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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

25.3.3 Universe Expansion Evidence

Introduction to Redshift

Redshift is a critical observational phenomenon in astrophysics, symbolizing the change in light emitted by galaxies as they move away from an observer. This effect, where wavelengths of light stretch and shift towards the red end of the spectrum, provides invaluable insights into the dynamics of our universe.

Understanding Wavelength and Frequency

  • Wavelength (λ): Defined as the distance between successive crests of a wave, wavelength is a key parameter in the study of light and other electromagnetic radiation.
  • Frequency (f): The number of waves that pass a point in a given period, frequency inversely correlates with wavelength.
  • As galaxies move away, their emitted light’s wavelength increases, leading to redshift, while the frequency decreases.

The Evidence for an Expanding Universe

The observation of redshift in distant galaxies serves as compelling evidence for the theory of an expanding universe.

Edwin Hubble's Pioneering Work

  • Hubble's Discovery: In the 1920s, Edwin Hubble made the groundbreaking observation that galaxies are moving away from each other.
  • Correlation with Distance: Hubble noted that the farther a galaxy is, the faster it appears to be receding. This relationship was later formalized into Hubble’s Law.

Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

  • Discovery and Significance: The discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) in the 1960s provided additional evidence for the Big Bang theory. This radiation, which permeates the universe, is the remnant heat from the initial explosion.
Image showing Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

Image Courtesy NASA Official

  • Uniformity and Implications: The near-uniformity of the CMBR across the sky strongly supports the theory of a uniformly expanding universe.

The Doppler Effect: A Foundational Concept

The Doppler Effect, commonly associated with sound, is equally applicable to light and is foundational in understanding redshift.

Exploring the Doppler Effect

  • Sound Analogies: Just as the pitch of a siren changes as an ambulance passes, indicating a change in sound frequency, a similar effect occurs with light waves from moving objects in space.
  • Application to Light: In astronomy, this effect is observed as redshift – when celestial objects moving away from an observer cause the observed light to shift towards the red part of the spectrum.
Diagram explaining the Doppler effect and redshift

Doppler effect and redshift

Image Courtesy stock adobe

Mathematical Framework of Redshift

The study of redshift is underpinned by its mathematical representation, which allows for precise calculations and predictions.

The Redshift Formula

  • Basic Formula: Δλ/λ = Δf/f = v/c, where Δλ represents the change in wavelength, λ the original wavelength, Δf the change in frequency, f the original frequency, v the velocity of the galaxy, and c the speed of light.
  • Interpreting the Formula: This formula is essential for calculating the velocities of galaxies moving away from an observer, providing a quantitative measure of the universe’s expansion rate.

Redshift and Its Cosmic Implications

The implications of redshift extend far beyond mere astronomical observations, touching upon the fundamental nature of the cosmos.

Validating the Big Bang Theory

  • Expansion Evidence: Redshift is a primary indicator of the universe’s expansion, thus lending credence to the Big Bang theory.
  • Temporal Implications: It implies that the universe was once much denser and hotter, having expanded over time from a singular point.

Estimating the Universe's Age

  • Using Hubble’s Law: Hubble’s law, v=H₀d, where H₀ is the Hubble constant, is instrumental in calculating the age of the universe.
  • Distance Calculations: This relationship is crucial for estimating the distances to faraway galaxies, further confirming the universe’s expansion rate.

Challenges in Redshift Research

While redshift is a powerful tool for understanding the universe, it comes with its own set of challenges.

Accuracy in Measuring Distant Galaxies

  • Technical Limitations: Accurately measuring the redshift of extremely distant galaxies presents significant technical challenges.
  • Interstellar Medium Effects: Light traveling through space can be affected by dust and other materials, potentially distorting redshift measurements.

Theoretical Complexities

  • The Mystery of Dark Energy: The concept of dark energy, a mysterious force thought to be driving the universe's accelerated expansion, adds another layer of complexity to the interpretation of redshift data.

Student Engagement with Redshift

For A-Level Physics students, exploring redshift data offers a practical application of theoretical concepts.

Interactive Learning Approaches

  • Data Analysis Exercises: Students can engage with actual redshift data from astronomical observations, applying their understanding of the concept.
  • Hands-On Calculations: Utilizing the redshift formula to compute the velocities of galaxies fosters a deeper comprehension of the universe’s dynamics.

Developing a Cosmic Perspective

  • Broadening Understanding: Studying redshift encourages students to appreciate the ever-changing nature of the universe and the continuous evolution of scientific understanding.


Redshift plays a pivotal role in estimating the age of the universe. By measuring the redshift of distant galaxies, astronomers can calculate how fast these galaxies are moving away from us. This information, when combined with the Hubble constant (the rate of expansion of the universe), allows for the estimation of the universe's age. The Hubble constant gives the expansion rate per megaparsec; by inversely applying this rate, scientists can estimate the time taken for the universe to reach its current state from a singular point. The concept is akin to rewinding a video to find the starting point. The more precise our measurements of redshift and the Hubble constant, the more accurately we can estimate the universe's age. Current estimations place the age of the universe at approximately 13.8 billion years, primarily derived from redshift data and the cosmic microwave background radiation.

