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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

7.3.2 Doppler Effect Equation

Introduction to the Doppler Effect Equation

The Doppler Effect is a phenomenon where the frequency of a wave changes due to the relative motion between the source of the wave and the observer. The equation that describes this effect for sound waves is crucial in understanding how this change in frequency occurs.

The Doppler Effect equation is:

f' = (v + vo)/(v + vs) * f


  • f' represents the observed frequency.
  • f is the original frequency of the sound emitted by the source.
  • v is the speed of sound in the medium.
  • vo is the velocity of the observer relative to the medium; it is positive if the observer is moving towards the source.
  • vs is the velocity of the source relative to the medium; it is positive if the source is moving away from the observer.

This equation provides a mathematical foundation for understanding how motion affects sound perception, a concept that has numerous practical applications.

The table shows variations of the formula for multiple situations in the Doppler Effect depending on the motion of the observer and the source

Doppler shift in different situations depending on the observer and the source

Image Courtesy OpenStax

Detailed Exploration of the Doppler Effect

Principles and Implications

The Doppler Effect can be observed in various situations, such as a passing ambulance siren or the shifting pitch of a train horn. When the source of sound moves towards an observer, the sound waves in front of the source are compressed, leading to a higher frequency or pitch. Conversely, as the source moves away, the waves are stretched, resulting in a lower frequency or pitch.

Application in Calculating Observed Frequencies

The Doppler Effect equation is pivotal in calculating how the frequency of sound is perceived differently by an observer based on the relative motion of the sound source. This calculation is not just theoretical but has practical implications in fields like astronomy, meteorology, and even medical diagnostics.

Applications and Examples

Example 1: Sound Waves from a Moving Vehicle

Imagine a police car with its siren on, moving towards an observer. As the car approaches, the observer perceives a higher-pitched siren, which drops in pitch as the car passes and moves away.

Calculation Scenario:

  • Original siren frequency (f): 700 Hz
  • Speed of sound (v): 343 m/s (typical value at room temperature)
  • Velocity of the police car (vs): 30 m/s towards the observer

Using the Doppler Effect equation, the observed frequency f' when the car is approaching can be calculated as:

f' = (343)/(343 - 30) * 700

f' = 343/313 * 700

f' ≈ 767 Hz

This calculation shows that the siren's pitch as perceived by the observer is higher than the actual pitch.

Example 2: Astronomical Observation

The Doppler Effect is extensively used in astronomy to determine if celestial bodies like stars or galaxies are moving towards or away from Earth. This movement causes a shift in the frequency of light, known as Redshift (moving away) or Blueshift (approaching).

Diagram showing redshift and blueshift in Doppler effect

Redshift and blueshift

Image Courtesy MikeRun

Astronomical Calculation Example:

  • Emitted light frequency (f): 540 THz (yellow light)
  • Speed of light (v): approximately 3 x 108 m/s
  • Velocity of a galaxy moving away from Earth (vs): 1100 km/s

First, convert vs to m/s:

vs = 1100 x 103 m/s

Applying the Doppler Effect equation:

f' = (3 x 108)/(3 x 108 + 1.1 x 106) * 540 x 1012

f' ≈ 539.994 x 1012 Hz

The slight decrease in frequency indicates a redshift, suggesting the galaxy is moving away.

Problem-Solving Strategies

Steps for Doppler Effect Calculations

1. Identify Known and Unknown Variables: Recognize what you are given in the problem and what you need to find.

2. Use the Doppler Effect Equation: Substitute the known values into the formula.

3. Solve for the Desired Variable: Calculate the required frequency or velocity.

4. Analyze the Results: Understand what the results imply about the motion of the sound source or observer.

Tips for Successful Problem-Solving

  • Consistency in Units: Always check that all units are consistent, usually in meters per second for velocities.
  • Signs and Directions: Be mindful of the direction of motion of the source and observer relative to each other.
  • Real-world Correlations: Relating problems to actual scenarios can aid in understanding and retention.

Real-Life Implications of the Doppler Effect

The Doppler Effect is not just a theoretical concept found in textbooks. It has practical applications in everyday life and various scientific fields. From the changing pitch of a passing vehicle's horn to the analysis of star movements in the cosmos, the Doppler Effect is a tangible and significant phenomenon.


