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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

23.1.5 Fusion and Fission in Nuclear Physics

1. Detailed Insights into Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion, a formidable process occurring in stars, including our Sun, involves the merging of lighter nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, releasing substantial energy.

1.1 Understanding the Fusion Process

  • Nuclear Fusion: This process involves combining lighter atomic nuclei (like hydrogen isotopes) to form a heavier nucleus (like helium).
  • Energy-Mass Equivalence: A fraction of the mass in the fusion process is converted into energy, following Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc².
Image Showing Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear Fusion

Image Courtesy BYJU’S

1.2 Energy Dynamics in Fusion

  • Fusion releases energy much more efficiently than any chemical reaction, like burning fossil fuels.
  • The Sun’s primary fusion process transforms hydrogen into helium, emitting energy as both heat and light.

1.3 Necessary Conditions for Fusion

  • Fusion requires extremely high temperatures (millions of degrees) to overcome electrostatic repulsion between positively charged nuclei.
  • Additionally, high pressures are needed to force nuclei close enough for the strong nuclear force to facilitate fusion.

2. Exploring Nuclear Fission

Nuclear fission involves the division of a heavy atomic nucleus into smaller nuclei, releasing energy and additional neutrons.

2.1 Fission Fundamentals

  • Nuclear Fission: In this process, a heavy nucleus (like Uranium-235) splits into two smaller nuclei when hit by a neutron.
  • The reaction releases more neutrons and a significant amount of energy.
A diagram showing the process of neutron-induced fission of uranium-235. A neutron collides with a uranium-235 nucleus, causing it to split into two smaller nuclei (krypton-92 and barium-141) and releasing three more neutrons and energy.

Neutron-induced fission of Uranium

Image Courtesy MikeRun

2.2 Energy in Fission

  • The energy from fission is due to the mass defect, where the mass of the resultant particles is less than the original mass.
  • This mass difference is transformed into energy, according to E = mc².

2.3 Fission Chain Reactions

  • Released neutrons can initiate more fission reactions, creating a chain reaction.
  • Controlled reactions in nuclear reactors produce energy, while uncontrolled reactions result in nuclear explosions.

3. Comparative Analysis of Fusion and Fission

Comparing fusion and fission provides insight into their respective roles in energy production and nuclear physics.

Image explaining fission and fusion

Fission and fusion

Image Courtesy Science Notes and Projects ·

3.1 Energy Output Comparison

  • Per unit mass, fusion reactions release significantly more energy than fission.
  • Hydrogen isotope fusion releases about four times more energy than uranium fission.
Diagram showing the fission of a nucleus and the release of kinetic energy and gamma rays.

Release of kinetic energy and gamma rays during Nuclear Fission

Image Courtesy Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc

3.2 Safety and Radioactive Waste

  • Fission generates long-lived radioactive waste, creating environmental challenges.
  • Fusion produces minimal radioactive waste, offering a cleaner alternative.

3.3 Resource Availability

  • Fission depends on scarce heavy elements like uranium.
  • Fusion uses more abundant hydrogen isotopes.

3.4 Technological Maturity

  • Fission technology is advanced, with many operational power plants.
  • Fusion technology faces challenges in maintaining the necessary conditions for fusion.

4. Practical Applications

These nuclear processes have diverse applications beyond energy production.

4.1 Power Generation

  • Fission is currently used in nuclear power plants.
  • Fusion has the potential to provide a near-limitless, clean energy source.

4.2 Medical Uses

  • Fission-produced radioisotopes are crucial in medical diagnostics and cancer treatment.

4.3 Research Benefits

  • Fusion research enhances our understanding of plasma physics.
  • Fission technology has driven advances in nuclear safety and reactor designs.

4.4 Space Exploration

  • Fission-based generators power deep space missions.
  • Fusion could revolutionize space travel within the solar system.

5. Energy Considerations

The role of energy in nuclear processes is pivotal, affecting everything from power generation to environmental impact.

5.1 Energy Efficiency

  • Current fission reactors are more energy-efficient than fusion experiments.
  • Fusion, once commercialised, could surpass fission in efficiency due to its higher energy yield.

5.2 Environmental Aspects

  • Fission produces no greenhouse gases but creates radioactive waste.
  • Fusion, with water as its primary byproduct, offers a significant reduction in environmental hazards.

5.3 Future Energy Prospects

  • Fusion technology could provide sustainable, clean energy.
  • Ongoing improvements in fission technology contribute to a diverse energy portfolio.


The fuel requirements for nuclear fusion and fission differ significantly in terms of type, abundance, and the way they are used in the reactions. Fission typically uses heavy elements like uranium or plutonium. These elements have large, unstable nuclei that are prone to splitting apart when struck by a neutron, releasing energy. However, these materials are relatively rare and must be mined, processed, and enriched before use in reactors, which has environmental and geopolitical implications.

