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CIE A-Level Maths Study Notes

2.9.7 Geometrical Interpretations

Complex numbers, extending beyond the realm of real numbers, offer a fascinating exploration of mathematical concepts. In this section, focuses on the geometric interpretations of complex number operations, unveiling their effects and representations on the Argand plane.

Geometric Effects of Conjugation

  • Conjugation flips the complex number across the real axis.
  • Changes imaginary part's sign, keeps real part the same.


Conjugate of z=a+biz = a + bi is z=abiz^* = a - bi.


Addition and Subtraction

  • Similar to vector addition/subtraction.


Add z1=a+biz_1 = a + bi and z2=c+diz_2 = c + di to form a parallelogram with vertices at 0,z1,z2,z1+z20, z_1, z_2, z_1 + z_2.


Multiplication and Division

  • Seen as rotations and scalings.


Multiplying z1z_1 by z2z_2 rotates z1z_1 by the argument of z2z_2 and scales by the modulus of z2z_2.


Visual Understanding on Argand Plane

Argand Plane Basics:

  • Represents complex numbers as points.
  • Real part on x-axis, imaginary part on y-axis.


Multiply z1=3+4iz_1 = 3 + 4i and z2=12iz_2 = 1 - 2i and plot on Argand plane.


1. Complex Number Multiplication:

  • Multiply parts of complex numbers like algebraic expressions.
  • Use i2=1i^2 = -1.

2. Calculate z1×z2z_1 \times z_2:

  • Expand: (3+4i)(12i)(3 + 4i)(1 - 2i).
  • Simplify: 36i+4i+8=112i3 - 6i + 4i + 8 = 11 - 2i.
  • Result: z1×z2=112iz_1 \times z_2 = 11 - 2i.

3. Plot on Argand Plane:

  • Plot 112i11 - 2i at point (11, -2).

4. Physical Interpretation:

  • Shows rotation and scaling of z1z_1 by z2z_2.
Argand Plane

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