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CIE A-Level Maths Study Notes

2.8.3 Applying Initial Conditions

Understanding how to apply initial conditions to differential equations is a fundamental aspect of Mathematics. This section will explore this concept in depth, providing detailed explanations and examples to enhance comprehension for students.

Introduction to Initial Conditions

In the realm of differential equations, initial conditions are specific values assigned to the function or its derivatives at a particular point. These conditions are pivotal in determining a unique solution to a differential equation, as they allow for the resolution of constants present in the general solution.

The Role of Initial Conditions

Initial conditions transform a general solution of a differential equation into a specific solution applicable to a particular scenario. This process is crucial in mathematical modelling, where differential equations are used to describe real-world phenomena.

Example 1: Exponential Growth Model


dydx=ky\frac{dy}{dx} = ky where kk is a constant.

Initial Condition:

y(0)=y0y(0) = y_0


1. Integrate Equation:

  • From dyy=kdx\frac{dy}{y} = k dx, integrate to get y=Cekxy = Ce^{kx} where CC is the integration constant.

2. Apply Initial Condition:

  • Set x=0x = 0 in y=Cekxy = Ce^{kx}, use y(0)=y0y(0) = y_0 to find C=y0C = y_0.

3. Specific Solution:

  • Final equation: y=y0ekxy = y_0e^{kx} , describes exponential growth like population increase.

Conclusion: The solution y=y0ekxy = y_0e^{kx} models exponential processes, with y0y_0 as the starting value.

Complex Differential Equations with Initial Conditions

In more complex scenarios, especially with non-linear differential equations or higher-order derivatives, the application of initial conditions can be more intricate.

Example 2: Harmonic Oscillator Model


  • d2ydx2+ω2y=0\frac{d^2y}{dx^2} + \omega^2y = 0
  • Initial Conditions: y(0)=A,y(0)=0y(0) = A, y'(0) = 0
  • Here, ω\omega is the angular frequency, AA is the amplitude.


1. General Solution:

  • Form is y=C1cos(ωx)+C2sin(ωx)y = C_1 \cos(\omega x) + C_2 \sin(\omega x).

2. First Initial Condition (y(0)=Ay(0) = A):

  • Substituting x=0x = 0, get A=C1cos(0)+C2sin(0)A = C_1 \cos(0) + C_2 \sin(0).
  • Simplifies to A=C1A = C_1. So, C1=AC_1 = A.

3. Second Initial Condition y(0)=0y'(0) = 0:

  • Differentiate: y=C1ωsin(ωx)+C2ωcos(ωx)y' = -C_1 \omega \sin(\omega x) + C_2 \omega \cos(\omega x).
  • Apply y(0)=0y'(0) = 0, leading to 0=C1ωsin(0)+C2ωcos(0)0 = -C_1 \omega \sin(0) + C_2 \omega \cos(0).
  • Results in C2=0C_2 = 0.

4. Specific Solution:

  • y=Acos(ωx)y = A \cos(\omega x).

Conclusion: The solution y=Acos(ωx)y = A \cos(\omega x) models the motion of a simple harmonic oscillator, like a pendulum or spring, defined by amplitude AA and angular frequency ω\omega.

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