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IB DP Physics Study Notes

9.1.4 Resonance in Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

Resonance, a captivating concept in the context of oscillatory motions, occurs when an external force aligns perfectly with a system's natural frequency. This synchronicity leads to a considerable increase in the amplitude of vibrations. In this study note, we'll deeply explore natural frequency and forced vibrations to understand resonance in SHM thoroughly.

Natural Frequency

Every oscillatory system, be it a pendulum or a building, has its unique rhythm or inherent frequency of vibration when left undisturbed. This is the natural frequency.

  • Defining Natural Frequency: The intrinsic frequency at which a system tends to oscillate, devoid of any external interference, is termed its natural frequency. The way in which components of the system, such as mass and elasticity, interact determines this frequency.
  • Determining Factors:
    • Mass: Generally, greater mass tends to reduce the natural frequency.
    • Elasticity: The more elastic a system is, the higher its natural frequency.
  • Mathematical Insights: For a simple mass-spring system, where 'k' symbolises the spring constant and 'm' stands for mass, the natural frequency (f) can be described by the formula:f = (1/2π) x (square root of k/m). Further details on types of damping in simple harmonic motion can enhance the understanding of natural frequency.
  • Real-World Implications:
    • Architectural Significance: Structures have their natural frequencies. Ensuring they don't resonate with prevalent external frequencies, like those from earthquakes, is vital for safety.
    • Musical Harmony: The melody and tone from instruments such as guitars and flutes stem from strings and air columns vibrating at their natural frequencies.

Forced Vibrations

Beyond the inherent rhythm of a system, when an external force compels it to oscillate at a different frequency, the vibrations are termed 'forced'. Let's dive into its intricacies:

  • Driving Frequency: This refers to the frequency of the external or applied force. Resonance unfolds when this driving frequency matches the system's natural frequency.
  • System's Response Dynamics:
    • Below Natural Frequency: The oscillation is subdued, dominated by the forced frequency.
    • Coinciding with Natural Frequency: Here, the amplitude reaches its zenith. This is the point of resonance. To explore this concept further, see resonance in physics.
    • Surpassing Natural Frequency: The amplitude drops, highlighting the decreasing influence of the forced frequency.
  • Interplay with Damping: When there's damping, it can modify how the system responds to forced vibrations, particularly around the resonance. To understand how damping affects SHM, refer to damping in SHM.

Delving into Resonance

When the natural frequency of a system matches with an external driving force's frequency, the result is resonance. Let's understand its nuances:

  • Characteristics:
    • Maximum Amplitude: At resonance, the system vibrates with the highest amplitude, signifying the peak energy transfer from the external force.
    • Phase Alignment: The external force and the system's oscillations are perfectly in sync, peaking and dipping simultaneously.
  • Daily-life Exemplifications:
    • Radio and Televisions: They use the principle of resonance for tuning. Adjusting the internal circuitry to resonate with desired frequencies lets you pick channels or stations.
    • Acoustic Resonance: Instruments, especially the likes of pianos and flutes, rely on resonance to produce rich and melodious sounds.
    • Microwave Cooking: Microwaves use specific frequencies that resonate with water molecules in food, ensuring efficient heating.
  • Caveats of Resonance:
    • Tacoma Narrows Bridge Disaster: This 1940 catastrophe serves as a stark reminder of resonance's potential peril when not accounted for in design.
    • Glass Shattering: The phenomenon where opera singers break glass with their voice hinges on resonance. When the voice matches the glass's natural frequency, the intense vibrations can lead to breakage. For more practical applications, see vertical circular motion.

Damping's Relationship with Resonance

While resonance can be fascinating, in many scenarios, unchecked resonant vibrations can be destructive. This is where damping, a mechanism that curtails the amplitude of oscillations, comes to the rescue.

