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AQA A-Level Chemistry Notes

1.2.3 The Ideal Gas Equation

Understanding the Ideal Gas Equation: pV = nRT

The Equation and Its Components

The Ideal Gas Equation is expressed as pV = nRT, where each component is crucial:

  • Pressure (p): The force per unit area exerted by the gas. It's measured in pascals (Pa). Standard atmospheric pressure is 101,325 Pa.
  • Volume (V): The space occupied by the gas, measured in cubic meters (m³). This reflects the container's size housing the gas.
  • Amount of Substance (n): The number of moles of gas present, measured in moles (mol). One mole corresponds to approximately (6.022 \times 10{23}) particles (Avogadro's number).
  • Gas Constant (R): A physical constant with a value of 8.314 J/(mol·K), acting as a proportionality constant in the equation.
  • Temperature (T): The absolute temperature in Kelvin (K). Conversion from Celsius to Kelvin is crucial for accuracy.

SI Units in the Ideal Gas Equation

  • Utilizing SI units ensures consistency and precision in calculations.
  • Converting temperatures to Kelvin and pressures to pascals are common preliminary steps in solving problems using this equation.

Applications of the Ideal Gas Equation

Solving for Unknown Variables

The flexibility of the Ideal Gas Equation lies in its ability to be rearranged and solved for any unknown variable:

  • Finding Volume (V): Rearrange to ( V = \frac{{nRT}}{{p}} ).
  • Calculating Pressure (p): Rearrange to ( p = \frac{{nRT}}{{V}} ).
  • Determining Moles (n): Rearrange to ( n = \frac{{pV}}{{RT}} ).
  • Assessing Temperature (T): Rearrange to ( T = \frac{{pV}}{{nR}} ).

Practical Scenarios

  • Predicting how a gas will expand when heated in a closed container.
  • Calculating the required pressure to compress a certain volume of gas.

Mastery of the Ideal Gas Equation

Solving Gas-Related Problems

The key steps in applying the Ideal Gas Equation effectively include:

  1. Identify the Known and Unknown Variables: Categorize the variables provided in the problem statement and identify what needs to be calculated.
  2. Rearrange the Equation: Modify the equation to solve for the unknown variable.
  3. Ensure Unit Consistency: Convert all units to the SI system for consistency.
  4. Substitute and Solve: Input the known values into the rearranged equation and solve for the unknown.

Example Problems for Practice

  • Example 1: What volume will 0.25 moles of carbon dioxide occupy at standard temperature and pressure (STP)?
  • Example 2: Determine the temperature required to increase the pressure of 1 mol of helium in a 1.5 m³ container to 200,000 Pa.

Tips for Successful Application

  • Regular practice with various problem types is essential.
  • Understand the physical significance of each variable.
  • Always convert units to SI before starting calculations.

Practical Applications in Experiments

Laboratory Use

  • In the lab, the Ideal Gas Equation is used to determine the conditions needed for reactions involving gases.
  • It's also crucial for experiments like gas collection over water, where the gas's volume and pressure need to be known.

Error Analysis

  • Recognizing the limitations of the Ideal Gas Equation is important. Real gases show deviations, especially under conditions of high pressure and low temperature, where they exhibit non-ideal behaviour.

Application in Everyday Scenarios

  • The Ideal Gas Equation has real-world applications, such as calculating the amount of gas needed to inflate airbags in vehicles to a specific volume and pressure.

Deepening Understanding

Historical Context

  • The development of the Ideal Gas Equation was a significant milestone in chemistry. It synthesized the work of Boyle, Charles, Avogadro, and others into a single, unified theory describing gas behaviour.

Connection to Kinetic Molecular Theory

  • The equation is underpinned by the Kinetic Molecular Theory, which describes gases as small particles in random motion. Understanding this theory enhances comprehension of why the equation works and its limitations.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Mastering the Ideal Gas Equation opens doors to deeper understanding of advanced concepts in chemistry. Its applications extend from basic laboratory experiments to complex industrial processes, highlighting its significance in both academic and practical contexts.


The Ideal Gas Equation finds significant applications in environmental science, particularly in understanding and modelling atmospheric phenomena and pollution control. For instance, it is used to calculate the volume and density of pollutants at different temperatures and pressures, which is crucial in air quality monitoring and developing strategies for pollution reduction. Additionally, the Ideal Gas Law helps in understanding the behaviour of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. By calculating the volume, pressure, and temperature relationships of these gases, scientists can better predict their impact on global warming and climate change. The equation is also used in meteorology to understand atmospheric conditions, such as predicting weather patterns and understanding the dynamics of different layers of the atmosphere.

