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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

23.1.3 Nuclear Reactions in A-Level Physics

Understanding Nuclear Equations

Nuclear equations are symbolic representations of nuclear reactions. They depict the changes occurring within the nucleus and are vital for understanding the transformation of elements and the energy involved in these processes.

Writing Nuclear Equations

Writing nuclear equations involves the depiction of nuclear transformations while ensuring the conservation of mass number and atomic number:

  • Mass Number (A): The total number of protons and neutrons (nucleons) in the nucleus. In a nuclear equation, the sum of the mass numbers of the reactants equals the sum of the mass numbers of the products.
  • Atomic Number (Z): The number of protons in the nucleus, which determines the chemical element. The sum of atomic numbers must remain constant on both sides of the equation.

Example: Alpha Decay

In alpha decay, an unstable nucleus emits an alpha particle (helium nucleus, 4/2 He) and transforms into a new element. The equation for the alpha decay of Uranium-238 is:

238/92 U -> 234/90 Th + 4/2 He

Here, the Uranium nucleus decays into Thorium and an alpha particle, with both mass number and atomic number conserved.

Image showing different types of nuclear reactions

Nuclear reactions

Image Courtesy OpenStax

Interpreting Nuclear Equations

Interpreting nuclear equations involves understanding the types of particles involved, the nature of the transformation, and the energy dynamics:

  • Reactants: The starting materials in a nuclear reaction, typically a nucleus and a neutron, photon, or another particle.
  • Products: The outcome of the reaction, often involving different atomic nuclei, alpha particles, beta particles, neutrons, or gamma rays.

Mass Defect and Binding Energy in Nuclear Reactions

The Concept of Mass Defect

Mass defect is the difference between the calculated mass of a nucleus and the actual mass. This discrepancy is a key concept in nuclear physics.

  • Origin of Mass Defect: It originates from the energy required to bind the nucleus together, known as binding energy. This energy, when converted into mass units, accounts for the mass defect.
  • Significance in Stability: The mass defect reflects the stability of the nucleus. A larger mass defect indicates a more stable nucleus due to higher binding energy.
Image explaining mass defect

Mass defect

Image Courtesy Science Notes and Projects ·

Calculating Binding Energy

Binding energy is the energy needed to break a nucleus into its constituent protons and neutrons. It is calculated using Einstein’s formula E = mc2.

  • Procedure: To find the binding energy, first determine the mass defect by subtracting the mass of the nucleus from the sum of the masses of its protons and neutrons. Convert this mass into energy using the formula.
  • Units and Conversion: Binding energy is often expressed in mega electron volts (MeV). The conversion factor is 931.5 MeV/u (atomic mass units).
Diagram showing how binding energy separates a nucleus into its nucleons (protons and neutrons)

Binding Energy separating nucleus into protons and neutrons

Image courtesy GeeksforGeeks

Example Calculation

If a nucleus has a mass defect of 0.1 u, its binding energy E in MeV is:

E = 0.1 x 931.5 = 93.15 MeV

Application in Nuclear Equations

In nuclear reactions, the concept of binding energy is crucial for understanding the energy dynamics:

  • Energy Dynamics: A reaction that produces nuclei with higher total binding energy than the reactants will release energy (exothermic). Conversely, if the total binding energy decreases, the reaction absorbs energy (endothermic).
  • Equation Balance: To balance nuclear equations, ensure the total mass-energy (sum of rest mass and binding energy) is conserved across reactants and products.

Practical Applications and Implications

The principles of nuclear reactions, mass defect, and binding energy have wide-ranging applications and implications:

  • Nuclear Power Generation: Understanding these concepts is essential for harnessing nuclear energy in power plants through controlled nuclear reactions.
  • Medical Applications: Techniques like PET scans rely on nuclear reactions for imaging and treatment.
  • Astrophysical Phenomena: These principles explain processes in stars, such as fusion in the Sun, providing insight into the energy sources of the universe.

