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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

1.6.1 Understanding Momentum in Physics

What is Momentum?

Momentum is a measure of the motion of an object and is defined as the product of an object's mass and its velocity. This relationship can be expressed using the equation:

p = m * v


  • p is the momentum
  • m is the mass of the object
  • v is the velocity of the object

Components of the Equation

  • 1. Mass (m):
    • Represents the quantity of matter in an object.
    • A scalar quantity measured in kilograms (kg).
    • Remains constant unless the object's physical composition changes.
  • 2. Velocity (v):
    • The speed of an object in a specific direction.
    • A vector quantity, incorporating both magnitude and direction.
    • Measured in metres per second (m/s).
  • 3. Momentum (p):
    • As mass multiplied by velocity, it is a vector quantity.
    • Its direction is the same as the object's velocity.
    • Measured in kilogram metres per second (kg m/s).

Practical Examples and Calculations

To illustrate the concept of momentum, consider these examples:

  • 1. A Running Athlete:
    • Mass: 70 kg, Velocity: 10 m/s.
    • Momentum: 70 * 10 = 700 kg m/s.
    • Shows how an individual's speed contributes to their momentum.
  • 2. A Moving Car:
    • Mass: 1,000 kg, Velocity: 20 m/s.
    • Momentum: 1,000 * 20 = 20,000 kg m/s.
    • Demonstrates the significant impact of mass on momentum.
  • 3. Stationary Objects:
    • Objects at rest have zero velocity and hence zero momentum.

Momentum and Newton's Laws

Momentum is deeply intertwined with Newton's laws of motion, especially the second law, which relates force to the rate of change of momentum.

  • Newton's Second Law: F = Δp / Δt
    • Implies that the force applied to an object is proportional to the change in its momentum over time.

Conservation of Momentum

One of the most fundamental principles in physics is the conservation of momentum. It states that in a closed system, without external forces, the total momentum remains constant. This principle is vital in understanding collisions and interactions in physics.

Applications in Collision Analysis

  • In collisions, the total momentum before and after the collision is the same.
  • This principle helps in analyzing the outcomes of collisions, such as in car crash investigations.

Significance in Physics

Momentum's significance in physics cannot be overstated. It is a cornerstone concept with wide-ranging implications:

  • 1. Predictive Tool:
    • Helps in predicting the outcomes of applying forces to objects.
  • 2. Understanding Physical Systems:
    • Vital in understanding how objects interact in a system.
  • 3. Safety Design:
    • Informs the design of safety mechanisms in vehicles and other machinery by understanding the forces involved in motion.

Momentum in Different Contexts

Momentum's applicability extends to various physical situations:

  • 1. In Sports:
    • Understanding momentum helps in analysing movements, impacts, and energy transfer in sports like football or cricket.
  • 2. Astronomy:
    • In space, where external forces are minimal, the conservation of momentum is crucial in understanding the motion of celestial bodies.

Challenge Problems

To further enhance understanding, here are some challenge problems:

  • 1. Calculating Momentum:
    • A train weighing 5,000 kg moves at 30 m/s. Calculate its momentum.
  • 2. Comparing Momentum:
    • Compare the momentum of a 50 kg cart moving at 2 m/s with a 25 kg cart moving at 4 m/s.

Key Takeaways

Understanding momentum is essential in physics as it connects mass, velocity, and force. It provides a comprehensive understanding of motion and interactions, critical for solving problems and making predictions in physics. This foundational concept paves the way for advanced studies

in dynamics, mechanics, and other areas of physics.

Momentum in Everyday Life

The concept of momentum is not just limited to theoretical physics; it has practical applications in everyday life. For instance:

  • 1. Traffic Accidents:
    • Understanding the momentum of vehicles helps in reconstructing accident scenes and understanding the forces involved.
  • 2. Sports Dynamics:
    • In sports like cricket or golf, the momentum transfer from the bat or club to the ball is crucial for performance analysis.

Exploring Momentum Through Experiments

Hands-on experiments are a great way to understand momentum. Simple experiments, such as rolling different masses down an incline and measuring their velocities, can provide practical insights into how momentum works.

Momentum and Impulse

While impulse is covered in more detail in another section, it's worth noting that impulse is closely related to momentum. Impulse is the change in momentum of an object when a force is applied over a time period. This relationship is expressed as:

Impulse = F * Δt = Δp

Momentum in Varying Frames of Reference

Understanding momentum also involves considering different frames of reference. For example, the momentum of a moving train is different for a stationary observer compared to an observer moving alongside the train.

Critical Thinking Questions

To deepen understanding, consider these questions:

  • 1. How does the momentum of a bullet compare to that of a thrown baseball?
  • 2. If momentum is conserved, why do objects come to a stop?

Further Reading

For students interested in exploring more, additional reading can include topics like:

  • Momentum in fluid dynamics.
  • Quantum mechanics and the concept of momentum at a subatomic level.


Momentum is a fundamental concept in physics that provides a comprehensive understanding of how objects move and interact. By mastering this concept, students gain a powerful tool for analyzing a wide range of physical phenomena, setting the stage for further exploration in the vast and fascinating world of physics.


