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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

25.3.2 Redshift Calculation

Introduction to Redshift

Redshift occurs when the light from an astronomical object, like a galaxy, is shifted towards the red end of the electromagnetic spectrum. This phenomenon is a cornerstone of observational astronomy and cosmology, providing vital clues about the universe's expansion.

The Phenomenon of Redshift

Redshift is observed when the wavelength of light or other electromagnetic radiation from an object is increased in the observer's frame of reference. In simpler terms, as galaxies move away from us, the light they emit appears redder, which is where the term 'redshift' comes from.

Diagram showing cosmological redshift

Cosmological redshift

Image Courtesy Dotdash Meredith

Causes of Redshift

  • Cosmological Redshift: This is due to the expansion of the universe. The farther away a galaxy is, the faster it appears to be moving away from us.
  • Doppler Redshift: Similar to the Doppler effect with sound, this type of redshift occurs when an object moves away from the observer, stretching the light waves.

Understanding the Redshift Formula

The redshift formula, Δλ/λ = Δf/f = v/c, is crucial in calculating the velocity of galaxies moving away from the observer. Here's an in-depth look at its components:

  • Δλ (Change in Wavelength): Represents the difference between the observed and emitted wavelengths of light from a galaxy.
  • λ (Original Wavelength): The wavelength of the light when it was originally emitted from the galaxy.
  • Δf (Change in Frequency): The difference between the emitted and observed frequencies of the light.
  • f (Original Frequency): The original frequency of the light when it was emitted.
  • v (Velocity of the Galaxy): The speed at which the galaxy is receding from the observer.
  • c (Speed of Light): A constant value, approximately 3.00 × 108 meters per second.

Application of the Redshift Formula

The practical application of this formula involves several steps:

  • 1. Identifying Wavelengths: Ascertain the emitted (λemitted) and observed (λobserved) wavelengths of light from the galaxy.
  • 2. Calculating Δλ: Compute the change in wavelength (Δλ = λobserved - λemitted).
  • 3. Applying the Formula: Utilize the formula Δλ/λ = v/c to determine the velocity of the galaxy.

Example Calculation

For instance, consider a galaxy emitting light at a wavelength of 400 nm. If observed at 410 nm, the redshift calculation would be:

  • 1. Δλ Calculation: 410 nm - 400 nm = 10 nm.
  • 2. Velocity Calculation: (10 nm / 400 nm) × 3.00 × 108 m/s = 7,500 km/s.

This means the galaxy is receding at a velocity of 7,500 km/s.

Significance of Redshift Calculations

Redshift calculations are essential for several reasons in astrophysics:

  • Measuring Galactic Velocities: They enable astronomers to measure the speed at which galaxies are moving away from us.
  • Supporting the Expanding Universe Theory: These calculations provide empirical evidence for the expanding universe.
  • Underpinning the Big Bang Theory: The observed redshift of galaxies supports the Big Bang theory, suggesting that the universe started from a highly dense and hot state.

Challenges in Redshift Observations

Despite its utility, redshift measurement faces several challenges:

  • Distance of Galaxies: The greater the distance of the galaxy, the more difficult it is to accurately measure its redshift.
  • Spectral Line Identification: Correct identification of spectral lines is crucial for accurate redshift measurement.
  • Instrumental Limitations: The precision of redshift calculations is limited by the capabilities of astronomical instruments.

Advanced Concepts in Redshift Calculation

Beyond basic calculations, redshift studies also delve into more complex areas:

  • Relativistic Redshift: At extremely high velocities, close to the speed of light, relativistic effects must be considered.
  • Redshift and the Hubble Constant: Redshift is closely linked to the Hubble Constant, a key parameter in cosmology that measures the rate of expansion of the universe.


Understanding redshift and its calculation is vital for students of astrophysics and cosmology. It not only aids in comprehending the dynamics of galaxies but also in appreciating the vast and ever-expanding nature of our universe. Through mastering these concepts, students gain a deeper insight into the fundamental workings of the cosmos.


Yes, a galaxy can exhibit blueshift instead of redshift, although this is less common. Blueshift occurs when a galaxy is moving towards us, causing the wavelengths of light to shorten and shift towards the blue end of the spectrum. This phenomenon is generally observed in galaxies that are part of a local group or cluster, where gravitational interactions can override the general expansion of the universe. For example, the Andromeda galaxy, our closest galactic neighbour, is blueshifted and is on a collision course with the Milky Way. This movement towards us is due to the mutual gravitational attraction between the two galaxies. Blueshift in galaxies thus indicates a localised motion towards the observer, which contrasts with the general trend of galaxies moving away from us (and thus being redshifted) due to the universe's expansion.