Yes, the Ideal Gas Equation can be applied to mixtures of gases. This application is based on Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures, which states that the total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of each individual gas. Each gas in the mixture behaves as if it were the only gas present and exerts pressure independently. When using the Ideal Gas Equation for a gas mixture, the total pressure is used along with the total volume and temperature. The amount of substance (n) would be the sum of the moles of each individual gas in the mixture. This application is fundamental in calculating the behaviour of air (a mixture of different gases) and other gas mixtures in various chemical and industrial processes.

In aerospace engineering, the Ideal Gas Equation is crucial for the design and operation of various systems where gas behaviour is a key factor. For instance, it is used to calculate the behaviour of gases in propulsion systems, such as jet engines and rocket thrusters, where temperature, pressure, and volume changes are significant. The equation helps in determining the thrust produced by engines under different conditions. Additionally, it is essential in the design of environmental control systems within spacecraft and aircraft, where maintaining a safe and comfortable atmospheric condition is critical. Understanding the pressure, volume, and temperature relationships of gases allows engineers to design systems that regulate cabin pressure and temperature effectively, ensuring the safety and comfort of passengers and crew in extreme conditions.

Deviations from ideal gas behaviour become significant under conditions of high pressure and low temperature, where real gases do not conform perfectly to the Ideal Gas Law. At high pressures, gas particles are closer together, resulting in intermolecular forces that the Ideal Gas Law does not account for. At low temperatures, these forces become more pronounced, and the volume occupied by the gas particles themselves becomes significant compared to the total volume of the gas. These factors cause real gases to deviate from the predictions made by the Ideal Gas Law. In such cases, corrections to the Ideal Gas Equation, such as those proposed by Van der Waals, are used to account for intermolecular forces and the finite volume of gas particles. These corrections make the modified equation more accurate for real gases under non-ideal conditions. However, for most practical purposes at moderate temperatures and pressures, the Ideal Gas Law provides a close approximation of gas behaviour.

The gas constant 'R' is a fundamental constant in the Ideal Gas Equation, pivotal for bridging the relationship between pressure, volume, temperature, and the number of moles of a gas. Its value, 8.314 J/(mol·K), encapsulates the behaviour of an ideal gas under standard conditions. 'R' is determined empirically, meaning it is derived from experimental data. It is a culmination of the work of scientists over centuries who measured the properties of gases under various conditions. The value of 'R' provides a universal standard, allowing for the consistent application of the Ideal Gas Law across various gases and conditions. It is a crucial component in thermodynamics and physical chemistry, linking macroscopic properties of gases to the amount of substance at the molecular level. The constancy of 'R' across different gases underscores the universality of the Ideal Gas Law and its fundamental role in understanding gas behaviour.

Practice Questions

A 3.00-litre container holds nitrogen gas at a pressure of 405 kPa at 300 K. Calculate the number of moles of nitrogen gas in the container.

An excellent A level Chemistry student would approach this problem by first stating the Ideal Gas Equation, pV = nRT. They would then rearrange it to solve for n: ( n = \frac{pV}{RT} ). Substituting the given values into the equation, ( n = \frac{405 \times 103 \, \text{Pa} \times 3.00 \, \text{L}}{8.314 \, \text{J mol}{-1} \text{K}{-1} \times 300 \, \text{K}} ) (note that volume is converted to cubic meters: 3.00 L = 0.003 m³). By performing the calculation, the student would find the number of moles of nitrogen gas in the container. This answer demonstrates understanding of the Ideal Gas Equation and proficiency in handling units and conversions.

If the volume of a gas is 2.50 L at a pressure of 202 kPa and a temperature of 273 K, what will be its volume at a pressure of 101 kPa and a temperature of 546 K, assuming the amount of gas remains constant?

A high-quality answer would first identify this as a combined gas law problem, derived from the Ideal Gas Law. The combined gas law is ( \frac{p1V1}{T1} = \frac{p2V2}{T2} ). The student would then substitute the known values: ( \frac{202 \times 103 \, \text{Pa} \times 2.50 \, \text{L}}{273 \, \text{K}} = \frac{101 \times 103 \, \text{Pa} \times V2}{546 \, \text{K}} ). After rearranging to solve for ( V2 ), ( V2 = \frac{(202 \times 103 \, \text{Pa} \times 2.50 \, \text{L} \times 546 \, \text{K})}{(101 \times 103 \, \text{Pa} \times 273 \, \text{K})} ), the student would calculate the final volume. This response shows a clear understanding of how to apply the combined gas law to solve for changes in gas conditions.

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