When an object comes to a stop, its momentum becomes zero. Momentum is a product of mass and velocity (p = m * v). As the object stops, its velocity reduces to zero, and since momentum is directly proportional to velocity, the momentum also becomes zero. However, it is essential to understand what happens to the momentum from a conservation perspective. According to the principle of conservation of momentum, the total momentum of a closed system remains constant. Thus, when an object comes to a stop, its momentum is not lost but transferred or transformed. For instance, when a moving car stops, its momentum is transferred to the ground through frictional forces. In a collision, the momentum of an object is transferred to the other object or transformed into other forms of energy, like heat or sound. This understanding is crucial in analysing collision scenarios, designing safety mechanisms in vehicles, and studying various physical phenomena where momentum plays a key role.

Yes, it is possible for two objects of different masses to have the same momentum if their velocities compensate for the difference in mass. Momentum is defined as the product of mass and velocity (p = m * v). Therefore, a smaller mass can achieve the same momentum as a larger mass by having a proportionally higher velocity. For example, consider a small object with a mass of 2 kg moving at a velocity of 15 m/s, and a larger object with a mass of 6 kg moving at a velocity of 5 m/s. Both objects have a momentum of 30 kg m/s (2 kg * 15 m/s =

30 kg m/s, and 6 kg * 5 m/s = 30 kg m/s). This concept is important in understanding the dynamics of various physical systems, such as in sports where a smaller but faster-moving ball can have the same momentum as a larger, slower-moving one. It also plays a crucial role in collision and conservation of momentum problems, where different masses can be involved in interactions leading to varied outcomes. Understanding how different masses can achieve the same momentum helps in predicting the results of these interactions and in designing systems that utilise these principles, such as in transportation and safety mechanisms.

Yes, an object moving with a constant speed in a circular path does have momentum. While the speed (magnitude of velocity) remains constant in such motion, the direction of the object's velocity is continuously changing, which means the velocity is changing. Since momentum is a vector quantity dependent on both the mass and the velocity of the object (p = m * v), the constant change in velocity direction results in a continuous change in the momentum's direction. This is a fundamental aspect of circular motion. The object's momentum at any point in the circular path is tangential to the circle, pointing in the direction of the instantaneous velocity. This concept is particularly important in fields like astrophysics and orbital mechanics, where the momentum of celestial bodies moving in circular or elliptical orbits is a key factor in their analysis. It highlights that even in the absence of a change in speed, the momentum of an object can still change due to changes in the direction of motion.

When the mass of an object changes while its velocity remains constant, the momentum of the object changes proportionally to the mass. This relationship is derived from the formula for momentum, p = m * v, where p is momentum, m is mass, and v is velocity. Since velocity is constant in this scenario, any change in the object's mass directly affects its momentum. For example, if the mass of an object is doubled, the momentum will also double, assuming the velocity remains unchanged. This relationship is crucial in understanding how different factors influence the motion of objects. It explains, for instance, why heavier vehicles like lorries require more force to stop than lighter ones, given the same velocity – their greater mass results in greater momentum. This principle is applied in various real-world scenarios, such as in transportation safety, where understanding the relationship between mass, velocity, and momentum is vital for designing effective braking systems and safety protocols.

Momentum is considered a vector quantity because it has both magnitude and direction. This is in contrast to scalar quantities, which have magnitude but no specific direction. The concept of momentum being a vector quantity originates from its definition, where momentum (p) is the product of mass (m) and velocity (v), with velocity being a vector quantity itself. The direction of the momentum vector is determined by the direction of the object's velocity. For instance, if an object is moving eastward, its momentum is also directed eastward. This directional aspect of momentum is crucial in physics, particularly when analysing interactions such as collisions or the effect of forces. Understanding the vector nature of momentum allows for more accurate predictions and analyses of these physical events. For example, when two objects collide, the direction of their respective momenta, along with their magnitudes, determines the outcome of the collision, such as the direction and speed of their motion post-collision. Thus, treating momentum as a vector quantity is essential for a comprehensive understanding of many fundamental physics phenomena.

Practice Questions

A lorry with a mass of 3000 kg is moving at a velocity of 10 m/s. Calculate its momentum.

The momentum of an object is calculated using the formula p = m * v, where p is momentum, m is mass, and v is velocity. In this case, the lorry has a mass (m) of 3000 kg and a velocity (v) of 10 m/s. Substituting these values into the formula, the momentum (p) of the lorry is 3000 kg * 10 m/s, which equals 30,000 kg m/s. Therefore, the momentum of the lorry is 30,000 kg m/s. This calculation demonstrates the direct proportionality between momentum and both mass and velocity, a key principle in understanding momentum in physics.

A tennis ball of mass 0.06 kg is served with a velocity of 50 m/s. What is its momentum? Explain how the ball's momentum would change if the mass remains constant but the velocity is doubled.

The momentum of the tennis ball is calculated using the formula p = m * v. Here, the mass (m) of the tennis ball is 0.06 kg and its velocity (v) is 50 m/s. Thus, the momentum (p) is 0.06 kg * 50 m/s, equaling 3 kg m/s. If the velocity is doubled while the mass remains constant, the new velocity becomes 100 m/s. Substituting into the formula, the new momentum would be 0.06 kg * 100 m/s, which equals 6 kg m/s. This illustrates that the momentum of an object is directly proportional to its velocity, so doubling the velocity while keeping the mass constant results in doubling the momentum.

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