Yes, the redshift calculation can be influenced by factors other than the expansion of the universe. One significant factor is the peculiar velocity of galaxies, which is their individual motion relative to the cosmic expansion. This motion can be due to gravitational interactions with nearby galaxies or clusters, causing deviations from the expected redshift based solely on universal expansion. Another factor is the local gravitational field, which can cause gravitational redshift. Additionally, the accuracy of redshift measurements can be affected by instrumental limitations, such as the precision of spectroscopic equipment used to observe the galactic light. Atmospheric interference and light pollution can also impact observations from Earth-based telescopes. Therefore, while the redshift calculation is a powerful tool in cosmology, it's crucial to consider these factors for accurate interpretation of the data.

Redshift is primarily used to measure the velocities of distant galaxies, not individual stars within our own galaxy, due to several factors. Firstly, the velocities of stars within a galaxy like the Milky Way are relatively small compared to the velocities of distant galaxies. These small velocities produce very slight redshifts, often too minor to be detected or accurately measured with current technology. Secondly, the motion of stars within a galaxy is predominantly influenced by local gravitational interactions rather than the expansion of the universe. These interactions can cause stars to move towards or away from us, but also across our line of sight, leading to different types of Doppler shifts (redshift and blueshift) that complicate the interpretation of their motion solely based on redshift. In contrast, distant galaxies primarily move away from us due to the expansion of the universe, making redshift a more straightforward and reliable measure of their velocity.

The redshift of a galaxy is intimately linked to the age of the universe through the cosmological principle, which asserts that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic on a large scale. As galaxies exhibit redshift, this indicates they are moving away from us, suggesting the universe is expanding. By measuring the extent of this redshift and applying Hubble's Law, astronomers can estimate the rate at which the universe is expanding. The inverse of this rate, known as the Hubble constant, gives an approximation of the age of the universe. The principle here is that the greater the redshift, the faster a galaxy is moving away, implying it was closer to us in the past. Therefore, by extrapolating backwards, scientists can estimate when all galaxies were in a single point, which marks the beginning of the universe. This approach, while simplified, offers a fundamental understanding of the universe's age, contributing significantly to cosmological models and theories.

Gravitational redshift is a phenomenon predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity, contrasting with the cosmological redshift caused by the expansion of the universe. Gravitational redshift occurs when light moves away from a massive object, like a star or black hole. The gravity of these objects warps spacetime and affects the light's energy. As light climbs out of a gravitational well, it loses energy, and its wavelength lengthens, leading to a redshift. This is different from the cosmological redshift, where the light from distant galaxies is stretched due to the expansion of the universe itself. In cosmological redshift, space itself is expanding, stretching the light as it travels through the universe. Gravitational redshift is thus a local phenomenon related to the intensity of a gravitational field, whereas cosmological redshift is a global phenomenon related to the dynamics of the universe as a whole.

Practice Questions

A galaxy is observed to have its spectral lines shifted towards the red end of the spectrum. If the observed wavelength of a particular line is 600 nm and its rest wavelength (the wavelength when emitted) is 590 nm, calculate the velocity at which the galaxy is moving away from the Earth.

To calculate the velocity, we use the redshift formula: Δλ/λ = v/c. Here, Δλ (change in wavelength) is 600 nm - 590 nm = 10 nm, and λ (original wavelength) is 590 nm. By substituting these values into the formula, we get (10 nm / 590 nm) = v / (3.00 × 108 m/s). Solving for v gives a velocity of approximately 5.08 × 106 m/s. This calculation demonstrates that the galaxy is receding from the Earth at a velocity of about 5.08 million meters per second, illustrating the expansion of the universe.

In an astronomical observation, a galaxy's emitted light, originally at a frequency of 5 × 10^14 Hz, is now observed at a frequency of 4.9 × 10^14 Hz. Calculate the speed at which the galaxy is moving away from the observer.

Using the formula Δf/f = v/c for redshift, where Δf is the change in frequency and f is the original frequency, we first find Δf as 5 × 1014 Hz - 4.9 × 1014 Hz = 0.1 × 1014 Hz. Substituting into the formula, (0.1 × 1014 Hz / 5 × 1014 Hz) = v / (3.00 × 108 m/s). Solving for v gives us a velocity of 6,000 km/s. This result indicates that the galaxy is moving away from the observer at a velocity of 6,000 kilometers per second, further supporting the evidence for an expanding universe.

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