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CIE A-Level Maths Study Notes

2.9.1 Fundamentals of Complex Numbers

Complex numbers extend the real number system, adding a new dimension to mathematical problem-solving. They facilitate the exploration of numbers beyond real ones, notably including the square roots of negative numbers.

Understanding Complex Numbers

  • Definition: A complex number is expressed as z=a+biz = a + bi, where aa and bb are real numbers, and ii is the imaginary unit, defined as 1\sqrt{-1}.
  • Imaginary Unit (i)( i ): The core of the imaginary part of complex numbers, defined as 1\sqrt{-1}.
  • Example: The complex number 2+3i2 + 3i has a real part of 2 and an imaginary part of 3.
Complex number

Image courtesy of Cuemath

Real and Imaginary Parts

  • Real Part (Re z)( \text{Re } z ): In z=a+biz = a + bi, aa is the real component.
  • Imaginary Part (Im z)( \text{Im } z ): In z=a+biz = a + bi, bibi is the imaginary component.
  • Example: For 4+5i4 + 5i, Re z=4\text{Re } z = 4 and Im z=5\text{Im } z = 5.

Modulus of a Complex Number

  • Formula: The modulus of zz, denoted as z|z|, is z=a2+b2|z| = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}.
  • Physical Interpretation: Represents the distance from the origin in the complex plane.
  • Example: For 1+1i1 + 1i, the modulus is 12+12=2\sqrt{1^2 + 1^2} = \sqrt{2}.

Argument of a Complex Number

  • Definition: The argument of a complex number, arg (z)( z ), is the angle in radians from the positive real axis to the line from the origin to zz.
  • Calculation: Typically tan1(b/a)\tan^{-1}(b/a).
  • Geometric Interpretation: The direction of ( z ) in the complex plane.
  • Example: For 1+3i1 + \sqrt{3}i, arg(z)( z ) is tan1(3/1)=π/3\tan^{-1}(\sqrt{3}/1) = \pi/3 radians.

Complex Conjugate

  • Definition: The conjugate of z=a+biz = a + bi is z=abiz^* = a - bi.
  • Usage: Useful in division, finding modulus, and argument.
  • Example: The conjugate of 3+4i3 + 4i is 34i3 - 4i.

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