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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

7.2.2 Graphical Wave Analysis

Understanding Graphical Representations of Waves

Transverse Waves

  • Transverse waves are characterised by the motion of particles perpendicular to the wave's direction of travel.
  • In graphs, these waves display alternating crests and troughs.
    • Crests signify the highest point, where particles experience the maximum positive displacement.
    • Troughs represent the lowest point, indicating the maximum negative displacement.
  • The amplitude of a wave, indicating its energy, is the vertical distance from the rest position to a crest or a trough.
  • Wavelength, denoted as λ, is the horizontal distance between successive crests or troughs, crucial in determining wave properties.
  • The frequency (f), representing the number of waves passing a point per unit time, is inversely proportional to the wavelength.

Longitudinal Waves

  • Longitudinal waves involve particle motion parallel to the wave's direction.
  • They consist of compressions and rarefactions:
    • Compressions are regions of high particle density.
    • Rarefactions are areas of low particle density.
  • The amplitude in longitudinal waves correlates with the density difference in compressions and rarefactions.
  • The wavelength is the distance from one compression to the next.
  • Frequency in longitudinal waves follows the same principles as in transverse waves.
Diagram showing particle movement in Longitudinal wave and transverse wave

Particle movement in Longitudinal wave and transverse wave

Image Courtesy Labster.com

Techniques for Analysing Wave Graphs

Wave Speed Calculation

  • Wave speed (v) is a critical property, calculated using v = f × λ.
  • Accurate calculation of wave speed requires precise measurements of frequency and wavelength from the graph.
Diagram explaining wave speed

Wave speed

Image Courtesy Labster.com

Frequency and Period Determination

  • Frequency is calculated by counting the number of complete waves passing a point in a unit of time.
  • The period (T), the duration of one complete wave cycle, is calculated as T = 1/f.
  • Graphs allow for visual determination of these values, aiding in deeper wave analysis.
Diagram showing the graphical representation of the period and frequency of a wave

Period and Frequency of a Wave

Image Courtesy Geeksforgeeks

Phase Difference and Wave Interference

  • Phase difference is essential in analysing wave interference and superposition.
  • It is visually represented as the horizontal distance between similar points (like crest to crest) on different waves.
  • Understanding phase differences helps in analysing phenomena like constructive and destructive interference.
Diagram explaining phase difference and its role in constructive and destructive interference

Phase difference and interference

Image Courtesy Dina Zhabinskaya

Case Studies in Scientific Research and Industry

Seismology: Earthquake Wave Analysis

  • Seismology heavily relies on understanding transverse (S-waves) and longitudinal waves (P-waves).
Diagram showing S-wave and P-wave

S-wave vs P-wave

Image Courtesy BYJU’s

  • Seismographs capture these waves, enabling scientists to interpret and locate the epicentre of earthquakes.
  • The distinct graphical representation of these waves aids in differentiating them and understanding the earth's internal structure.

Medical Imaging: Ultrasound Technology

  • Ultrasound uses high-frequency longitudinal waves to create images of internal body structures.
  • By analysing the time delay and intensity of the wave reflections, technicians can construct detailed internal images.
  • Graphical analysis is crucial in determining the boundaries and densities of different tissues.

Communications Technology: Radio and Sound Waves

  • Communication technologies depend on the graphical analysis of transverse electromagnetic waves and sound waves.
  • Graphical representations help in adjusting frequencies and wavelengths for optimal signal transmission and reception.

Industrial Non-destructive Testing (NDT)

  • NDT methods like ultrasonic testing utilise both transverse and longitudinal waves to inspect materials.
  • Engineers analyse the reflected wave patterns graphically to detect internal flaws or discontinuities without causing damage.

Oceanography: Tsunami Wave Analysis

  • In oceanography, particularly in tsunami monitoring, the analysis of wave patterns is vital.
  • Graphical data from buoys and satellite measurements help in predicting tsunami formation and propagation.

Astronomy: Radio Wave Analysis

  • Astronomers analyse radio waves emitted by celestial bodies to gather information about the universe.
  • Graphical analysis of these waves provides insights into the composition, temperature, and movement of distant stars and galaxies.

Everyday Applications of Graphical Wave Analysis

  • Graphical wave analysis extends beyond laboratories to everyday technologies like WiFi, smartphones, and television broadcasting.
  • Analysing transverse electromagnetic waves is crucial for maintaining efficient communication networks.