In the Doppler Effect, the observer's motion significantly affects the perceived frequency of a sound or light wave. If the observer moves towards a stationary source, they encounter the waves more frequently, leading to an increase in the observed frequency. Conversely, moving away from the source results in a decrease in frequency. This change in frequency is proportional to the relative speed between the observer and the source. The effect is symmetric in the sense that the same change in frequency would be observed if the source moved towards or away from a stationary observer at the same relative speed. This principle underlies many applications of the Doppler Effect, from radar speed checks to astronomical observations.

Yes, the Doppler Effect can be observed with electromagnetic waves, including light, although there are some differences compared to sound waves. In the case of light, the Doppler Effect manifests as a change in the observed colour or wavelength of light from moving sources. This is particularly noticeable in astronomy, where stars moving away from us exhibit a redshift (light is shifted towards the red end of the spectrum) and those moving towards us show a blueshift. The primary difference from sound waves is that light doesn't require a medium to travel, so its Doppler Effect is not influenced by medium properties but purely by the relative velocity of the source and observer. Moreover, the speeds involved with celestial objects can be a significant fraction of the speed of light, leading to relativistic Doppler Effect considerations, which are not encountered with sound.

While the Doppler Effect equation provides a fundamental understanding of how relative motion affects wave frequency, there are limitations and potential inaccuracies in its real-world application. One limitation is that the standard Doppler Effect equation assumes constant velocities and a straight-line motion between the source and the observer. In reality, motions can be more complex, involving acceleration or non-linear paths, which the basic equation does not account for. Additionally, environmental factors like wind speed, temperature variations, and medium inhomogeneities can affect the propagation of waves, leading to deviations from the predicted values. In the case of electromagnetic waves, extremely high velocities close to the speed of light necessitate relativistic corrections to the Doppler Effect, which are not covered by the classical equation.

In medical ultrasound imaging, the Doppler Effect has a crucial role, particularly in Doppler ultrasound, a technique used to measure the flow of blood and other moving tissues within the body. When ultrasound waves, emitted by a transducer, encounter a moving object like blood cells, the frequency of the reflected waves changes in accordance with the Doppler Effect. By analysing these frequency changes, medical professionals can gain insights into the speed and direction of blood flow. This technique is invaluable in diagnosing various conditions, such as blood clots, heart valve defects, and blocked arteries. The Doppler Effect in ultrasound thus provides a non-invasive method to observe and assess internal bodily functions, aiding significantly in medical diagnostics and treatment planning.

The medium through which sound travels significantly influences the Doppler Effect, primarily through its effect on the speed of sound. Different media have varying densities and elastic properties, which determine the speed of sound within them. For instance, sound travels faster in solids than in liquids, and faster in liquids than in gases. This variation in speed alters the wavelength and frequency of sound waves when a source is moving relative to an observer. A denser medium, where sound travels faster, will result in a more pronounced Doppler Effect for the same relative velocity between the source and observer compared to a less dense medium. This is because the difference in wavelengths, due to compression or rarefaction caused by motion, is more significant in media where sound travels faster.

Practice Questions

A train is moving towards a stationary observer with a speed of 60 m/s. The train whistle blows at a frequency of 500 Hz. If the speed of sound in air is 340 m/s, what is the frequency of the whistle as heard by the observer?

The problem involves applying the Doppler Effect equation. The frequency heard by the observer (f') can be calculated using f' = (v + vo)/(v + vs) * f. Here, v is the speed of sound (340 m/s), vo is the observer's velocity (0 m/s, as the observer is stationary), vs is the train's speed (60 m/s), and f is the original frequency (500 Hz). Substituting these values, we get f' = (340 + 0)/(340 - 60) * 500 = 340/280 * 500 = 1.21 * 500 = 605 Hz. Therefore, the frequency heard by the observer is 605 Hz.

An ambulance is moving away from an observer at a speed of 30 m/s. The siren of the ambulance emits a sound at a frequency of 600 Hz. Calculate the frequency of the sound as heard by the observer, given the speed of sound is 343 m/s.

In this scenario, the ambulance is moving away from the observer, so we use the Doppler Effect equation with appropriate values. The equation is f' = (v + vo)/(v + vs) * f. For this problem, v is 343 m/s (speed of sound), vo is 0 m/s (since the observer is stationary), vs is 30 m/s (ambulance's speed), and f is 600 Hz (siren's frequency). Plugging in these values, we get f' = (343 + 0)/(343 + 30) * 600 = 343/373 * 600 ≈ 0.92 * 600 ≈ 552 Hz. Thus, the frequency heard by the observer is approximately 552 Hz.

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