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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

1.6.2 Impulse and Momentum Change

Introduction to Impulse

Impulse is a concept in physics that quantifies the effect of a force acting over a certain time interval. It is given by the product of the force (F) applied and the time duration (Delta t) for which this force acts. The mathematical expression for impulse is:

Impulse = Force x Time Duration

This can be represented symbolically as J = F x Delta t, where J stands for impulse.

Deep Dive into Impulse

  • Force and Time Interplay: The magnitude of the impulse depends on both the force applied and the duration of its application. A larger force or a longer application period results in a greater impulse.
  • Units of Measurement: Impulse is measured in Newton-seconds (Ns), a combination of Newtons (N) for force and seconds (s) for time.
  • Vector Nature of Impulse: Impulse is a vector quantity, possessing both magnitude and direction. The direction of impulse is the same as that of the applied force.

Impulse and Momentum Change

Momentum (p) is the product of an object's mass (m) and its velocity (v), thus p = m x v. The application of a force alters an object's velocity, and hence its momentum. The change in momentum (Delta p) is equal to the applied impulse.

Impulse = Change in Momentum

In formula terms, J = F x Delta t = Delta p, where Delta p = Delta (m x v).

Calculating Momentum Changes

  • Initial and Final Momentum: For an object with an initial momentum pi and a final momentum p_f, the change in momentum is Delta p = pf - pi.
  • Applying Impulse Equation: We can relate impulse to the change in momentum as F x Delta t = pf - pi.

Example Problems for Clarity

Example 1: Catching a Cricket Ball

  • Scenario: A cricket ball (0.15 kg) moving at 20 m/s is caught by a cricketer, stopping it in 0.05 seconds.
  • Solution: The velocity change (Delta v) is -20 m/s (since the ball comes to a stop), mass (m) is 0.15 kg, and time (Delta t) is 0.05 s. Applying the impulse-momentum theorem, the impulse is J = m x Delta v = 0.15 x -20 = -3 Ns.

Example 2: Rocket Thrust

  • Scenario: A rocket engine exerts a force of 5000 N for 2 seconds.
  • Solution: The impulse here is J = F x Delta t = 5000 x 2 = 10000 Ns, resulting in a significant change in the rocket's momentum.

Real-World Implications of Impulse and Momentum Change

The principles of impulse and momentum change have practical applications in various fields:

  • Vehicle Safety: Car airbags function by extending the time over which a force acts during a collision, reducing the force's impact and thus the risk of injury.
  • Sports Dynamics: The effectiveness of a hit in sports like tennis or cricket is greatly influenced by the duration of contact between the racket or bat and the ball, affecting the ball's momentum change.

In-Depth Analysis of Impulse

Understanding impulse in physics goes beyond the simple formula. It involves comprehending how forces interact with objects over time, resulting in changes in their state of motion. This interaction is not just instantaneous but occurs over a time period, which is where the concept of impulse becomes crucial.

Momentum: The Cornerstone of Motion

Momentum is a measure of the 'quantity of motion' of an object and is directly proportional to both its mass and velocity. In physics, it’s a pivotal concept, particularly in the study of collisions and conservation of momentum.

Impulse in Collisions

When objects collide, the time during which they interact is crucial in determining the outcome of the collision. The impulse

experienced by the objects can be used to calculate the changes in their momentum, providing insights into the forces involved and the nature of the collision.

Impulse and Everyday Phenomena

  • Bouncing Ball: When a ball hits the ground and bounces back, it undergoes a change in momentum. The ground exerts a force on the ball for a short time, causing an impulse that changes the ball’s direction and speed.
  • Airbags in Cars: Airbags work by increasing the time over which the force from a collision is applied, thus reducing the force's impact. This is a direct application of impulse, where extending the time reduces the force experienced by the occupants.

Detailed Analysis of Impulse

The concept of impulse is integral in understanding how forces act over time. It's not just about the magnitude of the force, but also how long it acts. A small force applied over a long time can have the same effect as a large force applied briefly.

Momentum and Its Conservation

In physics, the principle of conservation of momentum states that in a closed system, the total momentum remains constant if no external forces act on it. This principle is widely used in problem-solving, especially in collision and explosion scenarios.

Impulse in Protective Gear

Safety devices like helmets and padding use the concept of impulse. They extend the time over which a force is applied to the body during an impact, thereby reducing the severity of the force and minimizing injury.

Example 3: Football Kick

  • Scenario: A football of mass 0.45 kg is kicked, changing its velocity from 0 to 25 m/s in 0.08 seconds.
  • Solution: The change in velocity (Delta v) is 25 m/s, mass (m) is 0.45 kg, and time (Delta t) is 0.08 s. The impulse is J = m x Delta v = 0.45 x 25 = 11.25 Ns.

Impulse in Space Exploration

In space, where external forces are minimal, the concept of impulse is crucial for maneuvering and propelling spacecraft. Rocket engines generate impulse to change the velocity of spacecraft, enabling them to navigate through space.

Momentum and Sports Physics

In sports, understanding momentum helps in analyzing the motion of objects like balls and athletes. Techniques in sports often involve managing the momentum to achieve desired outcomes, like hitting a ball further or changing direction quickly.

