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IB DP Physics Study Notes

9.3.1 Two-Point Source Interference

Two-point source interference delves into the intriguing domain of wave behaviour. By studying how waves from two separate sources interact, intricate interference patterns emerge due to differences in paths and resultant fringe spacings. For further insight, exploring the superposition principle helps in understanding the foundational concepts behind wave overlaps leading to interference.

Path Difference

The journey of two waves, originating from distinct sources, isn't always identical. Their differing travelled distances result in what we term the 'path difference'. The nature of the interference—whether it fortifies or diminishes wave amplitude—is dictated by this disparity. This principle is further exemplified in thin film interference, where light waves interact similarly over microscopic distances.

  • Constructive Interference: This form of interference is characterised by waves that meet 'in phase', meaning their crests and troughs coincide perfectly. Such alignment transpires when the path difference is a full wavelength (nλ where n is an integer), resulting in the summation of their individual amplitudes.
  • Destructive Interference: Conversely, when waves meet 'out of phase', or when their crests and troughs oppose each other, they cause destructive interference. This phenomenon arises when the path difference equals an odd number of half wavelengths (nλ + ½λ). Here, the waves negate each other, either weakening the overall amplitude or negating it entirely.
  • Phase and Coherence: A crucial factor for observing a consistent interference pattern is the coherence of the wave sources. This ensures a stable phase difference. Non-coherent sources lead to erratic and fleeting interference patterns, which can entirely dissipate over time.
IB Physics Tutor Tip: Understanding the role of path difference in two-point source interference is crucial for predicting and explaining the formation of interference patterns, essential in experimental physics.

Fringe Spacing

The interference of two-point sources manifests as discernible 'fringes'—alternate bands of dark and bright regions on an intercepting screen. To delve deeper into how these patterns are influenced, see the discussion on factors affecting diffraction.

  • Bright Fringes: Representing zones of constructive interference, bright fringes are birthed when waves combine to deliver a maximum amplitude. The necessary condition for this is a path difference of nλ.
  • Dark Fringes: These areas depict destructive interference, where opposing wave phases cancel each other, leading to minimal or no amplitude regions on the screen. These occur when the path difference is nλ + ½λ.
  • Fringe Spacing Formula: The spacing, denoted as 'y', between these fringes can be deduced using:y = (λ * D) / dWhere:
    • λ is the light's wavelength.
    • D is the distance from the sources to the screen.
    • d is the separation between the two sources.
  • Factors Affecting Fringe Spacing: Any changes in the source separation, screen distance, or wavelength will lead to alterations in the fringe spacing.
  • Applications in Modern Physics: Fringe spacing analysis is pivotal in experimental setups to determine wavelengths of diverse light sources. Its consistent nature proves invaluable for precision measurements. Understanding diffraction patterns can also enhance grasp on how light behaves under different experimental conditions.
IB Tutor Advice: Practise calculating fringe spacings using different wavelengths and source separations to strengthen your understanding of interference patterns and improve your problem-solving skills for exams.

Real-World Implications

The principles governing two-point source interference aren't confined to textbooks; they have tangible real-world applications.

  • Laser Speckle Patterns: Laser light, when reflected off an uneven surface, yields a distinct interference pattern called a 'speckle pattern'. Owing to the coherent nature of lasers and the multifaceted reflections interfering simultaneously, these patterns are generated. The study of interference in double slits further illustrates the practical applications of interference phenomena.
  • Wavelength Determination: Laboratory experiments often deploy two-point source interference to ascertain wavelengths of enigmatic light sources. By meticulously analysing the resultant fringe patterns, and using the above formula, the unknown can be unveiled.
  • Thin Film Phenomena: A captivating display of interference is observable in thin films, like the prismatic sheen of soap bubbles or petrol spills. Light reflects off the film's top and bottom surfaces, leading to interference. Rooted in the same principles of path difference, this concept is further explored in another subtopic.
  • Acoustic Interference: Beyond the realm of light, similar interference patterns are observable with sound waves. For instance, in a room with two speakers playing the same note, certain spots will sound louder (constructive interference) while others may have no sound (destructive interference) based on the listener's position.
  • Radio Signal Interference: Multiple broadcasting towers can lead to areas where radio signals enhance or diminish due to interference. Understanding this principle aids in optimal tower placement to avoid 'dead zones'.


If the two-point sources are moved further apart, the fringe spacing in the interference pattern will decrease, making the fringes closer to each other. This is because the fringe spacing, y, is inversely proportional to the distance between the sources, d, as given by the formula y=(λD)/d. As the separation d increases, y decreases. Practically, this means the fringes will become more closely spaced, and more fringes can be observed within a particular region on the screen.

Interference patterns are not exclusive to light waves. They can be observed with any type of wave, including sound waves, water waves, and electromagnetic waves, provided the conditions are suitable. The key requirement is having coherent sources. For instance, two speakers emitting coherent sound waves can produce audible interference patterns with regions of increased and decreased loudness. The principles remain the same: waves from different sources overlap and interfere either constructively or destructively based on their phase relationship.

Path difference plays a crucial role in determining where constructive and destructive interference will occur on a screen in an interference experiment. When two waves overlap, the point of overlap will see constructive interference (bright fringe) if the path difference is an integer multiple of the wavelength. Conversely, destructive interference (dark fringe) will occur if the path difference is an odd multiple of half the wavelength. Thus, by examining the interference pattern and knowing the path difference, one can deduce information about the wavelength of light being used.

It's vital for the light sources in a two-point interference experiment to be coherent to produce a clear and stable interference pattern. Coherence ensures that the light sources maintain a consistent phase relationship over time. If the light sources weren't coherent, the resulting interference pattern would be inconsistent and transient. Coherent light sources provide waves that overlap and interfere in a predictable manner, giving rise to an observable pattern of bright and dark fringes on a screen. Without this consistent phase relationship, the resulting pattern would be random and wouldn't provide any meaningful results.

Lasers are often used in interference experiments because they provide monochromatic (single colour or wavelength) and coherent light. The coherence of laser light ensures a constant phase relationship over extended periods, making it ideal for producing clear and stable interference patterns. Additionally, the monochromatic nature of laser light ensures that interference patterns aren't complicated by the presence of multiple wavelengths, as would be the case with white light. This makes analysis and interpretation of results much more straightforward.

Practice Questions

Two coherent sources, separated by a distance of 0.5 mm, produce an interference pattern on a screen 1.5 m away. If the fringe spacing is found to be 1 mm, calculate the wavelength of the light used.

The formula to calculate fringe spacing is given by y = (λ * D) / d. Here, y is the fringe spacing, λ is the light's wavelength, D is the distance from the sources to the screen, and d is the separation between the two sources. Rearranging for λ, we get λ = y * d / D. Plugging in the given values: λ = (1 x 10-3 m * 0.5 x 10-3 m) / 1.5 m = 3.33 x 10-7 m or 333 nm. Hence, the wavelength of the light used is 333 nm.

Explain why coherent sources are crucial for observing a stable interference pattern.

Coherent sources are essential for producing a consistent interference pattern because they maintain a constant phase difference over time. If the sources are not coherent, the phase difference between them will change randomly, leading to an unstable and fleeting interference pattern. Coherent sources ensure that the waves they produce remain 'in sync' over extended periods, allowing for constructive and destructive interference to occur predictably and produce discernible fringes. Non-coherent sources, in contrast, would lead to erratic interference patterns that might not yield any useful or consistent information.

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