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IB DP Physics Study Notes

9.1.1 Definition of SHM

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) is a foundational concept in wave phenomena within physics. This motion showcases oscillations that follow a predictable, sinusoidal pattern. The core understanding of SHM lies in deciphering the relationships between displacement, velocity, and acceleration.

Displacement in SHM

Displacement refers to the change in position of an object from its starting or equilibrium position. In the context of SHM:

  • Displacement (x) at any time (t) is represented as: x = A sin(omega t + phi).
  • Here, 'A' signifies the amplitude, which is the maximum displacement from the central or equilibrium position.
  • 'Omega' stands for the angular frequency, detailing the rate of oscillation.
  • 'Phi' is the phase constant, capturing any initial displacement at t = 0.

Delving into Displacement

  • Objects in SHM move between +A and -A, with the equilibrium position centred between these extremes.
  • This motion repeats itself after specific intervals, making it periodic.
  • The time taken for one complete oscillation is called the period (T). It relates to frequency (f) as: T = 1/f. For more on the role of SHM in different systems, see vertical circular motion.

Velocity in SHM

Velocity denotes the rate at which displacement changes. For an object under SHM:

  • Velocity (v) at any time (t) is derived from the displacement as: v = A omega cos(omega t + phi).
  • The peak velocity, given by A omega, happens when the displacement is at zero – specifically, at the equilibrium point.

Going Beyond Velocity

  • Graphs of velocity and displacement for SHM are sinusoidal but shifted by a quarter cycle or 90° from each other.
  • The points where velocity is zero align with the maxima and minima of the displacement graph.
  • Velocity changes direction each time displacement hits equilibrium, making it the opposite in sign to displacement. The effects of damping on SHM can be explored further in damping in SHM.

Acceleration in SHM

Acceleration in SHM is intriguing because it's proportional to the displacement but in the opposite direction. For objects in SHM:

  • Acceleration (a) at any moment (t) is: a = -A omega2 sin(omega t + phi).
  • The maximum acceleration is A omega2 and matches with the peak displacement.

Probing Acceleration

  • The acceleration always acts to bring the object back to equilibrium, hence it's often termed as 'restoring acceleration'.
  • The proportional yet opposite nature of acceleration to displacement keeps the SHM going in the absence of external dampening forces.
  • Acceleration hits zero when the object is at equilibrium and reaches its maximum at the oscillation's amplitude.

Relationships Unveiled

  • Displacement and Velocity: They are shifted by a quarter cycle or 90°. When displacement is at its peak, velocity is nil, and vice versa.
  • Displacement and Acceleration: They both peak simultaneously but in opposite directions.
  • Velocity and Acceleration: They're shifted by 90°. One peaks when the other is zero.

Understanding these relationships is crucial, particularly when considering phenomena like resonance in SHM.

Relevance and Real-world Instances

Grasping SHM's principles is pivotal in various physics and engineering situations:

  • Pendulums: A pendulum, when displaced slightly and left to swing, exhibits SHM, which is why we see them in pendulum clocks.
  • Mass-spring systems: A mass attached to a spring, when displaced and released, shows SHM. This is often affected by types of damping.
  • Sound Waves: Sound wave propagation causes particles in its medium to oscillate in SHM.

For a broader understanding of wave phenomena, see the principle of superposition.


When a system in SHM is displaced from its mean or equilibrium position and then released, it will oscillate or move back and forth about that equilibrium position. The restoring force, which is proportional to the displacement, will work to bring the system back to its equilibrium. This causes the system to overshoot its equilibrium and move to the opposite side. As it moves, it again gets displaced and another restoring force acts to bring it back. This back-and-forth motion continues, creating the periodic oscillation we observe in SHM.

Simple Harmonic Motion is a specific type of periodic motion. While all SHM is periodic, not all periodic motions are SHM. The unique feature of SHM is the linear relationship between the restoring force and displacement from the equilibrium position. In other types of periodic motion, this relationship might be nonlinear, or the force might not always act towards a fixed point. Additionally, the period of SHM remains constant and is independent of the amplitude, whereas in other periodic motions, the period might vary with amplitude.

Absolutely! SHM is prevalent in numerous real-world scenarios. The most common examples include a simple pendulum (under small angles of displacement) and a mass attached to a spring (in the absence of significant damping). Other examples can be found in molecular vibrations within substances, where atoms oscillate about their mean positions, and even in some electrical circuits where the charge or current oscillates back and forth. Recognising SHM in various systems is crucial as it provides insights into the behaviour and characteristics of that system.

The period of an SHM system is the time taken for one complete cycle of motion. For a mass-spring system, the period is determined by the mass (m) and the spring constant (k), with T = 2π sqrt(m/k). So, altering the mass or the stiffness of the spring can change the period. For a simple pendulum, the period is given by T = 2π sqrt(l/g), where l is the length of the pendulum and g is the gravitational acceleration. Thus, changing the length of the pendulum or the environment (which affects g) can alter the period. However, it's noteworthy that in pure SHM, the period remains unaffected by the amplitude of motion.

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) is deemed 'simple' because it refers to a type of periodic motion where the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement and acts in the direction opposite to that of displacement. The motion is harmonic because the object or particle undergoing SHM moves back and forth over the same path, resembling the harmonics in music, which repeat at regular intervals. This predictability and the consistent path taken by the particle are what give it its 'simple' characteristic, distinct from other complex oscillatory motions.

Practice Questions

A pendulum swings back and forth, exhibiting simple harmonic motion. If the pendulum’s displacement from the equilibrium position is represented by x = A sin(omega t), describe and explain the relationship between the pendulum's velocity and acceleration at any given time t.

In simple harmonic motion (SHM), velocity is the first derivative of displacement concerning time. For the given equation x = A sin(omega t), the velocity, v, is given by v = A omega cos(omega t). The acceleration is the first derivative of velocity, and for the given displacement equation, it's represented as a = -A omega2 sin(omega t). This implies that acceleration is proportional to displacement but in the opposite direction. The negative sign indicates that acceleration always acts to bring the object back to its equilibrium position, acting as a restoring force.

Given a mass-spring system undergoing SHM with a known maximum displacement A and angular frequency omega, explain how one could determine the maximum velocity and acceleration of the system.

For a mass-spring system in SHM, the maximum velocity and acceleration can be deduced using the angular frequency and the amplitude. The maximum velocity, Vmax, is achieved when the displacement is zero, and is given by Vmax = A omega. This is the peak velocity that the mass reaches as it passes through its equilibrium position. Similarly, the maximum acceleration, Amax, is achieved when the displacement is at its maximum (either +A or -A). The formula for Amax is Amax = A omega2. It's crucial to remember that this acceleration is always directed towards the equilibrium, aiming to restore the system to its original position.

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