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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

4.1.3 Concept of a Couple

Understanding the Concept of a Couple

A couple is formed when two equal and opposite forces act simultaneously on an object at different points, creating rotation.

Defining a Couple

  • Two Forces: It consists of two parallel forces, equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.
  • Causing Rotation: These forces create a turning or rotational effect around the centre or axis of the object.
  • No Net Linear Force: Since the forces are equal and opposite, they cancel each other out, resulting in no net force for translation.
Diagram explaining the concept of a Couple

Concept of a Couple

Image Courtesy Keith Gibbs

Characteristics and Implications of a Couple

The unique nature of a couple sets it apart in force analysis.

Differences from Single Forces

  • Single Force: Typically causes linear or translational motion and depends on the point of application.
  • Couple: Leads to rotational motion without translation, and its effect is independent of the point of application.

Moment of a Couple

  • Definition: The moment of a couple is the product of one of the forces and the perpendicular distance (arm) between them.
  • Direction: The direction of the moment (clockwise or counterclockwise) depends on the orientation of the forces.
Diagram explaining Moment of a Couple

Moment of a Couple

Image Courtesy BYJU’s Exam Prep

Calculating the Moment of a Couple

Understanding how to calculate the moment is vital in practical applications.

Steps for Calculation

  1. Identify the Forces: Recognize the two forces constituting the couple.
  2. Measure the Arm: Determine the distance between the lines of action of the forces.
  3. Calculate the Moment: Multiply the force by the distance (arm) to get the moment of the couple.

Considerations in Calculation

  • Uniform Effect: The moment of a couple is constant and does not depend on the reference point.
  • Units: The moment of a couple is measured in Newton meters (Nm).

Applications of Couples in Various Fields

The concept of a couple is widely applicable in technology and daily life.

Mechanical Systems

  • Steering Mechanisms: In vehicles, turning the steering wheel applies a couple to the steering column.
  • Rotating Machinery: In machinery, couples are used to induce controlled rotational motions.

Everyday Tools

  • Screwdrivers and Wrenches: The application of force at opposite ends of the handle creates a couple, facilitating rotation.

Structural Engineering

  • Bridges and Buildings: Couples are considered in the design of structures to ensure stability and balance under rotational forces.

Practical Examples and Situations

Real-world examples help illustrate the concept of a couple.

Steering a Car

  • Application: When turning a steering wheel, the driver applies forces at opposite ends, creating a rotational effect without moving the wheel linearly.

Using a Spanner

  • Mechanism: A spanner applies a couple to a nut or bolt, where the force applied by the hand at one end and the resistance at the other end create the necessary rotation for tightening or loosening.

Architectural Design

  • Balancing Forces: In architectural designs, especially in rotating parts or structures under wind pressure, the concept of couples is used to balance forces and ensure stability.

Advanced Concepts and Challenges

Applying the concept of couples presents unique challenges and extends into advanced fields.

Complex Systems

  • Machinery and Robotics: In complex machinery and robotics, understanding couples is crucial for precise control of movements and forces.

Environmental Factors

  • Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics: In fields like aerodynamics, couples play a significant role in the stability and manoeuvrability of vehicles like aeroplanes and boats.


In architectural design, particularly in tall buildings, the concept of couples is applied to ensure stability and resistance to wind forces. Tall structures are often subjected to strong lateral forces, especially wind, which can create rotational moments (couples) at various points of the building. Architects and engineers design the structure to counter these moments, often by distributing mass or reinforcing certain areas to create opposing couples that balance the external forces. This approach helps in preventing excessive swaying or potential structural failure, ensuring the safety and longevity of the building.

Torque, in the context of a couple, is defined as the rotational equivalent of force. It is a measure of the tendency of a force to rotate an object around an axis, fulcrum, or pivot. In a couple, the torque is the product of one of the forces and the distance (arm) between the forces. Mathematically, torque (τ) is given by τ = F × d, where F is the magnitude of the force and d is the arm of the couple. Torque is measured in Newton-meters (Nm) and is a vector quantity, having both magnitude and direction, which is determined by the right-hand rule.

Yes, couples can exist in gravitational fields and play a significant role in orbital mechanics, particularly in the attitude control of satellites. When a satellite in orbit needs to change its orientation, control moments (couples) are generated using thrusters or reaction wheels. These devices create forces at different points on the satellite, forming a couple that rotates it without altering its centre of mass or trajectory. This is crucial for aligning satellites correctly for communication, observation, or data collection purposes. Understanding and controlling these gravitational couples is a fundamental aspect of aerospace engineering and satellite technology.

In rigid bodies, a couple causes pure rotational motion without any deformation of the body. The rigid structure ensures that the forces in the couple do not cause bending or twisting, but only rotation around a fixed axis. In contrast, when a couple acts on a flexible body, it can cause bending or twisting along with rotation. This is because flexible bodies are not rigidly constrained and can deform under applied forces. The concept of couples in flexible bodies is essential in materials science and engineering, where understanding how materials react to forces is crucial for designing safe and efficient structures.

In human biomechanics, couples play a significant role in facilitating various movements, such as walking or throwing. When walking, couples are generated in the legs, with muscles exerting forces at different points to create rotational motion in the joints. This allows for the smooth and coordinated movement necessary for walking. Similarly, in throwing, a couple is created by the arm muscles, producing a rotational motion at the shoulder and elbow joints, which translates into the linear motion of the throw. Understanding these biomechanical couples is crucial in fields like sports science and physical therapy, where optimising human movement for performance and injury prevention is key.

Practice Questions

Describe how a couple works in a pair of scissors and calculate the moment of the couple if the forces applied on the handles are 15 N each, and the handles are 10 cm apart.

In a pair of scissors, the blades rotate around a pivot when forces are applied to the handles. A couple is formed by these forces, as they are equal, opposite, and act at different points (the handles). The distance between the lines of action of these forces, or the arm of the couple, is the length between the handles. Given that the forces are 15 N each and the distance between them is 10 cm (or 0.1 m), the moment of the couple can be calculated as: Moment = Force × Distance = 15 N × 0.1 m = 1.5 Nm. This moment causes the scissors to rotate, cutting material placed between the blades.

Explain how the concept of a couple is utilised in turning a steering wheel of a car. How does the size of the steering wheel affect the moment of the couple?

When turning a car's steering wheel, the driver applies a couple. Forces are exerted in opposite directions at the rim of the steering wheel. This creates a rotational effect that is transmitted to the steering mechanism, allowing the car to turn. The size of the steering wheel affects the moment of the couple because the moment is the product of one of the forces and the distance between them (the wheel's diameter). A larger steering wheel increases this distance, leading to a larger moment for the same amount of force, making it easier to turn the wheel and hence steer the car.

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