentum to the larger object. This transfer will cause a noticeable change in the velocity of the larger mass. The key is the relative velocities of the two objects: a high velocity can compensate for a small mass. This principle is often observed in real-world scenarios, such as in sports (a small but fast-moving tennis ball impacting a larger racket) or in traffic accidents (a small, fast-moving car impacting a larger, slower vehicle). The understanding of this dynamic is crucial in analyzing collision outcomes in terms of momentum transfer, irrespective of the size of the objects involved.

In inelastic collisions, unlike elastic collisions, the colliding bodies do not retain their kinetic energy post-collision; some of this energy is converted into other forms, like heat or sound. However, the principle of conservation of momentum still holds true. The total momentum of the system before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision. This is because momentum is conserved regardless of the type of collision, as long as no external forces act on the system. In an inelastic collision, the objects involved may stick together or deform, resulting in a loss of kinetic energy. Nevertheless, the combined momentum of these objects before and after the collision remains constant. This principle is vital for understanding real-world phenomena where collisions are not perfectly elastic, such as in vehicle crashes or sports collisions.

When an external force acts on a system, the momentum of that system can change. This change is governed by Newton's Second Law of Motion, which states that the force acting on an object is equal to the rate of change of its momentum. If the external force is constant, the change in momentum occurs at a constant rate. The direction of the momentum change will be the same as the direction of the applied force. For example, if a force is applied in the direction of an object’s motion, it will increase the object's momentum. Conversely, if the force is applied against the direction of motion, it will decrease the object's momentum. The magnitude of the momentum change depends on the magnitude of the force and the duration for which it is applied (impulse). This concept is crucial in understanding how forces affect the motion of objects in real-world scenarios, such as a car accelerating or decelerating.

Practice Questions

A car of mass 1500 kg moving at 20 m/s collides with a stationary truck of mass 3000 kg. After the collision, the car and truck move together with the same velocity. Calculate the velocity of the car and truck immediately after the collision.

In this scenario, the principle of conservation of momentum applies. Initially, the total momentum of the system is the momentum of the car, as the truck is stationary. The initial momentum of the car is its mass times its velocity, which is 1500 kg × 20 m/s = 30,000 kg·m/s. After the collision, the combined mass of the car and truck is 1500 kg + 3000 kg = 4500 kg. Let v be their common velocity after the collision. Applying conservation of momentum, 30,000 kg·m/s = 4500 kg × v. Solving for v gives v = 30,000 kg·m/s ÷ 4500 kg = 6.67 m/s. Therefore, the car and truck move together at a velocity of 6.67 m/s after the collision

A 5 kg ball moving at 3 m/s collides head-on with a 10 kg ball at rest. If the 5 kg ball comes to a complete stop after the collision, find the velocity of the 10 kg ball immediately after the collision.

In this collision problem, the conservation of momentum is again the key principle. The initial momentum of the system is only due to the 5 kg ball, as the 10 kg ball is initially at rest. The initial momentum is therefore 5 kg × 3 m/s = 15 kg·m/s. After the collision, the 5 kg ball stops, so its final momentum is 0. Let v be the velocity of the 10 kg ball after the collision. Using the conservation of momentum, the total initial momentum (15 kg·m/s) equals the total final momentum (10 kg × v). Solving for v, we get v = 15 kg·m/s ÷ 10 kg = 1.5 m/s. Hence, the velocity of the 10 kg ball after the collision is 1.5 m/s.

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