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IB DP Physics Study Notes

8.1.8 Tidal and Wave Energy

Harnessing the raw power of our planet's oceans, tidal and wave energy present a sustainable alternative to traditional energy sources. This overview delves into the underlying principles, potential advantages, and challenges associated with these marine renewables. To explore other renewable energy sources, consider looking into solar energy and hydroelectric energy.

Principles of Tidal Energy

Tidal energy taps into the gravitational effects of the moon and sun on Earth's oceans. The energy produced by the movement of tides is vast, and harnessing it requires a blend of innovative engineering and natural phenomena.

  • Tidal Stream Systems: Think of these as the underwater cousins of wind turbines. Placed on the seabed at locations known for strong tidal movements, these turbines capture the kinetic energy from moving water masses. As tides rush in and out, the turbines spin, converting mechanical energy into electricity.
    • Horizontal Axis Turbines: Similar to traditional wind turbines but optimised for underwater use. Their blades are designed to capture as much energy as possible from the moving water.
    • Vertical Axis Turbines: These have a central hub with vertically aligned blades. They can capture tidal energy from any direction, making them especially useful in areas with shifting tidal currents.
  • Tidal Range Systems: Here, the emphasis is on the difference in water levels. Barrages, essentially dams, are built across tidal estuaries. As tides rise and fall, the potential energy difference between the inside and outside of the barrage is substantial. Sluice gates on the barrage are opened to allow the tide to flow in, then closed, trapping the water. As the tide drops outside the barrage, the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy, turning turbines and producing electricity.
    • Barrages: These are large, dam-like structures built across the full width of a tidal estuary.
    • Lagoons: Instead of blocking an entire estuary, tidal lagoons are self-contained structures placed off the coast. They operate on the same principle as barrages but are less intrusive on estuaries, which can be ecologically sensitive. Understanding the environmental impacts of energy production is crucial, as seen in the greenhouse effect.

Principles of Wave Energy

Distinct from tides, waves are generated by winds blowing across the surface of the ocean. Capturing this energy requires different strategies and technologies.

  • Oscillating Water Column (OWC): A chamber open below the waterline is constructed. As waves roll in and out, the water level inside the chamber rises and falls. This oscillating water column forces air above it to flow back and forth, which in turn drives a turbine installed at the top of the chamber.
    • Land-based OWCs: Built on or near the shoreline, they are easier to maintain and connect to the grid but might capture less energy than offshore versions.
    • Floating OWCs: Positioned offshore, they potentially harness more energy, but maintenance can be challenging.
  • Point Absorbers: Acting like buoys, these floating structures are anchored to the seabed. Their vertical movement with waves activates hydraulic pumps or other mechanisms that produce electricity.
    • Hydraulic Systems: These use the relative motion between the buoy part of the device and the reaction point, usually the seabed, to pump hydraulic fluid. The pressurised fluid is then used to generate electricity.
    • Direct Drive Systems: These use the up-and-down movement of waves to drive electrical generators directly.
  • Attenuators: Oriented parallel to wave direction, these multi-segmented structures flex at their joints due to wave action. The relative motion at the joints is used to pump hydraulic fluid, driving hydraulic motors that generate electricity. To learn more about energy transfer processes, you can explore topics like thermal conductivity and conduction.

The potential of Tidal and Wave Energy

The ceaseless movement of oceans offers several distinct advantages:

  • Predictability: Unlike solar or wind, tides are highly predictable, ensuring a consistent energy source. Waves, though variable, follow certain patterns governed by seasonal weather.
  • High Energy Density: Given water's density, even slow-moving tides or smaller waves can produce significant energy. This makes marine renewables efficient in terms of the amount of energy captured per unit area.
  • Carbon Neutrality: Tidal and wave energies don’t emit greenhouse gases during operation, aligning with global carbon reduction targets.

