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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

25.3.1 Spectral Redshift

Introduction to Spectral Redshift

Spectral redshift is observed when the spectral lines of light from distant galaxies shift towards the red end of the light spectrum. This shift is essential for understanding the dynamics of our universe, particularly regarding its expansion.

Diagram explaining redshift and blueshift

Redshift and blueshift

Image Courtesy bartebly

What is Redshift?

Definition and Basic Concept

  • Definition: Redshift refers to the phenomenon where light or other electromagnetic radiation from an object increases in wavelength, or shifts towards the red end of the spectrum.
  • Indication of Movement: In astronomy, redshift serves as a key indicator of the movement of galaxies away from the observer.
Diagram showing redshift spectrum


Image Courtesy LibreTexts

Redshift in the Context of the Universe

  • Doppler Redshift: This type is analogous to the Doppler Effect observed in sound. Just like the pitch of a siren changes as it moves past us, light waves stretch or compress as their source moves.
Diagram explaining the Doppler effect and redshift

Doppler effect and redshift

Image Courtesy stock adobe

  • Cosmological Redshift: This is a specific type of redshift caused by the expansion of the universe. It results in the light from distant galaxies increasing in wavelength as it travels through expanding space.

Observing Redshift in Distant Galaxies

Spectral Analysis in Astronomy

  • Identifying Spectral Lines: Spectral lines, whether absorption or emission lines, are identified in the spectrum of light from galaxies. These lines correspond to specific atomic transitions in elements.
  • Observing the Shift: In distant galaxies, these lines appear shifted towards the red end of the spectrum, a clear sign of redshift.

Implications of Observing Redshift

  • Evidence of Receding Galaxies: The redshift of these spectral lines is interpreted as evidence that these galaxies are moving away from Earth.
  • Support for the Theory of a Uniformly Expanding Universe: Redshift observed in all directions of the sky supports the theory of a uniformly expanding universe.

Redshift as an Indicator of Wavelength Increase

Relationship Between Wavelength and Redshift

  • Extension of Wavelength: As light from a galaxy undergoes redshift, its wavelength increases, moving towards the longer wavelength, red part of the spectrum.
  • Visual Representation: This wavelength change shifts the light towards red, which is visually noticeable in the spectrum.

Quantifying Redshift

  • Measuring the Shift: The degree of redshift is quantified by how much the spectral lines have shifted.
  • Z-Value: Redshift is often represented by the dimensionless quantity 'z'. A higher z-value indicates a greater redshift and suggests a higher velocity of the galaxy moving away from us.

The Significance of Spectral Redshift

Redshift as Evidence for an Expanding Universe

  • Confirming the Expanding Universe: The observation of redshift in light from distant galaxies is one of the main pillars of evidence for the theory of an expanding universe.
  • Supporting the Big Bang Theory: These observations align with the Big Bang theory, which posits that the universe began from an extremely dense and hot state and has been expanding over time.

Redshift in Modern Astronomy

  • Astronomical Tool: Redshift is used as a tool in astronomy to measure the velocity at which galaxies are moving away from us.
  • Insight into Cosmic Evolution: Studying redshift helps astronomers understand the history, structure, and potential future of the universe.

Detailed Analysis of Redshift

The Doppler Effect and Redshift

  • Doppler Effect: The Doppler Effect explains how the frequency of waves changes relative to an observer when the source of the waves is moving.
  • Application to Light: When applied to light, if a source is moving away, the light's wavelength appears longer, hence redshifted; if the source is approaching, the light is blueshifted, appearing at a shorter wavelength.

Cosmological Redshift

  • Expanding Space: Unlike the Doppler Effect, cosmological redshift is due to the expansion of space itself. As space expands, the light traveling through it stretches, increasing its wavelength.
  • Evidence of an Expanding Universe: This phenomenon is a direct observation supporting the theory that the universe is expanding.

Calculating Redshift

  • Redshift Formula: Redshift is often calculated using the formula z = λobserved - λemitted λemittedwhere λobserved is the observed wavelength and λemitted is the original wavelength.
  • Interpreting Z-Values: Higher z-values indicate galaxies that are farther away and moving faster from us, in line with Hubble's Law.

Redshift and the Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang and Redshift

  • Origin of the Universe: The Big Bang Theory, which states that the universe originated from a hot, dense state, is supported by redshift observations.
  • Expansion Over Time: The consistent observation of redshift in distant galaxies suggests that these galaxies have been moving away from us since the beginning of the universe.

Hubble's Law

  • Hubble's Observation: Edwin Hubble observed that galaxies' velocity (v) is proportional to their distance (d) from us, leading to Hubble's Law: v = H₀d, where H₀ is Hubble's constant.
  • Significance in Cosmology: Hubble's Law is crucial in cosmology for determining distances to faraway galaxies and understanding the rate of expansion of the universe.
Diagram explaining Hubble’s law

Hubble’s law

Image Courtesy BYJU’S


Redshift caused by the Doppler effect and cosmological redshift are two distinct phenomena, though they both result in the stretching of light wavelengths. The Doppler redshift occurs due to the relative motion between the light source (e.g., a star or galaxy) and the observer. When the source moves away from the observer, the light's wavelength stretches, leading to a redshift. This is analogous to the change in pitch heard from a receding siren. On the other hand, cosmological redshift is a result of the expansion of the universe itself. As the universe expands, the space between objects, including galaxies and the Earth, increases. Light travelling through this expanding space stretches in wavelength. This type of redshift is not due to the movement of the galaxy through space, but rather the expansion of space itself. It's a key observation supporting the Big Bang theory, indicating that the universe has been expanding since its inception. Cosmological redshift is fundamental to our understanding of the large-scale structure of the universe and its evolution.

