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CIE A-Level Maths Study Notes

2.9.6 Square Roots of Complex Numbers

Complex numbers, typically denoted as z, consist of two parts: a real part and an imaginary part. A complex number is expressed in the form z=a+biz = a + bi, where 'a' represents the real component, and 'bi' is the imaginary component. The concept of square roots in complex numbers is intriguing as it involves finding a number which, when squared, returns the original complex number. This is a fundamental skill in various mathematical and engineering fields.

Cartesian Form of Complex Numbers

  • Form: z=a+biz = a + bi (aa = real, bibi = imaginary).
  • Use: Easy for arithmetic and finding square roots.
  • Technique: Uses algebra and knowledge of imaginary numbers.

The Square Root of a Complex Number

  • Task: Find z=a+bi\sqrt{z} = \sqrt{a + bi}.
  • Solution: Find by separating and solving real and imaginary parts after squaring.

Example Problems

Problem 1 : Find square roots of 5+12i5+12i.

1. Assume square root is x+yi x + yi.

2. Square it: (x+yi)2=x2+2xyiy2(x + yi)^2 = x^2 + 2xyi - y^2.

3. Set real parts equal: x2y2=5x^2 - y^2 = 5, and imaginary parts equal: 2xy=122xy = 12.

4. Solve Equations

  • From 2xy=122xy = 12, get $y = \frac{12}{2x} = \frac{6}{x} .</li><li>Substitutein.</li><li>Substitute in x^2 - \left(\frac{6}{x}\right)^2 = 5 .</li><li>Solvefor.</li><li>Solve for x,thenfind, then find y.</li></ul><p><strong>Solution:</strong></p>.</li></ul><p><strong>Solution:</strong></p>x = 3, y = 2 → 3 + 2i.<p></p><p></p>x = -3, y = -2 → -3 - 2i.<h3>Problem2:SquareRootof<h3>Problem 2: Square Root of 7+24i</h3><p>1.Assumesquarerootis</h3><p>1. Assume square root is x + yi.</p><p>2.Squareit:.</p><p>2. Square it: (x + yi)^2 = x^2 + 2xyi - y^2.</p><p>3.Equaterealparts:.</p><p>3. Equate real parts: x^2 - y^2 = 7,imaginaryparts:, imaginary parts: 2xy = 24.</p><p>4.SolveEquations</p><ul><li>From.</p><p>4. Solve Equations</p><ul><li>From 2xy = 24,get, get y = \frac{12}{x}.</li><li>Substitutein.</li><li>Substitute in x^2 - y^2 = 7: x^2 - (\frac{12}{x})^2 = 7.</li><li>Solvefor .</li><li>Solve for x,then, then y.</li></ul><p><strong>Solution:</strong></p>.</li></ul><p><strong>Solution:</strong></p>x = 4, y = 3 → 4 + 3i.<p></p><p></p>x = -4, y = -3 → -4 - 3i.$

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