Detailed Example: Balancing a Nuclear Reaction Equation

Consider the nuclear fission of Uranium-235:

235/92 U + 1/0 n -> 139/56 Ba + 94/36 Kr + 3 1/0 n

In this equation:

  • The sum of mass numbers before the reaction (236) equals the sum after the reaction (236).
  • The sum of atomic numbers is also conserved (92 before, 92 after).
  • The binding energy change can be calculated by comparing the total binding energies of reactants and products, indicating the energy released in the reaction.

Key Takeaways for A-Level Physics Students

  • Nuclear Equations: Mastering nuclear equations is crucial for understanding atomic transformations and energy dynamics in nuclear processes.
  • Mass Defect and Binding Energy: These concepts explain the energy release or absorption in nuclear reactions and the stability of atomic nuclei.
  • Conservation Principles: The principles of conservation of mass number, atomic number, and mass-energy are fundamental in nuclear physics.

This comprehensive understanding equips students with the necessary tools to delve deeper into the field of nuclear physics and its myriad applications, paving the way for future scientific explorations and innovations.


Nuclear reactions can significantly alter the isotopic composition of elements, a process that is central to many natural and human-made phenomena. Isotopes are variants of elements that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. In nuclear reactions, the neutron-to-proton ratio can change, leading to the transformation of one isotope into another. This change can occur through various processes, such as neutron capture, which adds a neutron to a nucleus; beta decay, which converts a neutron to a proton or vice versa; and nuclear fission or fusion, which can split or combine nuclei to form new isotopes. These changes in isotopic composition are crucial in fields like nuclear medicine (where specific isotopes are used for diagnosis or treatment), archaeology (carbon dating), and nuclear energy (breeding of fuel isotopes in reactors). For example, in a nuclear reactor, Uranium-238 can capture a neutron to become Uranium-239, which subsequently undergoes beta decay to form Neptunium-239 and then Plutonium-239, an isotope with different nuclear properties and applications. Understanding these transformations is essential for manipulating and predicting the behavior of nuclear materials in various applications.

Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, often accompanying nuclear reactions, particularly nuclear decay processes. They are produced when a nucleus transitions from a higher energy state to a lower energy state, releasing excess energy in the form of high-energy photons, known as gamma rays. In nuclear equations, gamma rays are usually denoted by the Greek letter gamma (γ). Unlike alpha or beta particles, gamma rays do not involve the transmutation of one element into another; instead, they represent the energy loss from the nucleus as it moves to a more stable state. A typical nuclear equation involving gamma emission might look like this: X -> Y + γ, where X is the parent nucleus in an excited state, Y is the same nucleus in a more stable state, and γ is the emitted gamma ray. It's important to note that gamma radiation itself carries no charge and has no rest mass, making it distinct from other forms of nuclear radiation. Gamma rays are extremely penetrating due to their high energy and lack of charge, making them both a powerful tool in medical imaging and treatment, and a significant safety concern in nuclear physics and engineering.

Nuclear fission and fusion are two fundamental types of nuclear reactions, both of which are underpinned by principles of nuclear physics, yet they differ significantly in their processes and equations. Nuclear fission is the splitting of a heavy nucleus into two or more smaller nuclei, accompanied by the release of energy and often neutrons. The nuclear equations for fission typically involve a heavy nucleus (like Uranium-235) absorbing a neutron and splitting into two smaller nuclei and additional neutrons. For example, when Uranium-235 undergoes fission, it may produce Barium-141, Krypton-92, and three neutrons. On the other hand, nuclear fusion is the process where two light atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus. Fusion is the process powering stars, including the Sun, where hydrogen nuclei fuse to form helium, releasing tremendous amounts of energy. Fusion equations generally involve light elements like hydrogen isotopes combining to form a heavier nucleus. For example, in the Sun, four hydrogen nuclei (protons) undergo a series of reactions to eventually form a helium nucleus, two positrons, and two neutrinos, along with the release of energy. Both processes are governed by the principles of mass defect and energy release, but while fission is utilized in nuclear reactors, fusion remains a challenge for practical use on Earth.