Impulse and Everyday Life

Impulse is not just a theoretical concept. It's observable in daily life, from the way we catch objects to how vehicles are designed for safety. Understanding the relationship between force, time, and momentum change enriches our comprehension of physical interactions in our environment.


In summary, the study of impulse and momentum change is essential for a comprehensive understanding of physics. These concepts are not only fundamental in theoretical physics but also find extensive application in everyday life, technology, and safety. For IGCSE Physics students, mastering these principles is key to understanding a wide range of phenomena in the physical world.


The change in momentum for a given impulse is intricately linked to the mass of the object. As impulse equals the change in momentum (Impulse = Delta p), any alteration in the mass of the object will affect the velocity change needed to achieve the same impulse. Specifically, for a constant impulse, increasing the mass of the object will result in a smaller change in velocity, as momentum (p = m x v) is a product of mass and velocity. Conversely, decreasing the mass will require a larger change in velocity to maintain the same impulse. For instance, a lighter object will experience a greater change in velocity than a heavier one when subjected to the same impulse. This concept is particularly evident in sports; for example, a heavier cricket ball would not travel as far as a lighter one when hit with the same force, due to the difference in velocity change attributed to their mass.

Impulse can indeed be negative, and this occurs when the force applied on the object acts in the opposite direction to its motion. Impulse is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. The direction of the impulse is determined by the direction of the force. In scenarios where the force acts opposite to the object’s direction of motion, the impulse will have a negative value, indicating a reduction or reversal in the object's momentum. A common example of negative impulse is observed when catching a ball; the force exerted by the hands on the ball is opposite to the ball's initial motion, resulting in a negative impulse. This negative impulse effectively reduces the ball's momentum to zero (or reverses it if the ball is thrown back), thus bringing the ball to a stop or changing its direction.

Impulse is closely related to the principle of conservation of momentum in a closed system. In a closed system, where no external forces are acting, the total momentum before and after an event (like a collision) remains constant. When two objects interact in such a system, the impulse exerted on one object is equal and opposite to the impulse exerted on the other. This is due to Newton's Third Law, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Thus, while individual momenta of objects might change, the total momentum of the system remains conserved. For example, in a collision between two billiard balls, the impulse that changes the momentum of one ball is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the impulse on the other ball, ensuring the total momentum of the system is unchanged.

Halving the time duration of the force while keeping the force constant will directly affect the impulse. Impulse is defined as the product of the force and the time duration over which the force acts (Impulse = Force x Time). Therefore, if the time duration is halved, the impulse will also be halved. This is because impulse is directly proportional to the time interval. For example, if a force of 10 N is applied for 2 seconds, the impulse will be 20 Ns. If the same force is applied for only 1 second, the impulse reduces to 10 Ns. This principle is crucial in understanding real-world scenarios like car crashes where reducing the time of impact (like hitting a rigid wall vs. a cushioned barrier) significantly changes the impulse experienced by the vehicle and, consequently, the effects on its occupants.

Impulse plays a significant role in understanding both elastic and inelastic collisions. In an elastic collision, both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved. The impulse experienced by each object in the collision leads to a change in momentum but does not result in a loss of kinetic energy. The magnitude of the impulse is the same for both objects, but its direction is opposite, adhering to Newton's Third Law. In an inelastic collision, while momentum is conserved, kinetic energy is not. The objects may stick together post-collision, moving as a single entity. Here, the impulse still leads to a momentum change, but the kinetic energy is transformed into other forms, like heat or sound. Understanding the impulse in these collisions helps in calculating the post-collision velocities and understanding the energy transformations that occur during the event.

Practice Questions

A 0.5 kg ball is thrown against a wall with an initial velocity of 10 m/s. It bounces back with the same speed but in the opposite direction. The ball is in contact with the wall for 0.02 seconds. Calculate the impulse experienced by the ball.

The change in velocity (Delta v) is 20 m/s, as the ball reverses direction from 10 m/s to -10 m/s. The mass (m) of the ball is 0.5 kg. Impulse (J) can be calculated using the formula J = m x Delta v. Therefore, J = 0.5 kg x 20 m/s = 10 Ns. This calculation shows the impulse experienced by the ball, considering the change in momentum due to the reversal in velocity upon impact with the wall. The detailed calculation and understanding of the reversal in direction demonstrate an excellent grasp of the impulse and momentum concepts.

A tennis player hits a ball of mass 0.06 kg, changing its velocity from 0 m/s to 25 m/s in 0.05 seconds. Calculate the average force exerted by the racket on the ball.

To find the average force exerted on the ball, first calculate the impulse. The ball’s velocity change (Delta v) is 25 m/s (from 0 to 25 m/s), and the mass (m) is 0.06 kg. Using the impulse formula J = m x Delta v, the impulse is J = 0.06 kg x 25 m/s = 1.5 Ns. Impulse is also equal to the product of force and time, J = F x Delta t. Therefore, the average force (F) is J / Delta t = 1.5 Ns / 0.05 s = 30 N. This answer shows a thorough understanding of the relationship between impulse, force, and time, and demonstrates the ability to apply these concepts to a real-world situation.

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