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IB DP Physics Study Notes

9.2.2 Diffraction Pattern Analysis

Diffraction patterns manifest when waves, such as light, encounter obstacles like slits. Analysing the central maxima and minima in these patterns provides pivotal insights into wave behaviour. Delving into these patterns can enhance our comprehension of numerous physical phenomena and technological applications.

The Essence of Diffraction Patterns

When waves, particularly monochromatic light, pass through a single slit to hit a screen, a series of alternating bright and dark bands become visible. This interference pattern provides an understanding of both the wave's characteristics and the experimental parameters.

  • Central Maxima: Situated at the heart of the diffraction pattern, this is the brightest and most expansive band. Here, the light waves that emerge from the slit undergo constructive interference, resulting in maximum intensity. The central maxima is not just a focal point of brightness; its width can offer clues about the light's wavelength and the slit's dimensions.
  • Minima: Dark bands alternating with the bright bands represent regions where light waves have destructively interfered. The conditions under which these minima appear are rooted in the specifics of wave interference.

Deep Dive into Central Maxima

The central maxima stands out due to its pronounced brightness and width. But how do we ascertain its exact width?

Formula: Width of central maxima = (wavelength x distance to screen) / width of slit

By employing this formula, we can determine the central maxima's width for any given setup. This width offers insights into how light spreads out after passing through a narrow opening, and this spreading can be influenced by:

  • Slit Width: A narrower slit results in a broader central maxima. The relationship is inversely proportional.
  • Wavelength of Light: Light with a longer wavelength will produce a wider central maxima. This has implications in various scientific explorations where different light sources are employed.

Understanding Minima: More Than Just Darkness

Minima are more than just dark bands on a screen. They emerge from the intricate dance of waves as they interfere.

For a single slit, the minima condition is articulated as: (width of slit x sinθ) = m x wavelength


  • θ represents the angle of diffraction, determining the position of the minima.
  • m denotes the order of the minimum, with m=1 for the first minimum, m=2 for the second, and so forth.

The formula elucidates how the minima's position shifts based on the slit width and the light's wavelength. Through a deeper analysis, one can unveil the subtleties of wave behaviour and the nuances of interference.

Real-World Relevance of Diffraction Patterns

The theoretical exploration of diffraction patterns isn't just confined to the classroom:

  • Material Analysis: X-ray diffraction, for instance, leverages wave interference patterns to decipher the atomic or molecular structure of materials. This has vast implications in chemistry, biology, and materials science.
  • Enhancing Optical Instruments: Instruments like microscopes and telescopes have their resolution capabilities bound by diffraction. Understanding the diffraction patterns can pave the way for instruments with enhanced clarity and precision.
  • Radio Communications: Diffraction is pivotal in understanding how radio waves bend around obstacles, influencing both the clarity and range of transmissions.

Experimental Factors and Considerations

For those setting out to study diffraction patterns in a laboratory environment, it's essential to factor in:

  • Source Coherence: A coherent light source is imperative for distinct diffraction patterns. Lasers, given their high coherence, are often the go-to choice.
  • Ambient Lighting: To ensure the diffraction patterns are lucidly perceptible, it's recommended to conduct experiments in dimly lit or dark rooms, minimising interference from external light sources.
  • Slit Material: The material and edge sharpness of the slit can affect the clarity of the diffraction pattern. Precision in crafting the slit can lead to more accurate results.


The colour, or more specifically, the wavelength of light, plays a crucial role in determining the diffraction pattern. The angular width of the central maxima is directly proportional to the wavelength of light used. As the formula suggests: angular width = (wavelength/distance between slits). Thus, longer wavelengths (like red) produce broader central maxima compared to shorter wavelengths (like blue). If multiple colours are used, like in white light, each colour will diffract by a different amount, resulting in a central white maxima (where all colours overlap) flanked by coloured fringes in the sequence of their wavelengths.

The central maxima in the diffraction pattern is twice as wide as the subsequent maxima due to the nature of wave interference. When light waves pass through a single slit, each point on the slit acts as a source of secondary wavelets. These wavelets interfere constructively at the centre of the pattern. For the first minima (which defines the boundary of the central maxima), the path difference between the top and middle of the slit is half a wavelength, leading to destructive interference. The same occurs for the bottom and middle. As a result, the central maxima spans a full wavelength in terms of path difference, making it twice as wide as the other maxima, which are determined by a half-wavelength difference.

The material of the slit itself doesn't directly affect the shape or position of the diffraction pattern, provided the slit width remains consistent. However, the material can play an indirect role. For instance, certain materials might cause slight diffractions or reflections at the edges, altering the purity of the wavefront entering the slit. Additionally, if the material is not uniformly opaque or if it allows some amount of light scattering, it could affect the sharpness and intensity of the diffraction pattern. Generally, for precise diffraction experiments, slits are crafted from materials that provide clean, sharp edges without unwanted light interactions.

The intensity distribution of a single-slit diffraction pattern differs significantly from that of a double-slit interference pattern. In a single slit diffraction, there's a broad central maxima (bright fringe) flanked by a series of weaker, diminishing secondary maxima and minima. The central maxima is much wider than the subsequent fringes. In contrast, in a double-slit interference pattern, the bright fringes (maxima) have nearly equal intensity and spacing, separated by dark fringes (minima) of no light. Essentially, the single-slit diffraction showcases the bending of light around an obstacle, while the double-slit interference demonstrates the superposition of two wave sources.

In a single-slit diffraction pattern, while the central maxima is prominent, the intensity of the secondary maxima progressively decreases away from the centre. This diminishing intensity is due to the broader and less defined nature of constructive interference for the secondary maxima compared to the sharp constructive interference at the central maxima. Practically speaking, after several secondary maxima, their intensity decreases to a point where they may become undetectable or indistinguishable from the background or noise, especially in a real-world setup. However, theoretically, there's no strict limit to the number of secondary maxima; they continue indefinitely, but with diminishing intensity.

Practice Questions

A monochromatic light source emits light of wavelength 500 nm. It is directed towards a single slit of width 0.5 mm, producing a diffraction pattern on a screen 2 metres away. Calculate the width of the central maxima on the screen.

To find the width of the central maxima, we use the formula: Width of central maxima = (wavelength x distance to screen) / width of slit. Substituting in the given values: Width = (500 x 10-9 m x 2 m) / 0.5 x 10-3 m Width = 2 x 10-6 m / 0.5 x 10-3 m = 0.004 m or 4 mm. Therefore, the width of the central maxima on the screen is 4 mm.

In an experiment involving a single slit diffraction pattern, it was observed that increasing the slit width resulted in a narrower central maxima. Explain this observation, considering the relationship between slit width and the central maxima.

The width of the central maxima in a single slit diffraction pattern is inversely proportional to the slit width. When the slit width increases, the central maxima narrows because the diffracted waves have a reduced angle of spread. This is due to the wavelets from the slit edges interfering at smaller angles, leading to constructive interference occurring over a narrower range on the screen. Conversely, a smaller slit width would lead to a broader central maxima due to the wider angle of interference. Thus, the observed narrowing of the central maxima with an increase in slit width aligns with the principles of wave interference in diffraction.

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