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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

23.1.6 Energy in Nuclear Reactions

Energy-Mass Equivalence in Nuclear Reactions

Einstein's theory of energy-mass equivalence forms the cornerstone of modern nuclear physics. It posits that energy and mass are two forms of the same entity and can be converted into each other.

Diagram showing Mass-energy equivalence in Fusion and Fission

Mass-energy equivalence in Fusion and Fission

Image Courtesy HyperPhysics

Key Concepts

  • Energy-Mass Equivalence: A revolutionary concept indicating that mass can be transformed into energy and vice versa.
  • E = mc²: Einstein's equation where 'E' represents energy, 'm' is mass, and 'c' denotes the speed of light in vacuum (3 x 10^8 meters/second).

Implications in Nuclear Reactions

  • Mass Defect: The discrepancy between the total mass of reactants and products in a nuclear reaction. This missing mass is converted into energy.
  • Energy Release: The energy released in a nuclear reaction is derived from the mass defect, quantifiable via the energy-mass equivalence equation.

Calculating Energy in Nuclear Reactions

The process involves determining the mass defect and applying the energy-mass equivalence principle to calculate the energy released.

Calculating Mass Defect

  • 1. Determine Reactant Mass: Sum the individual masses of all reactants in the nuclear reaction.
  • 2. Determine Product Mass: Sum the masses of the reaction products.
  • 3. Find Mass Defect: Calculate the difference between the total masses of reactants and products.

Applying Energy-Mass Equivalence

  • Calculate Energy: Employ E = Δm x c², with Δm representing the mass defect.

Balancing Nuclear Equations

Energy-mass equivalence is fundamental in ensuring mass and energy conservation in nuclear equations.

Steps for Balancing

  • 1. Draft the Nuclear Equation: Include all relevant reactants and products.
  • 2. Compute Mass Defect: Follow the aforementioned steps for calculation.
  • 3. Ensure Conservation: Verify that mass and energy are conserved pre- and post-reaction.

Detailed Examples and Exercises

Let's illustrate the concepts with examples and exercises for practical understanding.

Example 1: Alpha Decay

  • Scenario: A nucleus emits an alpha particle.
  • Objective: Calculate the resultant energy release.

Example 2: Nuclear Fusion

  • Scenario: Fusion of two lighter nuclei into a heavier nucleus.
  • Objective: Determine the resulting energy.


  • 1. Alpha Decay of Uranium-238: Compute the energy released during this process.
  • 2. Solar Fusion Reactions: Estimate the energy produced in the Sun’s fusion reactions.

Real-World Applications of Nuclear Reactions

These principles find diverse applications in several fields.

In Power Generation

  • Nuclear Fission: Splitting heavy nuclei in power plants to release energy.
  • Nuclear Fusion: A potential future source of clean and efficient energy.

In Medicine

  • Radiotherapy: Employing nuclear reactions to treat cancer.

In Astrophysics

  • Stellar Energy: Understanding these reactions helps explain energy generation in stars, including our Sun.

In-Depth Case Studies

Further exploring the implications and applications of nuclear reactions.

Case Study 1: Nuclear Power Plants

  • Process: How nuclear fission is harnessed for electricity generation.
  • Safety and Efficiency: Discussing the challenges and advancements.

Case Study 2: Thermonuclear Weapons

  • Mechanism: The role of nuclear reactions in these weapons.
  • Ethical and Safety Considerations: The broader implications of such technology.

Additional Exercises for Mastery

  • 1. Beta Decay Energy Calculation: Calculate the energy released in a typical beta decay.
  • 2. Fission of Plutonium-239: Determine the energy released in this common nuclear reactor fuel.


The binding energy per nucleon curve is pivotal in understanding why energy is released in nuclear fission and fusion. This curve shows that nuclei with intermediate mass numbers (like iron and nickel) have the highest binding energy per nucleon, indicating they are the most stable. In fission, a heavy nucleus (with a lower binding energy per nucleon) splits into smaller nuclei that are closer to the peak of this curve, resulting in nuclei with higher binding energy per nucleon. This increase in binding energy per nucleon means that energy is released during the process. Conversely, in fusion, light nuclei (with relatively low binding energy per nucleon) fuse to form a heavier nucleus with a higher binding energy per nucleon, closer to the curve's peak. Again, this transition to a state of higher binding energy per nucleon releases energy. Thus, both processes release energy as they move towards a state of greater nuclear stability, as indicated by the binding energy per nucleon curve.

While the energy-mass equivalence principle (E = mc²) is universally applicable, its impact in chemical reactions is negligible due to the extremely small scale of mass changes. Chemical reactions involve the rearrangement of electrons in atoms and molecules, without significant changes in nuclear mass. The energy changes in chemical reactions are the result of differences in electronic energy levels, not nuclear transformations. Thus, any mass change is so minuscule that when applied in the E = mc² equation, the resulting energy change is insignificant compared to the total energy changes observed in chemical reactions. Therefore, in practical terms, chemical reactions are typically analyzed using principles of chemical energetics, such as bond energies and enthalpy changes, rather than nuclear physics.

