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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

25.3.4 Hubble's Law

Introduction to Hubble's Law

Hubble's Law, formulated by Edwin Hubble in 1929, is a cornerstone in the study of cosmology. It provides a direct relationship between the distance of a galaxy from Earth and the speed at which it is moving away from us. This law is foundational for understanding the expanding nature of the universe.

Diagram explaining Hubble’s law

Hubble’s law

Image Courtesy BYJU’S

Understanding Hubble's Constant (H₀)

At the heart of Hubble's Law is the Hubble constant, H0, which quantifies the rate of expansion of the universe. It is expressed in units of velocity per unit distance, typically kilometers per second per megaparsec (km/s/Mpc).

Determining Hubble's Constant

The value of H0 has been refined over decades through increasingly precise astronomical measurements. Key methods include:

  • Observing the redshift in the light from distant galaxies.
  • Estimating galaxy distances using standard candles like Cepheid variable stars or Type Ia supernovae.
  • Analysing the cosmic microwave background radiation.
Diagram explaining Hubble’s constant

Hubble’s constant

Image Courtesy fizzics

Current Estimates

Current estimates of H0 vary slightly based on different observation techniques. This variance is an area of active research in cosmology.

Calculating Galactic Velocities Using Hubble's Law

Hubble's Law enables astronomers to calculate the velocity at which a galaxy recedes from Earth.

Steps in Calculation

  • 1. Measure Redshift: Determine the redshift of a galaxy, indicating its velocity.
  • 2. Determine Distance: Use astronomical methods to estimate the galaxy's distance.
  • 3. Apply Hubble's Law: Utilize the formula v = H0 x d to calculate the velocity.

Hubble's Law and the Big Bang Theory

Hubble's Law is a key piece of evidence for the Big Bang theory. It implies that the universe is not static but expanding.

Expanding Universe

  • Concept: The observation that galaxies are moving away from each other suggests that the universe was once much more compact.
  • Big Bang: This expansion supports the Big Bang theory, which posits that the universe began from a very dense and hot state and has been expanding ever since.

Cosmic Timeline

Hubble's Law contributes to our understanding of the age of the universe. By extrapolating the expansion backwards, scientists estimate the age of the universe.

Evidence for an Expanding Universe

The discovery of the redshift in light from distant galaxies is crucial evidence for an expanding universe.

Understanding Redshift

  • Redshift and Expansion: As galaxies move away, the light they emit is stretched, increasing its wavelength and shifting it towards the red end of the spectrum.
  • Doppler Effect: This is similar to the Doppler effect observed with sound waves.

Observational Evidence

Astronomers observe redshifts in the light from almost all distant galaxies, indicating that they are moving away from us, and thus providing evidence for the expanding universe.

Challenges and Limitations of Hubble's Law

While transformative, Hubble's Law has its challenges and limitations.

Measurement Uncertainties

  • Distance Measurements: Accurately determining the distance to faraway galaxies is a complex task, and small errors can significantly impact the calculated velocity.
  • Variability of H0: Different observational techniques yield slightly different values for the Hubble constant, leading to ongoing debates in the scientific community.

The Mystery of Dark Energy

  • Accelerating Expansion: Observations suggest that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, a phenomenon attributed to dark energy, a mysterious force that is not explained by Hubble's Law.

Practical Application of Hubble's Law

For an in-depth understanding, students should engage in practical exercises involving calculations using Hubble's Law.

Exercise Example

Given: A galaxy with a redshift indicating a velocity of 22,000 km/s.

Known H0: 70 km/s/Mpc.

Task: Calculate the distance to the galaxy using the formula v = H0 x d.

Reflections on the Implications of Hubble's Law

Hubble's Law has revolutionized our understanding of the universe. It has not only provided strong evidence for the Big Bang theory but also raised profound questions about the nature and fate of the universe. Its implications extend beyond mere calculations, offering insights into the dynamics of the cosmos and our place within it.


Hubble's Law, which establishes a relationship between the velocities of galaxies and their distances from us, provides insights into the expansion rate of the universe. However, using it to predict the future state of the universe is complex. Hubble's Law describes the current rate of expansion but does not account for factors that could alter this rate in the future, such as the influence of dark energy or changes in the matter density of the universe. While Hubble's Law suggests that the universe will continue to expand, the exact details of this expansion – whether it will accelerate, slow down, or remain constant – depend on factors that Hubble's Law alone cannot predict. To forecast the universe's future, astronomers combine Hubble's Law with other observations and theories, particularly those related to dark energy and the overall density and composition of the universe.

