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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

7.3.1 Understanding the Doppler Effect

Concept of the Doppler Effect

The Doppler effect is the change in frequency (and consequently in wavelength) of a wave in relation to an observer moving relative to the source of the wave. It is named after the Austrian physicist Christian Doppler, who proposed this phenomenon in 1842.

Historical Background

  • Christian Doppler's Theory: In 1842, Christian Doppler presented his theory on the observed frequency changes due to the motion of a source. He initially applied his concept to the colours of binary stars.
  • Experimental Verification: In 1845, Dutch meteorologist Christoph Hendrik Diederik Buys Ballot confirmed Doppler's hypothesis by employing a group of musicians to play on a moving train.

Everyday Life Occurrences

The Doppler effect is not only a scientific concept but also a part of our daily life experiences. Here are a few examples:

  • Vehicle Sirens: The most common example is the change in pitch of a siren as an ambulance or police car passes by.
Diagram showing the Doppler effect in the pitch of an ambulance siren.

Doppler Effect

Image Courtesy Antony Davis -1840403

  • Musical Instruments: Wind instruments, like a moving trumpet, can exhibit this effect when played while in motion.

Scientific Applications

In science, the Doppler effect finds applications in various fields:

  • Astronomy: It aids in understanding stellar movements and properties.
  • Meteorology: Doppler radar systems are used to track storms and predict weather changes.
  • Medical Imaging: In healthcare, Doppler ultrasonography is vital for visualising blood flow in the body.

Sound Waves and the Doppler Effect

To understand the Doppler effect in sound waves, it's crucial to comprehend the relationship between frequency, wavelength, and velocity:

  • Sound Wave Properties: Sound waves are longitudinal waves involving the transfer of energy through various mediums (air, water, solids) via the vibration of particles.
  • Frequency and Wavelength: Frequency refers to the number of waves passing a point per second, while wavelength is the distance between successive crests of a wave.

Change in Observed Frequency

  • Source Approaching Observer: As the source moves towards the observer, each successive wave crest is emitted from a position closer to the observer than the previous crest, thereby decreasing the wavelength and increasing the frequency.
  • Source Receding from Observer: Conversely, when the source moves away, each wave crest is emitted from a position farther from the observer, increasing the wavelength and decreasing the frequency.
Diagram showing the Doppler effect in different situations based on the relative motion of the source and the observer

Doppler effect and changes in frequency and wavelength based on the relative motion of the source and the observer

Image Source Aakash Educational Services Limited

Mathematical Representation

The Doppler effect can be mathematically represented by the formula:

f' = f (v + vo) / (v + vs)

where f' is the observed frequency, f is the source frequency, v is the speed of sound in the medium, vo is the observer’s velocity towards the source, and vs is the velocity of the source towards the observer.

The table shows variations of the formula for multiple situations in the Doppler Effect depending on the motion of the observer and the source

Mathematical representation of Doppler shift in different situations depending on the observer and the source

Image Courtesy OpenStax

Calculation Examples

  • Emergency Vehicle: Suppose an ambulance with a siren emitting a sound of frequency 500 Hz is moving towards a stationary observer at a speed of 30 m/s, and the speed of sound is 340 m/s. The observed frequency can be calculated using the Doppler effect formula.
  • Astronomical Observations: This principle is also used to determine the radial velocity of distant galaxies by observing the shift in the frequency of light.

Real-World Examples

  • Traffic Sound Analysis: Traffic analysts use the Doppler effect to study the flow and speed of vehicles on roads.
  • Animal Behaviour Studies: Some animals, such as bats and dolphins, use a biological form of the Doppler effect to navigate and hunt using echolocation.

Understanding Through Experimentation

Practical experiments to observe the Doppler effect can be conducted:

  • Sound Source on a Circular Track: Rotating a sound source around the observer can demonstrate the change in frequency.
  • Using Audio Software: Modern technology allows for the simulation of the Doppler effect using audio editing software.


The Doppler effect does apply to objects moving at high speeds, but its classical formulation must be modified when dealing with speeds approaching the speed of light. In such scenarios, the relativistic Doppler effect must be considered, which takes into account the effects of Special Relativity. The classical Doppler formula fails at these high velocities because it doesn’t account for time dilation and length contraction, phenomena predicted by Einstein's theory of relativity. For velocities close to the speed of light, the frequency shift becomes significant, and the relativistic Doppler formula provides a more accurate description of the observed frequencies.

The Doppler effect can be observed at any speed at which there is relative motion between the source and the observer. However, the extent to which the effect is noticeable depends on the speed relative to the speed of the wave in the medium. At lower speeds, the change in frequency might be subtle and harder to discern without sensitive instruments. For instance, a slowly moving car’s horn will exhibit a less pronounced frequency shift than a fast-moving ambulance siren. As the relative speed increases, the effect becomes more pronounced, making it easily observable.

The medium through which a sound wave travels significantly affects the Doppler effect, primarily through its impact on the speed of sound. Since the speed of sound varies in different mediums (being faster in solids and slower in gases), the observed frequency change due to the Doppler effect is influenced by this speed. For instance, in a denser medium like water, where sound travels faster, the change in frequency for a given velocity of a source or observer will be different compared to air. Additionally, factors like temperature, humidity, and air pressure can also affect the speed of sound in air, thereby influencing the Doppler effect.

There is no Doppler effect observed when both the source and the observer are moving at the same speed and in the same direction because there is no relative motion between them. The Doppler effect is fundamentally a result of relative motion affecting the frequency of waves. When the source and the observer move together, the distance between them and the rate at which the wave crests reach the observer do not change over time. Hence, the observer perceives the frequency of the waves in the same way as if both were stationary, resulting in no observable Doppler effect.

Yes, the Doppler effect can be observed in light waves, although the principles are slightly different due to the nature of light as an electromagnetic wave. In the case of light, the Doppler effect results in a change in the colour or frequency of light as perceived by an observer. When an object emitting light moves towards an observer, the light appears to shift towards the blue end of the spectrum (blueshift), indicating a higher frequency. Conversely, when the object moves away, the light shifts towards the red end of the spectrum (redshift), indicating a lower frequency. This phenomenon is crucial in astrophysics for understanding the movement of stars and galaxies.

Practice Questions

A police car emitting a constant frequency of 800 Hz is moving towards a stationary observer at a speed of 20 m/s. The speed of sound in air is 340 m/s. Calculate the frequency of the sound heard by the observer.

To calculate the observed frequency, we use the Doppler effect formula: f' = f (v + vo) / (v - vs), where f' is the observed frequency, f is the source frequency, v is the speed of sound in the medium, vo is the observer’s velocity towards the source (which is zero as the observer is stationary), and vs is the velocity of the source towards the observer. Plugging in the values, f' = 800 Hz * (340 m/s + 0) / (340 m/s - 20 m/s) = 800 Hz * 340 m/s / 320 m/s = 850 Hz. Hence, the frequency heard by the observer is 850 Hz.

Explain how the Doppler effect contributes to the understanding of the universe in the field of astronomy, specifically in the context of observing distant galaxies.

In astronomy, the Doppler effect is instrumental in studying the movement and properties of distant galaxies. Astronomers observe the shift in the frequency of light emitted from these galaxies. If a galaxy is moving away from the Earth, the light shifts towards the red end of the spectrum (redshift), indicating a longer wavelength and lower frequency. Conversely, if a galaxy is approaching Earth, a blueshift occurs, where light shifts towards the blue end of the spectrum, indicating a shorter wavelength and higher frequency. This information allows astronomers to determine the radial velocities of galaxies, providing insights into the expansion of the universe and the dynamics of celestial objects.

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