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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

6.2.1 Elasticity and Plasticity

Introduction to Elastic and Plastic Deformation

Materials respond to forces in various ways, with elastic and plastic deformations being fundamental concepts in the study of material mechanics.

Elastic Deformation

  • Definition and Characteristics:
    • Elastic deformation is the temporary alteration in the shape or size of a material when an external force is applied.
    • The defining trait of elastic deformation is the material's ability to revert to its original shape after the force is removed.
    • Elastic behaviour is primarily observed in materials such as springs, rubber bands, and certain metals within their elastic limits.
  • Mechanical Explanation:
    • In elastic deformation, intermolecular forces are stretched but not permanently displaced. The atomic structure of the material allows it to withstand changes without altering its fundamental arrangement.
    • Upon the removal of the force, these forces bring the particles back to their original positions, hence restoring the material's shape.
  • Importance of Elastic Limit:
    • The elastic limit denotes the maximum extent to which a material can be stretched or compressed without undergoing permanent deformation.
    • Understanding and identifying the elastic limit is crucial in various applications, such as engineering and manufacturing, where the resilience of materials under stress is vital.
Graphical representation of stress-strain for a metal under a load showing elastic and plastic deformation

Stress-strain plot for a metal under a load

Image Courtesy OpenStax

Plastic Deformation

  • Definition and Characteristics:
    • Plastic deformation refers to a permanent change in the shape or size of a material when subjected to a force beyond its elastic limit.
    • This type of deformation is characterised by the inability of the material to return to its original shape after the force is removed.
    • Examples include the bending of metal beams or the permanent stretching of plastics.
  • Mechanical Explanation:
    • During plastic deformation, the intermolecular forces and atomic bonds are altered to a point where they cannot revert to their original state.
    • This permanent displacement of particles within the material results in a lasting change in shape or size.
  • Real-World Implications:
    • The concept of plastic deformation is crucial in fields like metalwork and manufacturing, where materials are intentionally deformed to desired shapes.
    • Understanding the properties that govern plastic deformation helps in selecting appropriate materials for specific purposes, ensuring durability and functionality.

The Elastic Limit and Differentiation

Distinguishing between elastic and plastic behaviour is essential, with the elastic limit playing a key role in this differentiation.

  • Elastic Limit Definition:
    • The elastic limit is the threshold beyond which a material ceases to behave elastically and undergoes plastic deformation.
    • It is a critical point on the stress-strain curve of a material, marking the transition from reversible to irreversible deformation.
  • Significance in Differentiation:
    • Below Elastic Limit: Deformation within this limit is characterised by a linear relationship between stress (force per unit area) and strain (deformation per unit length), adhering to Hooke's Law.
    • Beyond Elastic Limit: Beyond this point, the material does not obey Hooke's Law, and the deformation becomes non-linear and irreversible.
Diagram explaining types of deformations of a spring depending on the amount of force applied

Extent of Deformation

Image Courtesy Labster.com

Practical Examples and Applications

  • Springs and Rubber Bands:
    • These common items, when stretched or compressed within their elastic limits, showcase elastic behaviour by returning to their original shapes. This property is fundamental in the design of mechanical systems where energy storage and release are essential.
  • Metal Bending in Construction and Manufacturing:
    • Metals are often subjected to plastic deformation in construction and manufacturing processes. This permanent reshaping is vital in creating structures and components with desired shapes and strengths.

Stress-Strain Relationships in Elastic and Plastic Deformation

The relationship between stress and strain offers a deeper insight into the elastic and plastic behaviours of materials.

Stress and Strain in Elastic Deformation

  • Stress: It is defined as the force applied per unit area of the material, measured in Pascals (Pa).
  • Strain: Strain is the measure of deformation, representing the ratio of change in dimension to the original dimension.
  • Proportionality within Elastic Limit: Within the elastic limit, the stress and strain are directly proportional, as described by Hooke's Law. This proportionality is represented by a linear portion on the stress-strain curve.
Diagram showing proportionality of stress-strain graph in elastic limit

Stress and Strain in Elastic Deformation

Image Courtesy BYJU’s

Beyond the Elastic Limit

  • Yielding Point and Plastic Region:
    • The point at which the material begins to deform plastically is known as the yielding point.
    • Beyond this point, the stress-strain curve deviates from linearity, entering the plastic region where permanent deformation occurs.
  • Permanent Deformation:
    • In this region, even after the removal of the applied force, the material does not return to its original shape, indicating plastic deformation.

Understanding Hooke's Law and Its Limitations

Hooke's Law is fundamental in understanding elastic deformation but has limitations.