Hubble's Law is closely related to the concept of an isotropic universe, which posits that the universe looks the same in all directions. According to Hubble's Law, galaxies are receding from us at velocities proportional to their distances, implying that the universe is expanding uniformly in all directions. This observation supports the idea of isotropy, suggesting that, on a large scale, the universe does not have a preferred direction or centre. The uniformity in the observed redshifts of distant galaxies in all directions further reinforces this notion. However, it's important to note that isotropy is a large-scale concept. On smaller scales, such as within galaxy clusters, the distribution of matter can be uneven, and gravitational interactions can create non-uniformities. But overall, Hubble's Law is a key piece of evidence for the isotropic nature of the universe, aligning with the Cosmological Principle that underlies many cosmological models.

While Hubble's Law shows that the universe is generally expanding, with most galaxies moving away from us, there are exceptions where galaxies appear to be moving towards us. This apparent contradiction is due to local gravitational interactions overriding the general expansion of the universe. For instance, the Andromeda galaxy is currently moving towards the Milky Way due to gravitational attraction between the two galaxies. These local movements are influenced by the mass and proximity of nearby galaxies and do not contradict the overall expansion of the universe. In fact, such movements are expected in regions where galaxies are close enough for their gravitational forces to have a significant impact on each other, leading to mergers or other interactions.

The uncertainty in the value of Hubble's constant, H0, has significant implications for our understanding of the universe. H0 is crucial for determining the rate of expansion of the universe and, consequently, its age and size. Variations in its measured value can lead to different interpretations of these fundamental characteristics. For instance, a higher H0 implies a younger universe that is expanding faster, while a lower H0 suggests an older universe expanding more slowly. This uncertainty also affects our understanding of dark energy, the mysterious force driving the acceleration of the universe's expansion. If H0 is higher, it could mean dark energy is more influential than currently thought. The ongoing efforts to refine the measurement of H0 are, therefore, central to resolving these important cosmological questions and to developing a more accurate and comprehensive model of the universe.

Hubble's Law, which relates the velocity of a galaxy moving away from us to its distance, is less applicable to nearby galaxies due to local gravitational effects. In the vicinity of the Milky Way, gravitational interactions with nearby galaxies, such as the Andromeda galaxy, significantly influence their motions. These local gravitational forces can cause deviations from the smooth expansion predicted by Hubble's Law. Therefore, the velocities of nearby galaxies are not solely determined by the universal expansion but also by local gravitational dynamics. This means that the simple linear relationship described by Hubble's Law, which is more evident in distant galaxies, is not as clear or applicable in our local cosmic neighbourhood. As a result, astronomers often focus on more distant galaxies when applying Hubble's Law to avoid the complexities introduced by these local gravitational interactions.

Practice Questions

A distant galaxy is moving away from Earth with a velocity of 15,000 km/s. If Hubble's constant, H0, is 70 km/s/Mpc, calculate the approximate distance of the galaxy from Earth.

To calculate the distance of the galaxy, we use the formula v = H0 x d. Rearranging this for d gives d = v / H0. Substituting the given values, we have d = 15000 km/s / 70 km/s/Mpc. This simplifies to approximately 214.29 Mpc. Therefore, the galaxy is approximately 214.29 megaparsecs away from Earth. This calculation is significant as it shows how Hubble's Law helps us determine vast cosmic distances, providing insights into the scale of the universe.

Explain how Hubble's Law supports the Big Bang theory, and discuss the significance of Hubble's constant in this context.

Hubble's Law supports the Big Bang theory by providing evidence that the universe is expanding. The law states that the velocity at which a galaxy moves away from us is directly proportional to its distance, which implies that galaxies are generally moving away from each other. This observation is consistent with the Big Bang theory, which posits that the universe started from an extremely dense and hot state and has been expanding ever since. Hubble's constant is significant in this context as it quantifies the rate of this expansion. The value of Hubble's constant helps us estimate the age of the universe and understand the rate at which it is expanding, both critical aspects of the Big Bang theory.

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