Challenges in Harnessing Ocean Energy

For all their potential, marine renewables aren't without challenges:

  • Environmental Impact: The marine ecosystem is delicate. Any large infrastructure, like barrages or turbines, risks disrupting habitats or marine migration patterns.
  • Initial Investment: Marine infrastructure is costly. The return on investment, while promising in the long term, requires substantial initial funding.
  • Maintenance: The sea is a corrosive and challenging environment. Ensuring the longevity of installations demands regular, and often expensive, maintenance.
  • Integration with Grid: For many coastal regions, integrating marine-generated electricity into the national grid can pose technical challenges.


The depth of water plays a crucial role in wave energy extraction. In shallower waters, waves interact with the seabed, leading to a reduction in their speed and wavelength while increasing in height. This phenomenon can enhance wave energy potential in coastal regions. However, the ideal depth for wave energy extraction varies based on the technology used. Oscillating Water Columns (OWCs) are typically better suited for shallow to intermediate depths, while point absorbers can operate effectively in both deep and shallow waters.

The predictability of tidal and wave energy sources is a significant advantage, but several challenges have limited their widespread adoption. The marine environment is corrosive, leading to higher maintenance costs. Initial installation costs are also quite high. Furthermore, suitable sites with the necessary tidal range or wave height are geographically limited. Research and development in the sector, while advancing, are not as mature as solar or wind energy. Thus, many regions prioritise these more established forms of renewable energy over tidal and wave energy.

Tidal and wave energy sources generally have efficiencies comparable to other renewable sources. Tidal turbines can achieve efficiencies of around 80%, which is comparable to wind turbines. Wave energy devices, depending on their design, can vary in efficiency, with some designs achieving efficiencies above 40%. However, the overall energy yield is also influenced by factors like location, depth, and technology maturity. While these marine-based sources have high potential, they currently contribute a smaller fraction to the global energy mix compared to solar and wind, mainly due to higher costs and technological challenges.

The moon, despite its smaller size compared to the sun, exerts a more significant influence on Earth's tides due to its proximity. While the sun is indeed much larger and has a stronger gravitational force in absolute terms, it is also much farther away from the Earth. The strength of gravitational force decreases with the square of the distance, making the sun’s influence less potent despite its size. Hence, the moon, being closer, plays a more dominant role in causing the bulges in the Earth's water that result in high and low tides.

Tidal energy infrastructure, particularly tidal barrages, can have several impacts on marine ecosystems. By creating barriers across tidal basins, barrages can alter water flow patterns, potentially affecting sediment transport and deposition. This can lead to changes in habitats and might disrupt the breeding patterns of certain marine species. Additionally, the infrastructure could pose a direct threat to marine life, including potential collision risks with moving parts like turbines. However, compared to fossil fuels, the environmental footprint is considerably less, and with careful planning, many of these impacts can be mitigated.

Practice Questions

Explain the difference in the principles behind harnessing tidal energy and wave energy, highlighting at least one method used for each.

Tidal energy utilises the gravitational effects of the moon and sun on our oceans, capitalising on the movement of tides. Two main methods include tidal stream systems, where underwater turbines capture kinetic energy from moving water, and tidal range systems that focus on the potential energy difference between high and low tides, commonly using barrages. On the other hand, wave energy stems from winds blowing across the ocean's surface. One primary method is the Oscillating Water Column (OWC), which uses a chamber where incoming and outgoing waves make the water level oscillate, driving air to turn a turbine and produce electricity.

Discuss one potential advantage and one challenge associated with the integration of tidal and wave energy into the renewable energy mix.

A significant advantage of tidal and wave energy in the renewable energy mix is their predictability. Unlike some renewable sources like wind or solar, tides, influenced by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun, are highly predictable, ensuring a more consistent energy output. Waves, though slightly variable, also follow predictable seasonal patterns. However, a challenge lies in the initial investment and maintenance. Marine infrastructure is expensive, and although the long-term return on investment is promising, the upfront costs can be daunting. Furthermore, the sea's corrosive environment necessitates regular, often costly, maintenance, making it challenging to ensure the longevity of installations.

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