Redshift can indeed be used as a tool to estimate the age of the universe, although the process involves complex calculations and assumptions. The key lies in understanding the relationship between redshift and the expansion rate of the universe. By measuring the redshift of distant galaxies, astronomers can determine how fast these galaxies are moving away from us. Using Hubble's Law, which states that the velocity of a galaxy moving away from us is proportional to its distance, astronomers can calculate the rate of expansion of the universe. By extrapolating this rate backwards, it's possible to estimate how long it would have taken for the universe to expand from a singular point to its current size. This calculation gives an estimate of the age of the universe. However, this method is not without complexities. It requires precise measurements of distances and velocities, and the value of Hubble's constant (the proportionality factor in Hubble's Law) has been subject to revision as measurement techniques improve. Additionally, understanding the dynamics of the universe's expansion, including the role of dark energy, is crucial for accurate calculations.

Observing a high redshift in a distant galaxy carries significant implications in cosmology. High redshift values indicate that the galaxy is moving away from us at a very high speed. This is a direct consequence of the expansion of the universe: the further a galaxy is, the faster it appears to be receding from us. High redshifts also imply that we are observing the galaxy as it was in the distant past. Due to the finite speed of light, observing distant galaxies is essentially looking back in time. Thus, a galaxy with a high redshift is seen in a state it was in billions of years ago. This provides astronomers with a unique opportunity to study the early universe and understand how galaxies formed and evolved over time. High redshift observations are crucial for testing theories about the origins and evolution of the universe, including the Big Bang theory, the formation of galaxies, and the role of dark matter and dark energy in shaping the cosmos.

Redshift provides compelling evidence for the Big Bang theory through its demonstration of the universe's expansion. The Big Bang theory posits that the universe started from an extremely hot, dense state and has been expanding ever since. The observation of redshift in the light from distant galaxies is a key piece of evidence for this expansion. According to Hubble's Law, the degree of redshift in a galaxy's light correlates with its distance from us; the further away a galaxy is, the faster it appears to be moving away. This is consistent with a model of the universe that started from a singular point and has been expanding in all directions. The cosmological principle, which suggests that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic on a large scale, is supported by the observation of redshift in every direction in the sky. This uniformity of redshift across the universe supports the notion of a singular, explosive event like the Big Bang as the origin of the universe. Moreover, the study of redshift helps astronomers understand the rate of expansion of the universe, which is crucial for models of cosmic evolution and the fate of the universe.

The concept of redshift in astronomy is closely related to the Doppler effect observed in sound. The Doppler effect explains how the frequency (and thus the pitch) of a sound changes relative to an observer when the source of the sound is moving. For sound, if the source is moving towards the observer, the waves are compressed, leading to a higher frequency or pitch (blueshift), and if moving away, the waves are stretched, leading to a lower frequency or pitch (redshift). When applied to light, a similar principle holds. If a celestial body, like a galaxy, is moving away from the observer (us on Earth), the light waves it emits are stretched, increasing their wavelength and shifting them towards the red part of the spectrum. This is observed as redshift. Conversely, if a galaxy were moving towards us, its light would blueshift. This astronomical redshift provides crucial information about the movement and speed of celestial objects and supports the theory of the expanding universe.

Practice Questions

Explain how the observation of redshift in the spectral lines of distant galaxies supports the theory of an expanding universe.

The observation of redshift in the spectral lines of distant galaxies is a significant piece of evidence supporting the theory of an expanding universe. Redshift occurs when light from an object increases in wavelength, and in the context of distant galaxies, this means the light shifts towards the red end of the spectrum. This shift is indicative of the galaxies moving away from the Earth. According to the Doppler effect, this change in wavelength is due to the motion of the light source relative to the observer. In cosmology, the widespread redshift across the observable universe suggests that galaxies are receding in all directions, implying the expansion of space itself. This observation aligns with the Big Bang theory, which posits that the universe began in a highly dense and hot state and has been expanding ever since. Understanding this concept requires a grasp of both redshift and the fundamentals of wave behaviour in relation to movement and observer perspective.

Describe the process of how astronomers use redshift to calculate the velocity of a distant galaxy moving away from Earth.

Astronomers calculate the velocity of a distant galaxy moving away from Earth using redshift by measuring the change in wavelength of the light emitted from the galaxy. The redshift value (z) is determined using the formula z = (lambda_observed - lambda_emitted) / lambda_emitted, where lambda_observed is the wavelength of light observed and lambda_emitted is the wavelength of light as it was originally emitted. A higher redshift value indicates a greater change in wavelength, implying a faster velocity of the galaxy moving away. Once the redshift is determined, Hubble's Law, which states that velocity (v) is proportional to distance (d), can be applied. The law is expressed as v = H0 x d, where H0 is Hubble's constant. By substituting the determined velocity into this formula, astronomers can estimate the distance of the galaxy from Earth. This process is vital in understanding the rate of expansion of the universe and provides insights into the dynamics of cosmological structures.

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