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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

6.2.2 Work Done in Deformation

Introduction to Work Done in Deformation

Work, in the realm of physics, is a measure of energy transfer that occurs when a force causes a displacement. When it comes to the deformation of materials, understanding the work done is essential. This work translates into the energy required to alter a material's shape or size, manifesting as either stretching or compression.

Force-Extension Graphs: A Fundamental Tool

To analyse the work done during deformation, force-extension graphs are extensively used. These graphs plot the force applied to a material against its resulting extension (change in length).

Key Elements of Force-Extension Graphs

  • Linear Region: Initially, the graph often shows a linear relationship, indicating the material's compliance with Hooke's Law, where the force is directly proportional to the extension.
  • Elastic Limit: This is the critical point beyond which the material no longer returns to its initial shape, marking the transition from elastic to plastic behaviour.
  • Plastic Region: Beyond the elastic limit, the material undergoes permanent, or plastic, deformation.
Diagram showing a graphical representation of Elastic region and plastic region in Force and Extension Graph

Elastic region and plastic region in Force (F) and Extension (ΔL) Graph

Image Courtesy OpenStax

Calculating Work Done Using the Graph

The area under the force-extension graph is a quantitative representation of the work done on the material. Work done (W) is the product of the force (F) applied and the extension (x) it causes, i.e., W=F×x.

Methods of Determining the Area

  • Rectangular and Triangular Areas: For linear portions of the graph, simple geometric area calculations apply.
  • Trapezoidal Rule: This rule is employed for sections of the graph that exhibit both linear and non-linear behaviour.
  • Graphical Integration: In the case of complex, non-linear regions, integration methods are used to calculate the area under the curve accurately.
Diagram explaining calculating work done in deformation using the Graph

Calculating work done in deformation using the Graph

Image Courtesy OpenStax

Energy Transfer in Material Deformation

Energy transfer is an integral part of the deformation process. This energy, when work is done on a material, is stored as potential energy.

Distinguishing Elastic and Plastic Deformation

  • Elastic Deformation: In this phase, the energy is entirely recoverable, and the material returns to its original shape once the force is removed.
  • Plastic Deformation: Here, not all energy is recoverable; some is dissipated, leading to permanent material deformation.

Practical Implications and Applications

The principles of work done in deformation are not just theoretical concepts but have significant practical implications in various fields.

Engineering Applications

  • Designing Springs and Mechanical Components: Calculating the maximum energy that can be stored in a spring without causing permanent deformation is essential for safe and efficient design.
  • Structural Engineering and Safety: Determining the limits to which structural materials can be subjected without exceeding their elastic limits is vital for ensuring safety and integrity.

Material Science and Selection

  • Material Suitability: The force-extension characteristics of different materials are critical in deciding their appropriateness for specific tasks or conditions.

Detailed Case Studies and Examples

Providing real-world examples and case studies helps in comprehending the application of these concepts in practical scenarios.

Example Calculations and Comparisons

  • Work Done in Elastic Deformation: Calculating the work done on materials like rubber or steel under specific forces.
  • Analysing Material Suitability: Using force-extension graphs to compare materials like polymers and metals, assessing which is more suitable for a particular application based on their deformation characteristics.


Some materials exhibit a non-linear force-extension relationship even within the elastic region due to their unique molecular or crystalline structures. Unlike materials that follow Hooke's Law and show a linear relationship, these materials might have complex intermolecular bonds or arrangements that respond differently to applied forces. The non-linearity can be due to factors like internal friction, microstructural rearrangements, or phase transitions occurring at a microscopic level. These factors can cause the material to exhibit a non-proportional increase in extension with applied force, resulting in a curved graph even before the elastic limit is reached.

The hysteresis effect in force-extension graphs is observed when the path of the graph during loading (applying force) differs from the path during unloading (removing force). This phenomenon often occurs in materials that have internal friction or are subject to energy loss mechanisms. When such a material is loaded, it follows one path on the graph; however, upon unloading, the path does not retrace the loading path exactly, creating a looped area on the graph. This loop represents the energy lost in the material, often as heat, due to internal molecular friction and other dissipative processes. Hysteresis is especially notable in materials like rubber and certain polymers.

The yield point on a force-extension graph is a crucial characteristic in material science. It marks the transition from elastic to plastic deformation, indicating the exact point at which permanent deformation begins. Prior to the yield point, any deformation is elastic, meaning the material will return to its original shape once the force is removed. Beyond this point, the material undergoes plastic deformation, and the deformation is permanent. Identifying the yield point is vital in engineering and design, as it helps determine the maximum load a material can withstand without sustaining permanent damage. This information is critical in ensuring the safety and durability of structures and mechanical systems.

Yes, the force-extension graph can be used to determine a material's toughness, which is a measure of the energy a material can absorb before fracturing. Toughness is indicated by the total area under the force-extension curve up to the breaking point. A larger area signifies greater toughness, meaning the material can absorb more energy before failing. This includes both elastic and plastic deformation phases. Tough materials display extensive plastic deformation before breaking, leading to a large area under the graph. Understanding toughness is essential in applications where materials are subjected to impact or need to absorb energy without failing, such as in safety equipment or structural components.

Temperature can significantly impact the force-extension characteristics of a material. Generally, increasing the temperature makes materials more ductile. This means that at higher temperatures, a material might stretch more before reaching its elastic limit and may exhibit a more pronounced plastic region on the graph. Conversely, at lower temperatures, materials often become more brittle, reducing their ability to deform plastically. The graph would show a steeper initial slope and a shorter elastic region. However, the exact impact of temperature varies depending on the material's composition and structure, with some materials being more sensitive to temperature changes than others.

Practice Questions

A spring of negligible mass is stretched by 10 cm from its natural length by a force of 5 N. Using the force-extension graph, calculate the work done in stretching the spring.

The work done in stretching the spring can be calculated by finding the area under the force-extension graph. For a linearly elastic material like a spring, this graph is a straight line, and the area under it forms a triangle. The base of the triangle represents the extension (10 cm = 0.1 m) and the height represents the force (5 N). The area of a triangle is 1/2 base x height, so the work done is 1/2 x 0.1 m x 5 N = 0.25 J. Thus, 0.25 joules of work is done in stretching the spring.

Describe what the area under the force-extension graph represents and explain how this area changes as a material moves from the elastic region into the plastic region.

The area under the force-extension graph represents the work done on a material when it is deformed. In the elastic region, this area increases linearly as the material obeys Hooke's Law, meaning the force is proportional to the extension. When the material reaches its elastic limit and enters the plastic region, the graph curve becomes non-linear, indicating that more force is required for additional extension. The area under the graph continues to increase, but at a diminishing rate. This represents the increasing amount of energy absorbed by the material as it undergoes permanent deformation.

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