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AQA A-Level Chemistry Notes

1.2.6 Practical Skills and Applications

Making up a Volumetric Solution

The preparation of a volumetric solution is a fundamental skill in chemistry, requiring meticulous attention to detail and an understanding of solution concentration.

Understanding Molarity

  • Molarity (M) is defined as the number of moles of a solute per litre of solution. It's a critical concept for quantifying the exact amounts of reactants in chemical reactions.

Equipment and Materials

To prepare a volumetric solution, you'll need:

  • Volumetric flask: A specialized flask for preparing solutions of precise volumes.
  • Analytical balance: A high-precision scale for measuring small masses accurately.
  • Pipette and pipette filler: For transferring measured volumes of liquids.
  • Funnel: To aid in the transfer of solids and liquids without spillage.


  1. Mass Calculation: Start by calculating the mass of the solute needed, using the formula: ( \text{Mass (g)} = \text{Molarity (M)} \times \text{Molar Mass (Mr)} \times \text{Volume (dm}^3\text{)} )
  2. Weighing the Solute: Use the analytical balance to weigh the solute accurately, ensuring minimal error.
  3. Dissolving the Solute: Dissolve the solute in a beaker with distilled water, stirring until the solution is homogeneous.
  4. Transferring to the Flask: Carefully transfer the solution to the volumetric flask using a funnel to prevent loss.
  5. Adjusting the Volume: Add distilled water to the flask until the bottom of the meniscus aligns with the calibration mark.
  6. Mixing: Invert the flask multiple times to ensure a uniform solution.

Conducting a Simple Acid-Base Titration

Titration is a core analytical technique used to determine the concentration of an unknown solution by reacting it with a solution of known concentration.

Equipment and Materials

For a titration, you'll need:

  • Burette: A graduated glass tube for delivering precise volumes of liquid.
  • Conical flask: To contain the solution being titrated.
  • Indicator: A chemical that changes colour at the endpoint of the titration.
  • Standard solution: A solution of known concentration used as the titrant.


  1. Burette Preparation: Fill the burette with the standard solution, ensuring no air bubbles, and record the initial volume.
  2. Analyte and Indicator: Add the analyte to the conical flask along with a few drops of indicator.
  3. Titration: Gradually add the titrant to the analyte, swirling to mix, until a permanent colour change indicates the endpoint.
  4. Volume Calculation: Note the final volume of the titrant in the burette and calculate the volume used.
  5. Concentration Determination: Use the titration data to calculate the concentration of the analyte, applying the stoichiometry of the reaction.

Applications in Real-World Contexts

Chemistry is not confined to the lab; its principles are applied in various industries and everyday life.

Determining Mr of a Volatile Liquid

This method involves vaporizing a liquid and recondensing it to measure its mass, useful in industries where the purity and concentration of volatile compounds are critical.

Concentration of Acids in Vinegar

Vinegar's quality control in the food industry relies on titration to measure acetic acid concentration, ensuring product consistency and compliance with food safety standards.

Mass of Calcium Carbonate in Tablets

In pharmaceuticals, accurately determining the active ingredient's mass in medications like antacid tablets is vital for efficacy and safety.

Practical Skills Development

Precision and Accuracy

  • Precision refers to the consistency of repeated measurements, while accuracy denotes how close a measurement is to the true value. Both are pivotal in scientific experiments.

Safety and Ethical Considerations

  • Safety in the laboratory is paramount, involving proper handling of chemicals, wearing protective gear, and understanding emergency procedures.
  • Ethical considerations encompass the environmental impact of chemical disposal and the sustainability of chemical practices.


  • Maintaining detailed records of experimental procedures, observations, and results is essential for the reproducibility of experiments and validation of findings.

Enhancing Understanding Through Practice

Hands-on laboratory work not only reinforces theoretical concepts but also cultivates analytical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are indispensable in the field of chemistry and related disciplines.


Minimizing errors in volumetric analysis involves several meticulous practices and techniques. Firstly, using high-quality, calibrated laboratory equipment is essential. Volumetric flasks, pipettes, and burettes should be calibrated and free from defects. Before use, these instruments should be rinsed with the solution they will contain to prevent dilution errors.

Secondly, temperature control is crucial, as changes in temperature can affect the density and volume of solutions. Conducting experiments at a constant, standard laboratory temperature minimizes this source of error.

The choice of indicator is also vital; it should have a clear, distinct color change at the equivalence point of the titration. Misjudging the endpoint due to an inappropriate indicator can lead to systematic errors.

Furthermore, consistent and precise technique when measuring and transferring solutions is necessary. This includes ensuring the meniscus is at eye level when reading volumes, using a white background to enhance visibility, and avoiding parallax errors.

Lastly, conducting multiple trials and calculating an average value can help identify and reduce random errors, enhancing the reliability of the results. By adhering to these practices, the accuracy and precision of volumetric analysis can be significantly improved.

Using distilled water in preparing solutions and during titrations is crucial for maintaining the purity and accuracy of the experiments. Distilled water is free from dissolved minerals and organic compounds that could interfere with the chemical reactions or affect the concentration of the solutions. In contrast, tap water contains various ions such as calcium, magnesium, and chloride, which can introduce systematic errors into experiments by altering the ionic strength of the solution, precipitating with reagents, or complexing with analytes.

