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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

4.1.1 Centre of Gravity

Defining the Centre of Gravity

The centre of gravity is a point where the gravitational force can be considered to act on an object, effectively representing the average location of the weight distribution.

Diagram showing the Centre of Gravity for different objects

Centre of Gravity

Image Courtesy BYJU’s

Significance of the Centre of Gravity

  • Stability Determinant: The CG's position relative to the base of support affects an object's stability. Lower CGs typically imply greater stability.
  • Rotation and Equilibrium: The CG plays a key role in how objects rotate and maintain equilibrium.

Methods to Determine the Centre of Gravity

Finding the CG is essential in many practical situations, and there are various methods to do so.

Experimental Methods

  • Plumb Line and Suspension Method: By suspending an object from different points and drawing vertical lines (using a plumb line), the intersection of these lines indicates the CG.
  • Balancing Method: An object can be balanced on a narrow edge or a point. The CG will be vertically above this balancing point.

Mathematical Methods

  • Geometric Approach: For uniform, symmetric objects, the CG often coincides with the geometric centre.
Diagram explaining the geometric centre of a triangle as the Center of Gravity

Determining Centre of Gravity

Image Courtesy BYJU’s

  • Composite Objects: For irregular objects, the CG can be found by breaking the object down into simpler shapes, calculating the CG of each, and then finding a weighted average based on their masses.

Computational Methods

  • Use of Software Tools: Advanced computational tools can be used to determine the CG in complex structures, like aircraft or large machinery.

Importance of the Centre of Gravity in Various Fields

The concept of CG finds its application in numerous areas, demonstrating its versatility.

In Engineering and Design

  • Vehicle Stability: In automotive design, a lower CG ensures better stability and handling, reducing the risk of rollovers.
  • Aircraft Design: The CG in aircraft affects aerodynamics, stability, and control. It must be carefully calculated and monitored.

In Architecture

  • Building Stability: For skyscrapers and bridges, understanding the CG is crucial for structural integrity, especially in earthquake-prone areas.

In Sports and Human Movement

  • Athletic Performance: Athletes and dancers manage their CG to achieve balance and control during movement and stunts.
  • Safety in Sports Equipment: The design of sports equipment like bicycles or skateboards considers the CG for optimal performance and safety.

Real-Life Examples Illustrating CG's Effect on Stability

Everyday examples help in understanding the practical implications of the centre of gravity.


  • Buses and Trucks: The high CG in buses and trucks affects their manoeuvrability and stability, particularly when turning sharply or during strong winds.
  • Boats and Ships: The stability of boats and ships in water is directly related to their CG. Lower CGs help in maintaining stability in rough seas.

Daily Objects

  • Furniture Design: The design of chairs, tables, and shelves takes into account their CG to prevent tipping over.
  • Handheld Devices: The CG in devices like mobile phones or tablets influences their ease of handling and user ergonomics.

Misconceptions and Clarifications

Dispelling common misconceptions about the centre of gravity is essential for a clear understanding.

Common Misconceptions

  • CG and Symmetry: It is often mistakenly believed that the CG always lies at the physical centre of an object. This is not true for irregularly shaped or unevenly distributed mass objects.
  • CG in Space: Another misconception is that objects in space (zero gravity) do not have a CG. Objects in space still have a CG, although the concept of weightlessness alters how it is perceived.


  • CG in Irregular Objects: In irregularly shaped objects, the CG depends on the distribution of mass and might not correspond to any material point within the object.
  • CG and Weightlessness: In a weightless environment, the CG still exists as the point where the object's mass is balanced in all directions, although the object doesn't exert force due to gravity.


In architectural design, particularly for tall structures like skyscrapers, the centre of gravity is a crucial factor for ensuring stability and safety. Architects and engineers must calculate the centre of gravity to design a building that can withstand various forces, such as wind, earthquakes, and gravitational pull. A lower centre of gravity can make a skyscraper more stable and less prone to toppling in strong winds or seismic activity. This often involves designing a wider base and using materials with suitable mass distribution. Additionally, modern skyscrapers may incorporate mechanisms like tuned mass dampers, which counteract movements caused by external forces, effectively lowering the building's centre of gravity when needed.

In the transportation of goods, particularly using trucks or ships, the centre of gravity is a critical factor for safety and stability. For trucks, a low and centrally located centre of gravity ensures stability, especially when navigating turns or uneven terrain. It prevents the truck from tipping over by maintaining the weight distribution within the wheelbase. In ships, the centre of gravity affects buoyancy and stability in water. A lower centre of gravity in a loaded ship provides better resistance to capsizing and helps maintain equilibrium in rough seas. Thus, properly distributing and securing the cargo to optimise the centre of gravity is essential in transportation.

Yes, the centre of gravity of an object can be located outside its physical body, especially in objects with non-uniform shapes or mass distributions. A classic example is a doughnut-shaped object, where the centre of gravity is at the centre of the hole, a point that is not part of the object's physical material. This occurs because the centre of gravity is the average position of all the mass in the object, and for a doughnut, this average point happens to be in the centre of the empty space. Understanding this phenomenon is important in designing objects with unusual shapes or mass distributions.

In sports like gymnastics or diving, the centre of gravity significantly impacts an athlete's performance and ability to control their movements. Athletes manipulate their body's centre of gravity to achieve balance, stability, and precise control over their movements. For instance, gymnasts use their centre of gravity to maintain balance on beams and while performing flips and rotations. Divers adjust their body's position mid-air to control their spins and achieve a graceful entry into the water. By understanding and controlling the centre of gravity, athletes can execute complex manoeuvres with greater efficiency and elegance.

In sports equipment design, such as for tennis rackets or golf clubs, the centre of gravity plays a crucial role in enhancing performance and comfort. For a tennis racket, placing the centre of gravity towards the head can provide more power in strokes but may reduce manoeuvrability. Conversely, a centre of gravity closer to the handle enhances control but might reduce the power of shots. In golf clubs, the centre of gravity affects the loft and spin of the ball. A lower centre of gravity can help in achieving higher ball flight and greater distance. Designers strategically position the centre of gravity to balance these aspects, considering the skill level and playing style of the user.

Practice Questions

Explain how the centre of gravity affects the stability of a tall object like a ladder leaning against a wall. Consider the ladder's position in relation to its centre of gravity.

The stability of a leaning ladder is significantly influenced by its centre of gravity. When the ladder is leaned against a wall, its centre of gravity shifts. For the ladder to remain stable, its centre of gravity must fall within its base of support, which is the area between the two legs touching the ground. If the ladder is too steeply inclined, the centre of gravity falls outside this base, making the ladder unstable and likely to topple over. Conversely, if the ladder is positioned too shallowly, it may slide away. Therefore, the ladder must be positioned at an angle where its centre of gravity falls safely within its base of support, ensuring stability.

Describe how you would experimentally determine the centre of gravity of an irregularly shaped flat object, like a cardboard cutout.

To determine the centre of gravity of an irregularly shaped flat object like a cardboard cutout, one can use the plumb line method. First, suspend the cutout from one point on its edge and let it hang freely. Hang a plumb line from the same point and mark the vertical line on the cutout. Repeat this process by suspending the cutout from a different point. The intersection of these two lines, marked on the cutout, indicates the centre of gravity. This point is where the cutout can be balanced on the tip of a finger or a narrow edge, representing the average position of its weight.

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