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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

4.1.2 Moment of a Force

Fundamental Concept of Moment of a Force

The moment of a force, often referred to simply as a "moment," is a measure of the tendency of a force to rotate an object around a pivot or axis.

Definition and Physical Implications

  • Definition: The moment of a force is the product of the force applied and the perpendicular distance from the line of action of the force to the pivot point.
  • Rotation and Equilibrium: Moments determine whether an object will rotate and how it will balance or reach equilibrium.
Diagram explaining Moment of Force

Moment of a Force

Image Courtesy Nagwa

Formula and Units

  • Mathematical Representation: Moment (M) = Force (F) x Distance (d), where distance is the perpendicular distance from the pivot to the line of action of the force.
  • Units: The standard unit of the moment in the SI system is Newton-meter (Nm).

Calculating the Moment of a Force

Calculating moments is vital for solving problems in statics and dynamics.

Steps for Calculation

  • Identify the Pivot Point: The pivot is the point about which the object rotates.
  • Measure Perpendicular Distance: Determine the shortest distance from the pivot to the force's line of action.
  • Calculate the Moment: Multiply the force by the perpendicular distance to get the moment.

Factors Affecting the Moment

  • Magnitude of Force: A larger force results in a larger moment.
  • Distance from Pivot: The farther the force is applied from the pivot, the larger the moment.
  • Angle of Application: The angle at which the force is applied relative to the pivot affects the moment calculation.
Diagram explaining factors affecting the Moment of Force

Factors affecting Moment of Force

Image Courtesy Rod Pierce

Application in Mechanical Systems

Moments are fundamental in mechanical systems for understanding balance and movement.


  • Functioning of Levers: Levers use moments to multiply force, making it easier to lift or move objects.
  • Types and Examples: Different types of levers (first, second, and third class) have various applications, like scissors, wheelbarrows, and tweezers.


  • Balancing Moments for Equilibrium: On a seesaw, moments on each side of the pivot must be equal for it to balance.
  • Practical Example: A heavier person can balance a lighter person by sitting closer to the pivot.

Wrenches and Tools

  • Efficiency in Using Tools: Tools like wrenches use moments to amplify applied force, making tasks like loosening bolts easier.

Advanced Applications of Moments

The concept of moments extends to complex systems in engineering and technology.

Structural Engineering

  • Stability of Structures: In buildings and bridges, moments help determine structural stability and design against rotational forces.
  • Load Distribution: Understanding how load creates moments is crucial in ensuring that structures can withstand applied forces.

Mechanical Design

  • Machine Components: In machines, moments influence the design of rotating parts like gears and pulleys.
  • Safety Considerations: Calculating moments ensures that mechanical components can handle applied forces without failure.

Real-World Implications of Moments

Moments have significant implications in everyday life and industrial applications.

Vehicle Dynamics

  • Steering and Stability: In vehicles, moments affect steering dynamics and overall stability, especially at high speeds or during sharp turns.

Sports and Recreation

  • Athletics and Gymnastics: Athletes manipulate moments through body positioning to achieve balance and control in movements.

Safety in Design

  • Equipment and Tool Design: The design of safety equipment, like helmets and protective gear, considers moments to distribute forces and reduce impact.

Challenges and Considerations

Applying the concept of moments presents unique challenges in various contexts.

Complex Shapes and Systems

  • Irregular Objects: Calculating moments for irregularly shaped objects requires advanced techniques and sometimes computational methods.
  • Systems with Multiple Forces: In systems with multiple forces, summing the moments correctly is key to understanding the overall effect.

Environmental Factors

  • Wind and Weather: In outdoor structures, moments due to wind and weather must be considered for safety and durability.


The moment of a force is considered a vector quantity because, like forces, it has both magnitude and direction. The direction of the moment vector indicates the sense of rotation it would cause about a pivot – clockwise or counterclockwise. The direction can be determined using the right-hand rule: if the fingers of the right hand are curled in the direction of rotation caused by the force, the thumb points in the direction of the moment vector. This vector nature of moments is crucial in problems involving equilibrium and stability, where moments from different forces need to be vectorially added or subtracted to determine the net rotational effect.

Moments can indeed be transferred or transmitted along a rigid body. When a force is applied at one point on a rigid body, it creates a moment that can cause the entire body to rotate. This transfer of moments is the basis for many mechanical systems, such as gears and pulleys, where a force applied at one point can lead to a rotational effect at another point. In the design of such systems, engineers calculate the moments at various points to ensure that the forces and rotations are transmitted effectively and efficiently, maintaining the integrity and functionality of the mechanism.

The concept of moments, while widely applicable, can be misleading or insufficient in certain complex scenarios. For instance, in three-dimensional structures, or when forces are not applied perpendicular to the pivot, simple moment calculations may not give a complete understanding of the rotational effects. Also, in dynamic situations where forces and velocities are constantly changing, such as in rotating machinery, the interplay between linear and angular momentum becomes crucial, and the basic moment concept needs to be integrated with more advanced dynamics principles. Additionally, in systems with flexible or deformable components, the distribution of forces and moments can be complex, necessitating more sophisticated analysis methods.

Changing the point of application of a force can significantly impact the moment it creates. The moment of a force is directly proportional to the distance from the pivot to the line of action of the force. If this distance increases, the moment increases, and vice versa. For example, if a force is applied closer to the pivot, its moment decreases, making it less effective at causing rotation. Conversely, applying the force further from the pivot increases its moment, enhancing its rotational effect. This principle is crucial in mechanical design, where the placement of forces can be strategically chosen to optimize the efficiency of mechanisms like levers and gears.

The concept of moments is fundamental to understanding the stability of floating objects like boats or ships. The stability of these objects in water depends on the balance of moments created by buoyant forces and gravity. A boat or a ship is stable when its centre of gravity is vertically aligned with its centre of buoyancy (the centre of the volume of displaced water). If an external force, like wind or waves, tilts the boat, creating a moment, the boat will return to its original position if this moment is countered by the buoyant force. The boat's design, including the hull shape and weight distribution, is optimised to ensure that these restoring moments maintain stability in various conditions.

Practice Questions

A 2-meter long uniform beam is balanced on a pivot at its center. A force of 30 N is applied at one end of the beam perpendicular to its length. Calculate the moment of this force about the pivot.

The moment of a force is given by the product of the force and the perpendicular distance from the line of action of the force to the pivot. Here, the force of 30 N is applied at a distance of 1 meter from the pivot (since the beam is 2 meters long and the force is applied at one end). Therefore, the moment of the force is 30 N × 1 m = 30 Nm. This moment will tend to rotate the beam clockwise around the pivot.

On a seesaw, a child weighing 400 N is sitting 1.5 meters from the pivot. At what distance from the pivot should a second child, weighing 600 N, sit to balance the seesaw?

To balance the seesaw, the moments about the pivot on either side must be equal. The moment due to the first child is 400 N × 1.5 m = 600 Nm. For the seesaw to be in equilibrium, the moment due to the second child should also be 600 Nm. If 'd' is the distance from the pivot at which the second child should sit, then the moment due to the second child is 600 N × d. Setting this equal to 600 Nm gives 600 N × d = 600 Nm. Solving for 'd' gives d = 1 meter. Therefore, the second child should sit 1 meter from the pivot to balance the seesaw.

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