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AQA A-Level Chemistry Notes

1.2.4 Empirical and Molecular Formulas in Chemistry

Introduction to Empirical Formulas

The empirical formula of a compound provides the simplest whole number ratio of atoms of each element in the compound. It's a simplified representation that doesn't necessarily show the actual number of atoms but rather the smallest ratio in which the elements combine.

Characteristics of Empirical Formulas

  • Simplicity: Empirical formulas reduce the actual number of atoms in a compound to the smallest whole number ratio.
  • Example: For hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂), the empirical formula is HO, showing a 1:1 ratio of hydrogen to oxygen atoms.

Molecular Formulas Explained

Molecular formulas differ from empirical formulas in that they show the actual number of atoms of each element in a molecule of a compound. This can sometimes be the same as the empirical formula but often it is a multiple of the empirical formula.

Details of Molecular Formulas

  • Exact Numbers: They give the precise number of atoms in a molecule.
  • Example: Glucose has a molecular formula of C₆H₁₂O₆, indicating the actual number of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms in a glucose molecule.

Empirical vs Molecular Formulas

Understanding the relationship between these two types of formulas is key in chemistry. The molecular formula of a substance can often be a multiple of its empirical formula.

Understanding their Relationship

  • Multiplicative Factor: The molecular formula is often an integer multiple of the empirical formula.
  • Identity and Multiplicity: For some compounds, empirical and molecular formulas are the same; for others, the molecular formula is a multiple of the empirical formula.

Calculating Empirical Formulas

The process of determining an empirical formula from mass or percentage composition is a fundamental skill in chemistry. It involves converting mass data to a simple ratio of moles.

Steps to Determine Empirical Formulas

  1. Conversion from Percentages to Mass: Assume a 100 g sample for percentage compositions, converting these percentages directly to mass.
  2. Conversion from Mass to Moles: Using atomic mass from the periodic table, convert the mass of each element to moles.
  3. Simplest Ratio Determination: Divide the mole quantity of each element by the smallest mole quantity among them.
  4. Whole Number Adjustment: If necessary, multiply these ratios by an integer to get whole numbers.

Practical Example

  • Example Calculation: For a compound with 40% carbon, 6.7% hydrogen, and 53.3% oxygen, find the empirical formula.

Determining Molecular Formulas

To find the molecular formula, one needs the empirical formula and the compound's relative molecular mass (Mr).

Process of Finding Molecular Formulas

  1. Calculate Mr of the Empirical Formula: Sum the atomic masses of the atoms in the empirical formula.
  2. Molecular Mass to Empirical Formula Mass Ratio: Divide the given molecular mass by the empirical formula mass.
  3. Empirical Formula Adjustment: Multiply the empirical formula by this ratio to obtain the molecular formula.

Example in Practice

  • Application: If a compound's empirical formula is CH₂O and its molecular mass is 60 g/mol, determine its molecular formula.

Applications in Chemistry

Understanding empirical and molecular formulas is not just an academic exercise; it has practical and real-world relevance.

The Significance in Real-world Chemistry

  • Predictive Tool in Reactions: These formulas help predict the outcomes of chemical reactions.
  • Analytical Chemistry: They are vital in the identification and analysis of chemical compounds.
  • Pharmaceuticals and Materials Science: Precise knowledge of chemical composition is critical in these fields.

Laboratory Techniques and Problem Solving

Developing proficiency in calculating these formulas enhances a student's ability to solve complex problems and conduct laboratory analyses effectively.

Incorporating Practical Exercises

  • Real-world Data Analysis: Use actual chemical data to calculate empirical and molecular formulas.
  • Laboratory-Based Scenarios: Apply these calculations to hypothetical laboratory situations for a more hands-on understanding.


Mastering the concepts of empirical and molecular formulas is fundamental for A level Chemistry students. This knowledge is not only crucial for passing exams but also forms the basis for understanding more complex chemical concepts and processes. Through detailed study and practice, students can gain a solid foundation in chemical composition analysis, crucial for any aspiring chemist.


The presence of isotopes affects the calculation of empirical and molecular formulas because atomic masses used in these calculations are average atomic masses that account for the natural abundance of isotopes. For instance, carbon has two stable isotopes, ¹²C and ¹³C, with ¹²C being more abundant. The average atomic mass of carbon (approximately 12.01 g/mol) reflects this distribution. When calculating the moles of an element in a compound, this average atomic mass is used. Therefore, the presence of isotopes is already accounted for in the standard atomic masses found on the periodic table. It's important to remember that these average values are what make the calculation of empirical and molecular formulas applicable to real-world substances, as naturally occurring elements are always mixtures of isotopes.