When preparing a volumetric solution, the use of distilled water ensures that the solute is the only substance contributing to the solution's molarity. Similarly, during titration, distilled water is used to rinse equipment such as burettes, pipettes, and conical flasks to avoid contaminating the solutions with residual ions or substances that could affect the reaction or the indicator's color change. The use of distilled water is fundamental to achieving accurate, reproducible results in quantitative chemical analysis.

The endpoint and equivalence point are critical concepts in titration, each signifying different stages of the reaction. The equivalence point is the theoretical point at which the amount of titrant added is stoichiometrically equivalent to the quantity of analyte present in the solution. At this point, the chemical reaction between the titrant and analyte is complete. Ideally, this is the exact point where the number of moles of titrant equals the number of moles of analyte, according to the reaction equation.

The endpoint, on the other hand, is the practical, observable change that indicates the titration is complete, typically marked by a color change of the indicator used in the titration. The aim is to have the endpoint as close to the equivalence point as possible, but slight discrepancies can occur due to the properties of the indicator. The choice of an appropriate indicator, which changes color as close to the equivalence point as possible, is crucial for the accuracy of a titration. The difference between the equivalence point and endpoint can lead to titration errors, known as titration errors, which are minimized by careful selection of indicators and precise control of titration conditions.

Ensuring accuracy when transferring a solution to a volumetric flask involves several meticulous steps. Firstly, it's crucial to use a funnel to guide the solution into the flask, minimizing spillage and ensuring that all of the solution enters the flask. After adding the solution, it's important to rinse the container in which the solution was initially prepared, as well as the funnel, with small amounts of distilled water. These rinses should also be transferred into the volumetric flask to ensure that any residual solution clinging to the sides of the container or the funnel is not lost. This step is repeated several times to maximize transfer efficiency. Once the solution and all rinses have been added, the volumetric flask is filled with distilled water up to the calibration mark. It's essential to add the last few drops carefully, using a dropper or a pipette, to avoid overshooting the mark, as the volume must be exact. The solution is then mixed thoroughly by inverting the flask multiple times, ensuring uniform concentration throughout. These steps collectively ensure the accuracy of the solution's concentration in the volumetric flask.

Buffer solutions play a crucial role in titrations, particularly in maintaining the pH at a nearly constant value in situations where small additions of acid or base could lead to significant changes in pH. They are essential in titrations involving weak acids or bases, where the pH at the equivalence point does not correspond to a neutral pH of 7. Buffers help to stabilize the pH, ensuring that the titration curve exhibits a more distinct equivalence point, making the endpoint clearer and easier to identify.

Buffers are necessary in titrations where the reaction involves a weak acid or base and a strong counterpart. Without a buffer, the pH change around the equivalence point would be very gradual, making it difficult to discern the endpoint. A buffer solution ensures a sharp pH change at the equivalence point, providing a clear signal for the completion of the reaction.

Additionally, buffers are used in pH-sensitive reactions, where maintaining a specific pH range is crucial for the reaction to proceed correctly or for the stability of the compound being analyzed. In such cases, buffers safeguard against unwanted side reactions that could compromise the accuracy of the titration results.

Practice Questions

Describe the steps involved in preparing 250 cm³ of 0.1 M NaCl solution, starting from solid NaCl. Include any calculations needed.

To prepare 250 cm³ of 0.1 M NaCl solution, first calculate the mass of NaCl required using the molarity equation ( \text{M} = \frac{\text{mass}}{\text{Mr} \times \text{volume}} ). The molar mass (Mr) of NaCl is 58.5 g/mol. Therefore, the mass needed is ( 0.1 \times 58.5 \times 0.25 = 1.4625 ) g. Weigh this amount accurately using an analytical balance. Dissolve the NaCl in less than 250 cm³ of distilled water in a beaker, stirring until fully dissolved. Transfer the solution to a 250 cm³ volumetric flask using a funnel. Rinse the beaker and funnel with distilled water, adding the rinses to the flask. Finally, add distilled water to the flask until the bottom of the meniscus aligns with the 250 cm³ mark. Invert the flask several times to ensure the solution is homogeneous.

In a titration experiment, 25.0 cm³ of HCl of unknown concentration is titrated with 0.100 M NaOH. It takes 23.7 cm³ of NaOH to neutralise the acid. Calculate the concentration of the HCl solution.

In this titration, the reaction between HCl and NaOH is 1:1 as per the equation ( \text{HCl} + \text{NaOH} \rightarrow \text{NaCl} + \text{H}2\text{O} ). The volume of NaOH used is 23.7 cm³ and its concentration is 0.100 M. To find the concentration of HCl, use the formula: ( \text{C}1 \times \text{V}1 = \text{C}2 \times \text{V}2 ). Here, ( \text{C}1 ) is the concentration of HCl, ( \text{V}1 ) is the volume of HCl (25.0 cm³), ( \text{C}2 ) is the concentration of NaOH (0.100 M), and ( \text{V}2 ) is the volume of NaOH (23.7 cm³). Rearranging the formula gives ( \text{C}_1 = \frac{\text{C}2 \times \text{V}2}{\text{V}1} = \frac{0.100 \times 23.7}{25.0} = 0.0948 ) M. Therefore, the concentration of the HCl solution is 0.0948 M. This calculation demonstrates an understanding of stoichiometry and the principles of titration.

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