  • Hooke's Law Explained:
    • Hooke's Law states that within the elastic limit of a material, the strain in the material is proportional to the applied stress. This is expressed as F=kx, where F is the force, k is the spring constant, and x is the extension or compression.
  • Limitations:
    • Hooke's Law is only applicable up to the elastic limit of a material. Beyond this point, the law does not accurately describe the behaviour of the material.
    • It also does not apply to materials that do not exhibit linear elastic behaviour even within their elastic limits.


Under typical conditions, a material undergoes elastic deformation before plastic deformation. This is because, at lower levels of applied force, the material's atomic structure allows for temporary displacement of atoms, which is the essence of elastic deformation. As the force increases and surpasses the elastic limit, the atomic displacement becomes permanent, leading to plastic deformation. However, in some extreme scenarios, like a high-velocity impact or under very high strain rates, a material might directly undergo plastic deformation without a noticeable elastic phase. This situation is often observed in high-speed collisions or explosive events, where the force applied is so rapid and intense that the material immediately undergoes permanent deformation.

Reversing plastic deformation in a material is generally challenging and often impossible for most materials under normal conditions. Plastic deformation involves permanent changes in the atomic structure, making it difficult to restore the original configuration. However, certain processes can partially reverse plastic deformation. For metals, techniques like annealing, which involves heating the material to a high temperature and then slowly cooling it, can realign the atomic structure to some extent, reducing internal stresses and strains caused by plastic deformation. This process doesn't entirely revert the material to its original state but can restore some of its properties. For polymers, certain thermoplastics can be reheated and reshaped, although this also may not completely reverse the initial plastic deformation.

The prominence of the plastic region in the stress-strain curve of a material is primarily determined by its atomic structure and the nature of intermolecular forces. Materials with a more malleable atomic structure, like most metals, exhibit significant plastic deformation before failure. This is due to the ability of their atoms to slide over each other under stress without losing cohesion, resulting in a pronounced plastic region. Conversely, brittle materials like glass or ceramics have a less noticeable or almost non-existent plastic region. Their rigid atomic structures do not allow for extensive rearrangement of atoms under stress, leading to fracture before significant plastic deformation occurs. Additionally, factors like impurities, temperature, and strain rate can also influence the extent of the plastic region in a material's stress-strain curve.

In a force-extension graph, materials exhibiting elastic behaviour show a linear relationship between force and extension up to their elastic limit, illustrating Hooke’s Law. This portion of the graph is straight, indicating that the material deforms proportionally to the applied force. Once the elastic limit is reached, any further increase in force leads to non-linear deformation, marking the onset of plastic behaviour. Here, the graph curves, demonstrating that the material continues to extend without a proportional increase in force. After the yield point, the material undergoes permanent deformation, and even if the force is removed, the graph does not retrace its path back to the origin, indicating that the material does not return to its original length.

The elastic limit of a material is influenced by several factors, including the material's composition, temperature, and prior mechanical treatment. Compositionally, the type and arrangement of atoms or molecules within a material determine its ability to withstand deformation. For instance, metals with a high carbon content typically have a higher elastic limit due to the increased bond strength between atoms. Temperature also plays a crucial role; higher temperatures generally decrease the elastic limit as thermal energy causes atoms to vibrate more, weakening the intermolecular forces. Additionally, mechanical treatments like hardening or annealing can alter the elastic limit. Hardening processes, like quenching, increase the elastic limit by creating a more rigid atomic structure, whereas annealing, involving heating and controlled cooling, can reduce the elastic limit by allowing atoms more freedom to move.

Practice Questions

A metal rod is subjected to a tensile force. Initially, the rod stretches elastically, but beyond a certain point, it starts to deform plastically. Explain, with reference to atomic structure and intermolecular forces, why the rod exhibits both elastic and plastic behaviour.

Initially, when the metal rod is stretched, the intermolecular forces between atoms increase, causing the atoms to move slightly apart. This phase is the elastic deformation, where the atomic structure is not permanently altered, and the rod can return to its original length once the force is removed. The elastic limit is the maximum force the rod can withstand without permanent deformation. Beyond this limit, the applied force is sufficient to permanently displace atoms from their equilibrium positions, leading to plastic deformation. Here, new positions are formed between atoms, and the rod cannot revert to its original shape, illustrating plastic behaviour.

Describe the difference between elastic and plastic deformation. Give two real-world examples where each type of deformation is desirable and explain why.

Elastic deformation is a temporary change in shape or size of a material under force, which is reversible upon the removal of that force. For instance, in a spring used in a mechanical watch, elastic deformation allows the spring to store and release energy effectively. In contrast, plastic deformation is a permanent change in shape or size when the force exceeds a material's elastic limit. This is desirable in metal forming processes like bending steel beams for construction, where the permanent reshaping of the metal is crucial for creating stable structures. The key difference lies in the reversibility of the deformation.

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