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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

6.1.6 Young Modulus Experiment

Introduction to Young Modulus

The Young modulus, symbolised as 'E', is a measure of the stiffness of a material, defined as the ratio of stress to strain in a body. It's essential to understand how materials deform under various forces. In this experiment, the Young modulus of a metal wire is determined, providing insights into the material's behaviour under tensile stress.

Experimental Setup and Methodology

Apparatus Required

  • A metal wire of known diameter, preferably made of a commonly used material like copper or steel for easy comparison.
  • A micrometre screw gauge for precise measurement of the wire's diameter.
  • A ruler or measuring tape for initial length measurements.
  • A set of calibrated weights and a hanger to apply tension to the wire.
  • A pulley system to ensure smooth application of force.
  • Vernier callipers for accurate measurement of wire extensions.
Diagram explaining the apparatus and setup for the Young Modulus Experiment

Young Modulus Experiment

Image Courtesy Cyberphysics

Setting Up the Experiment

1. Preparing the Wire: Inspect the wire for any imperfections or irregularities. Measure the diameter at multiple points using the micrometre screw gauge to ensure uniformity and calculate the average diameter for accuracy.

2. Mounting the Wire: Securely fix one end of the wire to a stable support. Ensure the wire runs horizontally over a pulley, connecting to a weight hanger on the other end.

3. Initial Measurements: Measure the wire's initial length (l₀) before any weights are added. This length should be recorded with high precision as it impacts the strain calculations.

Adding Weights and Measuring Extension

1. Incremental Loading: Add weights to the hanger in small, known increments. This gradual increase helps in observing the linear elastic behaviour of the wire.

2. Measuring Extension: After each weight is added, measure the extension (Δl) of the wire using the Vernier callipers. Record these values alongside the corresponding weight for later analysis.

Analysis of Data

Calculating Young Modulus

1. Stress Calculation: Calculate the stress (σ) in the wire. This is the force applied (weight added plus the weight of the hanger) divided by the cross-sectional area (A) of the wire. The formula σ = F/A is used, where F is the force in Newtons and A is the cross-sectional area in square meters.

2. Strain Calculation: Strain (ε) is the ratio of extension to the original length. Calculate it using ε = Δl/l₀, where Δl is the change in length and l₀ is the original length of the wire.

3. Young Modulus (E): The Young modulus is the ratio of stress to strain, given by E = σ/ε. Plotting a stress vs. strain graph should yield a straight line in the elastic region, from whose slope the Young modulus can be determined.

Importance of Precision in Measurements

  • Accurate Measurements: Slight deviations in measuring the length, diameter, or weight can lead to significant errors in the final calculation. Hence, precision is paramount.
  • Instrument Proficiency: Mastery in using measuring instruments like the Vernier callipers and micrometre screw gauge is essential to avoid common measurement errors.

Reflection on Sources of Error

Identifying Potential Errors

  • Instrumental Errors: These include errors inherent in the measuring devices, like a zero error in the callipers or an improperly calibrated weight set.
  • Human Error: The most common errors include incorrect readings, especially in measuring small extensions of the wire.
  • Environmental Factors: Temperature and humidity can impact the properties of the wire. Sudden temperature changes can cause expansion or contraction, affecting the results.

Minimising Errors

1. Regular Calibration of Instruments: Ensure all measuring devices are calibrated accurately. This includes checking the zero error on the Vernier callipers and the accuracy of the weight set.

2. Repetitive Measurements: Conduct the experiment multiple times under the same conditions. This repetition helps in identifying any random errors and in obtaining an average value for more accurate results.

3. Environmental Control: If possible, conduct the experiment in a controlled environment where temperature and humidity are constant. This reduces the likelihood of environmental factors skewing the results.

4. Observational Accuracy: Train to read measurements accurately. This involves ensuring that readings are taken at eye level to avoid parallax errors and double-checking each measurement.

5. Elastic Limit Consideration: Ensure that the wire remains within its elastic limit throughout the experiment. Exceeding this limit can lead to permanent deformation, rendering the experiment invalid.

6. Thorough Data Analysis: Meticulously analyse the collected data. Consider graphing methods to better visualise the stress-strain relationship and identify any anomalies.


This experiment is a comprehensive exercise in understanding the material properties, specifically the Young modulus. It not only involves practical skills in conducting experiments and measuring but also demands an understanding of the underlying physics principles. By meticulously following the described procedure and maintaining high precision in measurements, students can gain valuable insights into the behaviour of materials under stress, a fundamental aspect of physics and engineering.