The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) plays a crucial role in the study of redshift and the expanding universe. Discovered in 1965, CMBR is the residual thermal radiation from the Big Bang, permeating the entire universe. It provides a 'snapshot' of the universe approximately 380,000 years after the Big Bang, when it had cooled enough for photons to travel freely. The uniformity and isotropy of the CMBR, observed with a slight redshift, corroborate the theory of an expanding universe. The redshift of the CMBR indicates that the universe has been expanding since this early state, stretching the wavelengths of these primordial photons. Furthermore, slight fluctuations in the CMBR provide insights into the early distribution of matter and the subsequent formation of galaxies. Thus, CMBR is a critical piece of evidence not only for the Big Bang theory but also for understanding the universe's expansion history and structure.

Redshift and blueshift are two sides of the same coin, representing the Doppler Effect in light. Redshift occurs when an object emitting light (such as a galaxy) is moving away from the observer, causing the light's wavelength to increase and shift towards the red end of the spectrum. This is indicative of an expanding universe, as observed in most galaxies. Conversely, blueshift happens when an object is moving towards the observer, leading to a decrease in the light's wavelength and a shift towards the blue end of the spectrum. Blueshift is less commonly observed in the universe but can be seen in galaxies that are moving towards each other or in binary star systems where stars orbit each other. While redshift supports the theory of an expanding universe, blueshift can indicate gravitational interactions or other dynamic processes within galaxies or star systems.

Redshift is observable in nearly all galaxies outside our local group, a phenomenon that has been consistently verified through extensive astronomical observations. The key point of interest in these observations is the magnitude of the redshift, which provides crucial information about the galaxy's velocity relative to Earth. A higher redshift indicates a greater increase in wavelength, meaning the galaxy is moving away from us at a higher speed. This is in line with Hubble's Law, which states that the velocity of a galaxy (determined through its redshift) is directly proportional to its distance from us. Essentially, the larger the redshift, the farther away the galaxy is, and the faster it is moving away. This relationship between redshift and distance forms the foundational evidence for the expanding universe theory, suggesting that the universe has been expanding since its inception at the Big Bang.

The concept of redshift is intrinsically linked to the Doppler Effect, a phenomenon observable in various contexts in physics, including sound and light. The Doppler Effect describes the change in frequency or wavelength of a wave in relation to an observer who is moving relative to the wave source. In the context of sound, it's commonly experienced when a siren sounds higher-pitched as it approaches and lower-pitched as it recedes. Applying this to light, when a light source moves away from an observer, the light appears to 'stretch', increasing its wavelength and shifting towards the red part of the spectrum - hence the term 'redshift'. This effect is critical in astrophysics for understanding the motion of celestial bodies. When applied to galaxies, redshift indicates that they are moving away from us, supporting the concept of an expanding universe. The greater the redshift, the faster the galaxy is moving away, allowing astronomers to deduce that the universe is not static but is continuously expanding.

Practice Questions

A distant galaxy is observed to have a redshift in its spectral lines. Explain what this redshift indicates about the motion of the galaxy and how this supports the theory of an expanding universe.

The redshift observed in the spectral lines of a distant galaxy indicates that the galaxy is moving away from the observer. In the context of Doppler Effect, this increase in wavelength (redshift) of light occurs when the source of light (the galaxy) is receding. This phenomenon is a key piece of evidence supporting the theory of an expanding universe. As Edwin Hubble discovered, the greater the redshift, the faster a galaxy is moving away, indicating that the universe is expanding. This expansion is uniform, as evidenced by the consistent redshift observed in galaxies at different distances, substantiating the Big Bang theory which posits that the universe started from a singular, highly dense and hot state and has been expanding ever since.

Given the redshift formula Δλ/λ = v/c, where Δλ is the change in wavelength, λ is the original wavelength, v is the velocity of the galaxy, and c is the speed of light, calculate the velocity of a galaxy if the change in wavelength observed is 0.02 nm and the original wavelength was 400 nm.

Using the redshift formula Δλ/λ = v/c, we can calculate the velocity of the galaxy. The change in wavelength, Δλ, is 0.02 nm, and the original wavelength, λ, is 400 nm. Substituting these values into the formula gives us 0.02/400 = v/(3 x 108 m/s) (assuming the speed of light, c, is approximately 3 x 108 m/s). Simplifying, we find v = (0.02/400) x 3 x 108 m/s = 15000 m/s. Therefore, the velocity of the galaxy is 15000 m/s, indicating it is moving away from us at this speed. This calculation exemplifies how redshift measurements can be used to determine the velocities of galaxies, further supporting the theory of an expanding universe.

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