Neutron capture is a type of nuclear reaction in which a nucleus absorbs a free neutron. This process is fundamental in nuclear physics, affecting both the stability of nuclei and the nature of nuclear reactions. In neutron capture, a neutron collides and merges with a target nucleus, resulting in a compound nucleus in an excited state. This new nucleus can either emit a gamma ray, returning to a lower energy state, or undergo further transformation such as fission or beta decay. Neutron capture is particularly significant in heavy nuclei, like those used in nuclear reactors and in the natural processes occurring in stars. In nuclear equations, neutron capture is typically represented by adding a neutron to the target nucleus on the reactant side. For example, Uranium-238 absorbing a neutron can be written as: 238/92 U + 1/0 n -> 239/92 U*. The asterisk (*) indicates that the product nucleus is often in an excited state. Neutron capture can either increase the stability of a nucleus, by moving it closer to the line of beta stability, or decrease stability, potentially leading to radioactive decay or nuclear fission, depending on the nature of the nucleus and the energy of the neutron.

Controlling nuclear reactions, particularly fission reactions, is crucial in nuclear reactor operation to prevent runaway reactions and ensure safe, stable energy production. This control is primarily achieved through regulating the rate of neutron production and absorption within the reactor. Two key components in this control are control rods and a moderator.

  • Control Rods: These are made of materials like boron, cadmium, or hafnium, which absorb neutrons. By inserting or withdrawing these rods from the reactor core, the neutron flux can be adjusted. If too many neutrons are present, leading to an increased rate of fission and energy release, control rods are inserted further to absorb more neutrons, thus slowing the reaction. Conversely, withdrawing the rods accelerates the reaction.
  • Moderator: A moderator, like water or heavy water, is used to slow down fast neutrons produced in fission to thermal energies. Slow (thermal) neutrons are more likely to induce further fission in fuel nuclei like Uranium-235, making the reaction more efficient and controllable.

Additionally, precise engineering, regular maintenance, and rigorous safety protocols are essential to ensure that the nuclear reactions remain controlled. In a well-designed reactor, these elements work together to maintain a critical state, where the nuclear chain reaction is self-sustaining but controlled, avoiding both subcritical (reaction dying out) and supercritical (runaway reaction) states.

Practice Questions

In a particular nuclear reaction, a Lithium-7 nucleus collides with a proton and forms two alpha particles. Write the nuclear equation for this reaction and explain how the conservation laws apply to it.

In this nuclear reaction, a Lithium-7 nucleus (3 protons and 4 neutrons) collides with a proton to form two alpha particles (2 protons and 2 neutrons each). The nuclear equation for this reaction is: 7/3 Li + 1/1 H -> 2 4/2 He. Here, the total mass number before the reaction (7 from Lithium and 1 from the proton, totaling 8) is equal to the total mass number after the reaction (4 from each alpha particle, also totaling 8). The atomic number is conserved as well, with 3 from Lithium and 1 from the proton (total 4) equaling the atomic number of the two alpha particles (2 each, total 4). This equation demonstrates the conservation of both mass number and atomic number, fundamental principles in nuclear reactions.

Calculate the energy released when a neutron induces fission in a Uranium-235 nucleus, producing Krypton-92, Barium-141, and three neutrons. The atomic masses are: Uranium-235 (235.0439 u), Krypton-92 (91.9262 u), Barium-141 (140.9144 u), and a neutron (1.0087 u). Use the energy-mass equivalence principle.

To calculate the energy released, first determine the mass defect: mass of reactants - mass of products. The mass of the reactants (Uranium-235 and a neutron) is 235.0439 u + 1.0087 u = 236.0526 u. The mass of the products (Krypton-92, Barium-141, and 3 neutrons) is 91.9262 u + 140.9144 u + 3(1.0087 u) = 236.8663 u. The mass defect is 236.0526 u - 236.8663 u = -0.8137 u. Converting this mass defect to energy using E = mc² and the conversion factor 931.5 MeV/u, the energy released is -0.8137 u x 931.5 MeV/u = -757.8 MeV. The negative sign indicates energy is released, which is characteristic of nuclear fission reactions. This calculation demonstrates the application of energy-mass equivalence in nuclear physics.

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