  • Amplitude Regulation: Damping is often introduced to reduce the amplitude, especially around resonant frequencies, ensuring the vibrations remain in safe limits.
  • Influence on Resonance Curve: The presence of damping broadens the resonance curve, ensuring the system doesn't respond dramatically to frequencies around its natural frequency. For an example in energy systems, refer to hydroelectric energy.
  • Prevention and Control:
    • Automobiles: Cars and other vehicles are equipped with shock absorbers that utilise damping to counter resonant vibrations, promising passengers a smoother journey.
    • Seismic Design in Architecture: Modern buildings incorporate damping mechanisms. These are designed to absorb energy, reducing the chances of the building resonating with seismic (earthquake) waves.


In musical instruments, resonance is crucial for amplifying and enriching the sound produced. When a note is played, the vibrating part of the instrument (like a string or reed) produces a particular frequency. This frequency can cause other parts of the instrument, often the body or an air column, to resonate. This resonating body amplifies the sound, making it louder and giving it a distinct timbre or character. Instruments are often designed with this in mind, ensuring the resonant properties enhance the instrument's overall sound quality.

Absolutely. In engineering, not accounting for resonance can lead to catastrophic results. If an external force or disturbance matches the natural frequency of a structure, it can induce resonant vibrations, causing the structure's amplitude of oscillation to increase uncontrollably. This can lead to structural failure. A famous example is the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in the USA which collapsed due to resonant vibrations induced by wind. Engineers now design structures to either avoid resonant frequencies or to dampen any resonant effects.

Resonance plays a crucial role in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). In MRI, a strong magnetic field aligns protons in the human body. When subjected to a radio frequency (RF) pulse, these protons are momentarily disturbed from their alignment. Once the RF pulse is turned off, the protons realign, and in doing so, they emit signals. These signals are at the resonant frequency of the protons. The MRI machine detects these resonant signals, and through sophisticated algorithms, an image of the internal structures of the body is produced. It's a brilliant application of resonance in the realm of medicine.

This phenomenon is also due to resonance. When the first tuning fork is struck, it begins to vibrate at its natural frequency, producing sound waves of that specific frequency. If there's an identical tuning fork nearby, it shares the same natural frequency. When exposed to the sound waves from the first tuning fork, it is set into forced vibrations. If the frequency matches, the second fork resonates, vibrating in response even though it wasn't directly struck. This showcases the principle of resonance where one object can induce vibrations in another object with the same natural frequency.

Soldiers are instructed to break step when crossing bridges due to the principle of resonance. Each footstep can send a small vibrational force onto the bridge. If these forces coincide with the bridge's natural frequency, they can set the bridge into resonant vibrations. Over time, or if there's a large group of soldiers, the cumulative effect of these consistent, rhythmic forces can cause the amplitude of the bridge's oscillations to increase dramatically. This can potentially result in structural damage or even catastrophic failure of the bridge. Breaking step ensures that the forces applied are randomised and not at any consistent frequency, thus reducing the risk of resonance.

Practice Questions

An FM radio receiver is being tuned to pick up a particular station. Briefly explain how the principle of resonance helps the radio receive transmissions at specific frequencies, and how resonance can be adjusted within the receiver.

In an FM radio receiver, the internal circuitry can be adjusted to resonate at different frequencies. The principle of resonance is leveraged here: when the natural frequency of the radio's internal circuit matches the frequency of a transmitted signal, it causes the circuit to vibrate at maximum amplitude. This ensures that the radio picks up a strong and clear signal from the station. Adjusting the resonance within the receiver, commonly done by varying the capacitance or inductance of the tuning circuit, allows us to select different stations broadcasting at various frequencies, ensuring clarity and reduced interference from other channels.

A wine glass shatters when a singer hits a specific note. Using your understanding of resonance in SHM, elucidate why this happens.

The phenomenon where a wine glass shatters due to a singer's note is attributed to resonance. Every object, including a wine glass, possesses a natural frequency at which it prefers to vibrate. When a singer hits a note that matches this natural frequency, the sound waves from the singer's voice force the glass to vibrate with increasing amplitude. At the point of resonance, the amplitude of the vibrations becomes so significant that the structural integrity of the glass is compromised, leading it to shatter. This demonstrates the powerful effect resonance can have when an external force aligns with an object's natural frequency.

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