Wave polarization is a feature of transverse waves and is represented graphically by the direction of the wave's oscillation. In a polarized wave, the oscillation occurs in a single plane, which can be depicted on a graph as consistent displacements along a specific axis. For example, in an electromagnetic wave, polarization could be represented by the electric field oscillating only in the vertical or horizontal direction. This concept does not apply to longitudinal waves, as their oscillations occur in the direction of wave propagation. Polarization is a key concept in many areas of physics, including optics, where it is crucial in understanding light behaviour, and in telecommunications, where it helps in the design of antennas and the analysis of signal transmission.

Damping effects in a wave are depicted graphically as a gradual decrease in the amplitude of the wave over time or distance. In a displacement-time graph, a damped wave will show peaks (crests) and valleys (troughs) that progressively become less pronounced. This reduction in amplitude is due to the energy of the wave being lost to the surrounding environment, commonly as heat. Damping is an important concept in real-world applications, as most waves will experience some form of damping. It is especially significant in mechanical systems where excessive vibrations can be harmful, and in acoustics, where damping affects the quality and duration of sound.

Harmonics in wave analysis refer to the integer multiples of a fundamental frequency of a wave. Graphically, harmonics are represented as waveforms with frequencies that are two times, three times, or higher multiples of the fundamental frequency. The first harmonic is the fundamental frequency, the second harmonic is twice the fundamental frequency, and so on. In a graph, these harmonics can be identified by their shorter wavelengths and increased frequencies as compared to the fundamental. Understanding harmonics is crucial in musical acoustics for the analysis of musical notes, in electrical engineering for analysing alternating current circuits, and in various other fields where wave behaviour is essential. Harmonics add complexity to a wave and can influence the overall shape and behaviour of the waveform observed in the graphical analysis.

The area under a wave graph does not have a direct physical significance in the same way it does in other types of graphs, like those representing motion in mechanics. In wave graphs, the key information is conveyed through the amplitude, wavelength, frequency, and phase of the wave, rather than the area under the curve. For instance, in a displacement-time graph for a wave, the area under the curve does not represent a physical quantity like energy or work, which is often the case in other areas of physics. Wave graphs are primarily used to understand and analyze wave properties such as speed, amplitude, wavelength, and frequency, rather than quantities that might be represented by the area under the graph.

The energy of a wave is directly related to its amplitude, which is clearly represented in its graphical depiction. In the graph of a wave, the amplitude is the maximum displacement of the wave from its rest position (either above or below). A higher amplitude indicates a wave carrying more energy. This is because the energy of a wave is proportional to the square of its amplitude. Therefore, a wave with twice the amplitude of another will have four times the energy. This relationship is crucial in applications such as sound waves, where louder sounds have larger amplitudes and thus more energy, and in electromagnetic waves, where the intensity of light is related to the amplitude of the wave.

Practice Questions

A longitudinal wave and a transverse wave are represented on a graph. The longitudinal wave has a wavelength of 0.5 meters and a frequency of 20 Hz. The transverse wave has a wavelength of 0.4 meters and a frequency of 25 Hz. Calculate the speed of each wave and explain which wave would be faster, providing reasons based on your calculations.

The speed of a wave is calculated using the formula: speed = frequency x wavelength. For the longitudinal wave, the speed is 20 Hz×0.5 m=10 m/s. For the transverse wave, the speed is 25 Hz×0.4 m=10. Surprisingly, both waves travel at the same speed of 10 m/s. This result demonstrates that wave speed is independent of the wave type (longitudinal or transverse) and solely depends on the wave's frequency and wavelength.

On a wave graph, two points are shown on a transverse wave: Point A is at the top of a crest, and Point B is at the subsequent trough. Describe the phase difference between these two points and explain its significance in wave analysis.

The phase difference between Point A (crest) and Point B (trough) is half a wavelength, or 180 degrees. In wave analysis, this phase difference is significant because it represents a point of complete destructive interference if these points were to overlap with another wave. For example, if two identical waves were superimposed such that Point A of one wave aligns with Point B of another, they would cancel each other out at these points. Understanding phase differences is crucial for analysing phenomena like interference patterns, which are fundamental in various physics applications like noise cancellation and wave-based imaging techniques.

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