No, the Young modulus (E) cannot be greater than or equal to the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of a material. The Young modulus represents a material's ability to withstand deformation under tension within its elastic limit. It measures the material's stiffness in the linear elastic region of its stress-strain curve. In contrast, the UTS is the maximum stress a material can endure before it fractures or experiences irreversible deformation. The UTS typically occurs well beyond the elastic limit of a material, in the plastic or yield region of the stress-strain curve. Therefore, E is always less than UTS, and it is not possible for E to be greater than or equal to UTS for any material.

Yes, the Young modulus experiment can be conducted with materials other than metal wires. While the notes primarily focus on metal wires, the concept of Young modulus applies to various materials, including polymers and ceramics. The experimental setup and methodology remain largely the same, involving the measurement of extension and stress while varying the applied force. However, it's essential to consider the material's properties, including its elasticity and linear behaviour, to ensure the validity of the experiment. Different materials may exhibit different Young moduli, providing valuable insights into their stiffness and mechanical properties.

Temperature can impact the Young modulus experiment in several ways. Firstly, changes in temperature can cause thermal expansion or contraction of the material being tested, affecting its length and diameter. These changes can lead to errors in the measurements, especially in materials with high thermal expansion coefficients. Secondly, temperature variations can alter the material's mechanical properties, such as its elasticity and stiffness. This can result in variations in the Young modulus values obtained at different temperatures. To minimise the impact of temperature, it is advisable to conduct the experiment in a controlled environment with a constant temperature. Additionally, any temperature-related changes in the material's dimensions should be considered and corrected for in the analysis of the data.

Measuring the diameter of the wire is crucial because it directly affects the calculation of the cross-sectional area (A) of the wire, which is essential for determining stress (σ) accurately. Stress is defined as the force (F) applied per unit cross-sectional area (A). If the diameter is not accurately measured, it can lead to significant errors in the stress calculations. Additionally, knowing the wire's diameter allows for the calculation of its cross-sectional area, which is necessary to determine the Young modulus (E). Therefore, precise measurement of the wire's diameter is fundamental to obtaining reliable results in the Young modulus experiment.

The elastic limit, also known as the proportional limit, is the maximum stress a material can withstand while still remaining elastic, meaning it returns to its original shape when the applied force is removed. In the Young modulus experiment, it is crucial to stay within the elastic limit of the material being tested. Going beyond this limit can result in permanent deformation, making the material non-elastic, and yielding inaccurate results. The Young modulus is a property that specifically applies to the linear elastic region of a material's stress-strain curve. Therefore, exceeding the elastic limit would introduce non-linearity and invalidate the Young modulus calculation. Hence, adhering to the elastic limit is essential to obtain meaningful and accurate data.

Practice Questions

Explain the experimental setup and methodology for determining the Young modulus of a metal wire. Include details about the apparatus, initial measurements, and the process of adding weights and measuring extensions.

To determine the Young modulus of a metal wire, we set up an experiment with meticulous precision. Firstly, we secured one end of the wire to a stable support, ensuring it was free of kinks or bends. Using a micrometre screw gauge, we measured the wire's diameter at multiple points to ensure uniformity. Initial measurements of the wire's length were taken, and this length (l₀) was recorded with precision. Then, we added weights to a hanger in small increments, measuring the extension (Δl) of the wire with Vernier callipers after each weight addition. This incremental loading allowed us to observe the wire's linear elastic behaviour. It's crucial to note that we ensured the wire remained within its elastic limit throughout the experiment. By calculating stress and strain and plotting a graph of stress against strain, we determined the Young modulus (E) of the wire. This experiment demands accuracy and attention to detail in every step.

Discuss the importance of precision in measurements and the potential sources of error in the Young modulus experiment. How can these errors be minimised to obtain reliable results?

Precision in measurements is paramount in the Young modulus experiment to ensure accurate and reliable results. Potential sources of error include instrumental errors, human errors, and environmental factors. Instrumental errors may arise from inaccuracies in measuring devices, such as zero errors in Vernier callipers. Human errors, such as misreading measurements, can also introduce inaccuracies. Environmental factors like temperature fluctuations can impact the wire's properties. To minimise errors, instruments should be regularly calibrated, measurements should be repeated to identify and mitigate random errors, environmental conditions should be controlled, readings should be taken at eye level to avoid parallax errors, and the wire should remain within its elastic limit. Thorough data analysis is essential to identify anomalies.

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