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CIE A-Level Maths Study Notes

2.8.4 Interpreting Solutions in Context

Understanding the application of differential equations in real-world scenarios is a critical aspect of mathematics, especially in fields like environmental science, engineering, and finance. This section aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how to interpret the solutions of differential equations in various contexts.

Introduction to Differential Equations in Real-World Scenarios

Differential equations are mathematical equations that describe the relationship between a function and its derivatives. They are essential in modelling the dynamics of systems where change is continuous and dependent on the current state of the system.

Differential Equations in Real-World Scenarios

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The Role of Differential Equations in Modelling

Differential equations are used to model a wide range of phenomena, from the growth of populations to the decay of radioactive materials. They allow us to predict future states of a system based on its current state and the rate of change.

Example: Environmental Application

Consider a scenario involving environmental management:

"A lake initially contains 1 million gallons of water with a pollution level of 5 ppm (parts per million). Clean water flows into the lake at a rate of 100,000 gallons per day, and the mixed water flows out at the same rate. Determine the pollution level in the lake over time."

Differential Equation Formation:

  • Let P(t)P(t) be the pollution level at time tt in days.
  • Equation: dPdt=rateInrateOut\frac{dP}{dt} = \text{rateIn} - \text{rateOut}.
  • Since incoming water is clean, rateIn=0\text{rateIn} = 0.
  • Outflow rate of pollution: rateOut=P(t)×100,0001,000,000\text{rateOut} = \frac{P(t) \times 100,000}{1,000,000}.
  • This yields dPdt=0.1P(t)\frac{dP}{dt} = -0.1P(t).

Solving the Differential Equation:

1. Separation of Variables:

  • Rearrange to dPP=0.1dt\frac{dP}{P} = -0.1 dt.

2. Integrate Both Sides:

  • Integrate dPP=0.1dt\int \frac{dP}{P} = \int -0.1 dt.
  • This results in lnP=0.1t+C\ln|P| = -0.1t + C, where CC is the integration constant.

3. Solve for P(t)P(t):

  • Exponentiate both sides to remove the natural log, giving P=e0.1t+CP = e^{-0.1t + C}.
  • Rewrite as P(t)=Ce0.1tP(t) = Ce^{-0.1t}, where C=eCC = e^C is a new constant.

4. Apply Initial Condition (y(0) = 5 ppm):

  • Substitute t=0t = 0 and P(0)=5P(0) = 5 into P(t)=Ce0.1tP(t) = Ce^{-0.1t}.
  • 5=Ce05 = Ce^0 implies C=5C = 5.

5. Final Solution:

  • P(t)=5e0.1tP(t) = 5e^{-0.1t}.


  • The solution P(t)=5e0.1tP(t) = 5e^{-0.1t} shows the pollution level decreases exponentially over time due to the dilution by the inflow of clean water.

Real-World Implications

Understanding the dynamics of pollution in natural water bodies is critical. This model allows for the prediction of pollution concentration over time, which is essential for:

  • Planning and implementing clean-up operations.
  • Informing the public and local businesses about water quality.
  • Making legislative decisions regarding environmental protection.

Example: Pollution Level Prediction

With the formula P(t)=5e0.001tP(t) = 5e^{-0.001t} ppm, determine the pollution level in the lake after a duration of 1000 days.


1. Substitute t=1000t = 1000:

  • P(1000)=5e0.001×1000P(1000) = 5e^{-0.001 \times 1000}.

2. Calculate Numerical Value:

  • Evaluate 5e15e^{-1}.
  • P(1000)5×1eP(1000) \approx 5 \times \frac{1}{e}.
  • Approximate with e2.71828e \approx 2.71828.
  • Resulting in P(1000)1.84P(1000) \approx 1.84 ppm.

Conclusion: After 1000 days, the pollution level is approximately 1.84 ppm.

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