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IB DP Physics Study Notes

9.2.3 Factors Affecting Diffraction

In the realm of wave phenomena, diffraction stands out as a fascinating occurrence, illustrating the wave nature of light. Central to our understanding of diffraction is grasping how certain variables, like slit width, wavelength, and screen distance, influence the observed patterns. This section dissects these determinants in-depth.

Slit Width

One of the principal factors dictating the diffraction pattern is the width of the slit. It's pivotal in determining the extent of bending of waves.

  • Central Maxima's Dependence: The width of the central maxima holds an inverse relationship with the slit width. As we narrow down the slit, the central maxima expands in its width, and vice versa.
    • Reason: When light encounters a narrow slit, it undergoes a higher degree of bending, intensifying the diffraction effect. On the other hand, a broader slit allows light to pass through with minimal bending, resulting in a more focused and narrowed central maxima.
  • Secondary Patterns: The secondary maxima and minima are also influenced by the slit width. With a decreasing slit width, secondary maxima's intensity diminishes. The overlapping of diffracted waves from various slit regions leads to a diffused pattern with less defined secondary maxima.
  • Applications: In practical scenarios like laser shows or optical experiments, manipulating the slit width can help in achieving desired light patterns. Understanding this relationship can be crucial in fields like microscopy and astrophysics. For further reading on how different wave patterns can be manipulated, see Two-Point Source Interference.


The wavelength of the employed light is another dominant factor shaping the diffraction outcome.

  • Relation with Central Maxima: There's a direct proportionality between the angular width of the central maxima and the light's wavelength. Thus, longer wavelengths, such as red light, generate a broader central maxima. Conversely, shorter wavelengths like violet produce a more restricted pattern.
  • Differential Diffraction with White Light: Utilising white light, which is a mix of multiple wavelengths, brings forth a captivating observation. Each colour, having a unique wavelength, undergoes varied diffraction degrees. This results in the red light (possessing the longest wavelength) bending the most and the violet (with the shortest wavelength) bending the least. This differential diffraction manifests as a spectrum, with each colour discernible at different positions. Explore Thin Film Interference to understand the interaction of wavelengths in different mediums.
  • Secondary Maxima Impact: Mirroring the central maxima's behaviour, secondary maxima also become more prominent with longer wavelengths, courtesy of the amplified diffraction.
  • Scientific Implications: This wavelength-dependent behaviour has profound implications. For instance, in astronomy, analysing the diffraction patterns of starlight can provide insights into the star's properties. A related topic, Diffraction Patterns, delves deeper into understanding these intricate formations.

Screen Distance

The span separating the diffraction slit and the projection screen is not to be underestimated in its effect on the diffraction pattern.

  • Impact on Pattern Dimension: A more distant screen from the slit leads to an enlarged diffraction pattern. This can be visualised by considering the continued spreading of waves post diffraction. A more extended screen distance offers these waves added room to spread, culminating in an expansive pattern.
  • Intensity Variations: A repercussion of increasing the screen distance is a dip in the pattern's intensity. The rationale lies in light's distribution over a more considerable expanse, diluting its concentration at any specific point. Learn more about how this distance impacts patterns in different setups at Interference in Double Slits.
  • Practical Repercussions: In experimental setups, tweaking the screen's placement is a prevalent tactic to gain better visibility of diffraction patterns. Not only does it offer a magnified view, but occasionally, it even aids in discerning otherwise overlooked secondary maxima due to the heightened separation.
  • Further Exploration: In advanced physics, researchers often explore the screen distance's role in conjunction with other parameters. For instance, in scenarios involving multiple slits or varying light sources, the screen distance can significantly impact the resultant patterns.

Analogy for Better Comprehension

To visualise this, imagine standing at the beach, observing water waves navigating through a gap in a sea wall. The gap's width, the waves' frequency, and the distance they travel before reaching the shoreline all influence the resultant wave pattern on the shore. A narrower gap, akin to a narrow slit, would cause more pronounced spreading of the waves. Similarly, waves with longer wavelengths would spread out more, mirroring light's behaviour. The impact of damping in wave behaviour, much like the water's interaction with the sea wall, is explored in detail at Types of Damping in Simple Harmonic Motion.


An increase in slit width leads to a decrease in the amount of diffraction observed. This is rooted in the wave nature of light. When the slit is wider, there are fewer constraints on the light waves, resulting in less bending (or diffraction) of the waves as they pass through. According to Huygens' principle, each point on a wavefront behaves as a secondary source of waves. With a wider slit, the waves interfere less with one another, reducing the extent of the diffraction pattern formed on the screen.

Using monochromatic light, which consists of a single wavelength, is crucial for obtaining clear and consistent diffraction patterns. Different wavelengths of light diffract by different amounts; thus, using polychromatic or white light would result in overlapping diffraction patterns for each wavelength present. This overlapping can create a complex and muddled pattern, making it challenging to analyse or interpret. Monochromatic light ensures that the diffraction pattern observed results solely from the diffraction of that specific wavelength, providing clarity and consistency in experimental observations.

If a different medium, say water or glass, is introduced behind the slit, the diffraction pattern may undergo changes due to alterations in the speed of light in the new medium. When light passes from one medium to another, its speed and wavelength change, which can affect the diffraction pattern. For instance, if the new medium has a higher refractive index than air, the speed of light will decrease, leading to a decrease in the wavelength. This shorter wavelength could cause a narrower diffraction pattern on the screen, depending on other factors like slit width.

Imperfections or irregularities in the slit can introduce anomalies in the diffraction pattern. Ideally, a slit should have clean, sharp edges for a consistent and predictable pattern. However, if there are imperfections, such as jagged edges or uneven width, these can act as secondary sources of diffraction, leading to additional patterns or a more complex interference pattern. Such irregularities can distort the central maxima and may introduce unintended secondary maxima, making the overall diffraction pattern less uniform and predictable.

The distance between the slit and the screen significantly influences the size of the diffraction pattern. As the screen is moved further away from the slit, the diffraction pattern expands, resulting in a larger central maxima and secondary maxima. This is because the angular separation between the maxima remains constant, so increasing the distance causes a proportional increase in the linear spread of the pattern on the screen. Conversely, bringing the screen closer to the slit would compress the diffraction pattern, making it appear smaller.

Practice Questions

A monochromatic light source is shone through a slit onto a screen. Describe and explain the changes you would observe in the central maxima if the slit width is gradually decreased.

When the slit width is decreased, the central maxima on the screen becomes broader. This occurs due to the wave nature of light. A narrower slit causes the light waves to undergo more significant diffraction, leading to increased bending of the waves as they pass through the slit. Consequently, the central maxima's angular width expands. This can be understood through Huygens' principle, where each point on the wavefront acts as a secondary source of waves. A smaller slit width results in greater interference, leading to a more extensive central maxima on the screen.

In an experiment, two different monochromatic light sources are used to project light through the same slit. The first light source has a longer wavelength than the second one. Describe the observed differences in their diffraction patterns on the screen.

With the first light source, which has a longer wavelength, the diffraction pattern observed would be broader compared to the second light source with a shorter wavelength. The angular width of the central maxima is directly proportional to the wavelength of light used. Thus, longer wavelengths result in more significant diffraction, creating a more expansive central maxima. On the other hand, shorter wavelengths produce a narrower diffraction pattern. Secondary maxima would also be more pronounced and noticeable with the longer wavelength, while they might be less defined or more closely spaced with the shorter wavelength source.

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