Yes, combustion analysis is a common method used to determine the empirical formula of organic compounds, particularly hydrocarbons. In this analysis, the compound is combusted in excess oxygen, and the products, typically carbon dioxide and water, are measured. To determine the empirical formula, follow these steps: 1) Convert the masses of CO₂ and H₂O produced into moles. 2) Knowing that each mole of CO₂ represents a mole of carbon and each mole of H₂O represents two moles of hydrogen, calculate the moles of carbon and hydrogen in the original compound. 3) If oxygen is also a component of the compound, its amount can be deduced by subtracting the total mass of carbon and hydrogen from the initial mass of the compound. 4) Convert the mass of oxygen to moles. 5) Find the simplest whole number ratio of the moles of C, H, and O. This ratio gives the empirical formula. It’s a meticulous process that requires accurate measurement and calculation, but it’s highly effective for organic compounds.

Empirical and molecular formulas provide information about the composition of a compound but are limited in their ability to predict physical properties. The empirical formula indicates the simplest ratio of elements in a compound, and the molecular formula shows the actual number of atoms, but neither gives information about the structure or arrangement of atoms. Physical properties like melting point, boiling point, solubility, and electrical conductivity are influenced by the molecular structure, intermolecular forces, and the type of bonding in the compound. For instance, isomers, compounds with the same molecular formula but different arrangements of atoms, can have vastly different physical properties. To predict and understand the physical properties of a compound, additional information about its molecular structure and bonding is necessary. Therefore, while empirical and molecular formulas are fundamental for understanding the composition of compounds, they are just the starting point for predicting physical properties.

When calculating empirical and molecular formulas, several common mistakes should be avoided for accurate results. Firstly, it's crucial to ensure that mass or percentage data is accurately converted to moles. This conversion is foundational and errors here propagate through the calculation. Secondly, when adjusting mole ratios to whole numbers, students often round off prematurely or incorrectly. It’s important to remember that these ratios must represent whole atoms, so rounding should be done carefully and logically. Thirdly, a misunderstanding of the relationship between the empirical and molecular formula can lead to errors. The molecular formula is a multiple of the empirical formula, and this multiple should be an integer. Lastly, inattention to detail, like incorrect atomic masses or overlooking the presence of water of crystallization in hydrated compounds, can lead to erroneous results. Paying careful attention to these aspects is key to correctly determining these formulas.

Determining the empirical formula of a compound with a polyatomic ion follows a similar process as with other compounds, but with a critical difference: the polyatomic ion is treated as a single entity. For example, consider a compound containing magnesium, nitrogen, and oxygen, with a percentage composition of 20.3% Mg, 14.3% N, and 65.4% O. The compound contains the polyatomic ion nitrate (NO₃). In this case, you first convert the percentage composition of magnesium to moles, just as you would with a standard element. Then, instead of separating nitrogen and oxygen, you consider the whole nitrate ion together. The molar mass of NO₃ is approximately 62.01 g/mol. After converting the mass of nitrate to moles, you find the ratio between Mg and NO₃ ions. If the ratio is not a whole number, it should be multiplied by an appropriate factor to achieve the simplest whole number ratio. This process allows you to accurately represent compounds with polyatomic ions in their empirical formula.

Practice Questions

A compound consists of 40% carbon, 6.7% hydrogen, and 53.3% oxygen by mass. Calculate its empirical formula.

The empirical formula of a compound can be determined by converting the percentage composition of each element to moles and then finding the simplest whole number ratio. For a compound with 40% carbon, 6.7% hydrogen, and 53.3% oxygen, assuming a 100 g sample, the masses are 40 g of carbon, 6.7 g of hydrogen, and 53.3 g of oxygen. Converting these masses to moles, we get: Carbon: ( \frac{40\text{ g}}{12.01\text{ g/mol}} \approx 3.33 \text{ moles} ), Hydrogen: ( \frac{6.7\text{ g}}{1.008\text{ g/mol}} \approx 6.65 \text{ moles} ), Oxygen: ( \frac{53.3\text{ g}}{16.00\text{ g/mol}} \approx 3.33 \text{ moles} ). The ratio of moles is approximately 1:2:1 for C:H:O. Therefore, the empirical formula is CH₂O.

Given that the empirical formula of a compound is CH₂O and its molecular mass is 60 g/mol, determine its molecular formula.

To determine the molecular formula from the empirical formula CH₂O, first calculate the molar mass of the empirical formula. The atomic masses are approximately 12.01 g/mol for C, 1.008 g/mol for H, and 16.00 g/mol for O. The molar mass of CH₂O is ( 12.01 + (2 \times 1.008) + 16.00 \approx 30.03 \text{ g/mol} ). The molecular mass of the compound is given as 60 g/mol. The ratio of the molecular mass to the empirical formula mass is ( \frac{60}{30.03} \approx 2 ). Therefore, the molecular formula is twice the empirical formula, which is C₂H₄O₂.

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