In contrast, fusion typically uses isotopes of hydrogen, such as deuterium and tritium. Deuterium can be extracted from seawater, making it abundantly available, while tritium is rarer but can be produced from lithium, another relatively abundant element. The fusion of these lighter elements releases energy when they are combined under high temperature and pressure conditions. This difference in fuel not only has implications for the long-term sustainability and environmental impact of the energy source but also for the technological and engineering challenges associated with each method.

Nuclear fusion can theoretically be used in weapons, as evidenced by the fusion reactions in hydrogen bombs, which are more powerful than atomic bombs based on fission. However, the practical application of fusion in weapons is much more complex than fission. Fusion weapons typically require an initial fission explosion to achieve the extremely high temperatures and pressures necessary for a fusion reaction. This complexity makes fusion weapons technologically more challenging to develop. Furthermore, the primary goal of current fusion research is for peaceful energy generation. The technology and infrastructure required for fusion energy are distinct from those needed for weaponization. The international community also closely monitors and regulates nuclear technologies to prevent proliferation and ensure they are used for peaceful purposes.

Nuclear fission and fusion have markedly different environmental impacts. Fission, while producing a significant amount of energy, generates radioactive waste, which poses a major environmental challenge. This waste remains radioactive for thousands of years, requiring secure, long-term storage solutions to avoid contamination of the environment. Additionally, the mining and refining of uranium for fission reactors also have environmental impacts. In contrast, fusion offers a much cleaner alternative. The primary fuel for fusion, isotopes of hydrogen, is abundant, and the process produces minimal long-lived radioactive waste. The major byproduct of a deuterium-tritium fusion reaction is helium, which is non-toxic and non-radioactive. Moreover, fusion does not involve the mining of heavy elements, thus reducing environmental degradation. However, it's important to note that fusion technology is still in the developmental stages and not yet a viable large-scale energy source.

The Sun can sustain nuclear fusion primarily due to its massive size, which creates the extremely high pressure and temperature conditions at its core, necessary for fusion to occur. The immense gravitational force of the Sun compresses its core, increasing the temperature to millions of degrees and creating the high pressure needed for hydrogen nuclei to overcome their electrostatic repulsion and fuse together. On Earth, replicating these conditions is extremely challenging. The temperatures and pressures required for fusion are difficult to achieve and maintain. In fusion reactors, like tokamaks or inertial confinement systems, we use advanced technologies to simulate these extreme conditions, but the process is complex and requires a lot of energy. Furthermore, sustaining the reaction in a stable and controlled manner for an extended period is another significant challenge that scientists are still working to overcome.

Beyond electricity generation, fusion power has the potential to revolutionize several industries and technological domains. One of the most significant potential applications is in space exploration. Fusion power could provide a much more efficient and long-lasting energy source for spacecraft, potentially enabling faster travel times and longer missions, even to the outer reaches of the solar system. This is due to the high energy density of fusion reactions and the abundance of fuel.

Another potential application is in the production of medical isotopes. Similar to fission reactors, fusion reactors could be used to produce isotopes for medical diagnostics and treatment, albeit with different isotopic products and potentially lower radiation risks.

Fusion technology could also contribute to the field of material science. The extreme conditions inside a fusion reactor provide a unique environment for researching and developing new materials, especially those capable of withstanding high temperatures and radiation levels.

Additionally, the development of fusion technology could lead to advancements in related fields, such as plasma physics, superconducting materials, and magnetic confinement, potentially opening up new industrial and technological applications that are currently unforeseen.

Practice Questions

Describe the process of nuclear fusion and explain why it is not currently used as a widespread source of energy.

The process of nuclear fusion involves combining lighter atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, typically hydrogen isotopes fusing into helium. This reaction releases a significant amount of energy, much greater than that produced by chemical reactions, as a small fraction of the mass is converted into energy according to E = mc². Fusion is not widely used as an energy source due to the extreme conditions it requires, such as high temperatures (millions of degrees) and pressures, which are challenging to achieve and maintain in a controlled environment. Additionally, the current technological limitations and the complexity of sustaining a stable fusion reaction for a prolonged period make it impractical for widespread use.

Compare and contrast nuclear fission and fusion in terms of their energy output and safety concerns.

Nuclear fission and fusion both release energy by altering the nucleus of an atom, but they do so in different ways. In fission, a heavy nucleus splits into smaller nuclei, releasing energy, while fusion involves combining lighter nuclei to form a heavier one. Fusion releases significantly more energy per unit mass compared to fission. Regarding safety, fission generates long-lived radioactive waste, presenting environmental and disposal challenges. In contrast, fusion produces minimal radioactive waste, making it a safer and cleaner alternative. However, the technological challenges of achieving and maintaining the conditions necessary for fusion make it less feasible than fission with current technology.

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