Energy release in nuclear reactions like fusion and fission is fundamentally due to the principles of nuclear binding energy and the energy-mass equivalence. In these reactions, the total binding energy of the products is greater than that of the reactants. In fission, when a heavy nucleus splits into lighter nuclei, the lighter nuclei have a greater binding energy per nucleon, meaning they are more stable and thus, energy is released to reach this more stable state. Similarly, in fusion, when light nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, the resulting nucleus has a higher binding energy per nucleon, and thus, is more stable. The difference in binding energy manifests as the release of energy, according to E = mc², where the mass defect (the difference in mass between reactants and products) is converted into energy. This release of energy is a natural process as systems tend to move towards a state of lower energy and greater stability.

The extraordinary energy yield in nuclear reactions, as compared to chemical reactions, is primarily due to the energy-mass equivalence principle encapsulated in the equation E = mc². In chemical reactions, the energy changes involve the electrons of atoms, typically leading to relatively small energy releases because the involved mass changes are minute. On the other hand, nuclear reactions involve changes in the nucleus of atoms, where even a minuscule change in mass can result in immense energy release due to the multiplication by the square of the speed of light (c²), which is a very large number (approximately 9 x 1016 m²/s²). For example, in fission or fusion, the mass defects (the difference between the mass of the reactants and products) though small in absolute terms, when multiplied by c², yield vast quantities of energy. This explains why nuclear power plants, which exploit fission reactions, can produce so much more energy than traditional chemical-based energy sources like fossil fuels, from a comparably small amount of fuel.

Harnessing energy from nuclear fusion presents greater challenges compared to nuclear fission due to several factors. Firstly, achieving the conditions necessary for fusion – extremely high temperatures and pressures – is technologically demanding. Fusion requires temperatures of millions of degrees to overcome the electrostatic repulsion between positively charged nuclei. Such conditions are hard to create and maintain on Earth. Secondly, containing the plasma (a state of matter at high temperatures where electrons are stripped from atoms) in a stable state requires advanced magnetic confinement techniques, such as those used in tokamaks or inertial confinement methods. These technologies are still under development and require significant investment and research. In contrast, nuclear fission, used in current nuclear power plants, occurs at much lower temperatures and is easier to sustain and control. The technology for fission is well-established, making it currently more feasible for energy production compared to fusion, which remains largely experimental and in the research phase.

Practice Questions

A nucleus of Uranium-235 undergoes fission to form two daughter nuclei with a combined mass that is 0.1% less than the original Uranium nucleus. Calculate the energy released in this reaction. (Assume the speed of light is 3 x 10^8 m/s)

The energy released in the reaction can be calculated using the formula E = Δm x c². First, we calculate the mass defect (Δm). If the mass of the daughter nuclei is 0.1% less than the Uranium nucleus, the mass defect is 0.001 times the mass of Uranium-235. Assuming the mass of Uranium-235 to be approximately 235 u (unified atomic mass units), Δm = 0.001 x 235 u = 0.235 u. Converting this mass into kilograms (1 u = 1.66 x 10-27 kg), Δm = 0.235 x 1.66 x 10-27 kg = 3.901 x 10-29 kg. Now, applying E = Δm x c², where c is the speed of light (3 x 108 m/s), we get E = 3.901 x 10-29 kg x (3 x 108 m/s)² = 3.51 x 10-13 J. Therefore, the energy released is 3.51 x 10-13 joules.

During a nuclear fusion reaction in the Sun, two hydrogen nuclei combine to form a helium nucleus. If the mass of the helium nucleus is 0.7% less than the total mass of the hydrogen nuclei, calculate the energy released in this reaction. (Assume the speed of light is 3 x 10^8 m/s)

In this fusion reaction, the energy released can be calculated using E = Δm x c². First, determine the mass defect (Δm). The mass defect is 0.7% of the total mass of the hydrogen nuclei. Assuming the mass of two hydrogen nuclei to be approximately 2 u (since the mass of a hydrogen nucleus is about 1 u), Δm = 0.007 x 2 u = 0.014 u. Converting this to kilograms (1 u = 1.66 x 10-27 kg), Δm = 0.014 x 1.66 x 10-27 kg = 2.324 x 10-29 kg. Using the energy-mass equivalence formula, E = Δm x c² = 2.324 x 10-29 kg x (3 x 108 m/s)² = 2.09 x 10-12 J. Thus, the energy released during this nuclear fusion reaction is approximately 2.09 x 10^-12 joules.

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