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IB DP Physics Study Notes

8.1.5 Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels, predominantly coal, oil, and natural gas, have been pivotal in shaping modern civilisation. Their energy-dense nature has propelled advancements in various sectors. However, with growing environmental concerns, it's crucial to understand their entire lifecycle, from extraction to combustion.



Coal, formed from ancient plant material, varies in quality and type depending on its geological history.

  • Methods:
    • Surface Mining: Used for shallow coal seams. The top layers of soil, known as overburden, are removed, after which the exposed coal is mined. Reclaimed mines are often reforested or converted for agricultural use.
    • Underground Mining: For deeper seams, miners dig shafts and tunnels to access and extract coal. Advanced methods like "room and pillar" and "longwall" mining have increased efficiency.


Crude oil, a mix of hydrocarbons, arises from ancient marine organisms subjected to heat and pressure over millennia.

  • Exploration:
    • Geological Surveys: Identify rock types associated with oil reserves.
    • Seismic Studies: Use sound waves to map underground structures which might trap oil.
  • Drilling:
    • Onshore Drilling: Conventional land rigs extract oil.
    • Offshore Drilling: Advanced platforms, sometimes anchored to the ocean floor, tap into seabed reserves. Deep-water drilling has unlocked previously inaccessible reserves but at increased environmental and economic risks.

Natural Gas

Often found alongside oil, natural gas mainly consists of methane but can contain other gases.

  • Extraction Methods:
    • Associated Gas: When found with oil, the gas is either re-injected to maintain pressure or extracted with the oil.
    • Non-associated Gas: Extracted from fields where oil is absent.
    • Tight Gas: This gas is trapped in hard rock formations. Fracking, a controversial method involving high-pressure fluids, releases this gas.



Post-extraction, coal processing ensures it meets desired quality standards.

  • Cleaning: Involves physical and chemical methods to remove impurities like rock and dirt.
  • Coking: Specific coal types, when heated in the absence of air, turn into coke. Essential for steelmaking, coke acts as a reducing agent in blast furnaces.


Crude oil undergoes refining to separate it into usable products.

  • Distillation: Heating crude oil causes various components to evaporate and then condense at different temperatures, allowing for separation.
  • Cracking: Larger hydrocarbon chains are broken down into smaller, more useful molecules using heat, catalysts, or both.
  • Blending: Different components are blended to create desired products like petrol with specific octane ratings.

Natural Gas

For versatility, natural gas is processed and sometimes transformed.

  • Purification: Removal of impurities like water, other gases, and sand.
  • Liquefaction: For overseas transport, gas is cooled to -162°C, turning it into LNG, a much denser and transportable form.



Despite environmental concerns, coal remains a dominant energy source.

  • Electricity Generation: Coal is combusted in power plants, releasing heat to produce steam, which drives turbines.
  • Industry: Metallurgical coal is crucial in steel production. Furthermore, coal finds applications in cement production, paper manufacturing, and chemical synthesis.


Oil's versatility has made it indispensable.

  • Transportation: Fuels such as petrol, diesel, and jet fuel power the majority of the world's vehicles.
  • Industry: Beyond fuel, oil provides raw materials for plastics, synthetic fibres, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals.

Natural Gas

Due to its cleaner combustion, natural gas usage has surged.

  • Heating: Predominant use in homes and businesses for space heating and cooking.
  • Electricity Generation: Combined cycle gas turbines, which are more efficient than traditional steam turbines, have boosted natural gas usage in power plants.
  • Industry: Essential in producing ammonia for fertilisers and as a heat source for various processes.

Environmental Impacts


  • Air Pollution: Combustion releases pollutants like sulphur dioxide, causing acid rain, and fine particulates affecting respiratory health.
  • Carbon Emissions: As a carbon-rich fuel, coal combustion is a significant CO2 contributor.


  • Oil Spills: Accidental releases during extraction or transport, as seen in cases like the Deepwater Horizon spill, cause profound environmental harm.
  • Carbon Emissions: While cleaner than coal, burning oil-derived fuels contributes majorly to global CO2 emissions.

Natural Gas

  • Methane Emissions: Methane leaks, far more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2, pose significant climate change risks.
  • Water Contamination: Fracking has raised concerns about groundwater contamination, as chemicals used can migrate into water supplies.


The calorific value, often referred to as the energy content, is the amount of energy released during combustion. Coal, depending on its type (anthracite, bituminous, sub-bituminous, lignite), has a calorific value ranging from 15 to 32 MJ/kg. Oil possesses a calorific value of approximately 46 MJ/kg. Natural gas, on the other hand, boasts the highest calorific value of around 55 MJ/kg. This essentially means that for the same mass of fuel burnt, natural gas releases the most energy, followed by oil, with coal releasing the least among the three.

Yes, there are several technologies aimed at reducing the environmental impact of coal combustion. One of the most prominent is "clean coal technology." This encompasses a range of methods designed to reduce the release of harmful pollutants during coal combustion. Techniques include flue gas desulfurisation, which removes sulfur dioxide from the emissions, and fluidised bed combustion, which results in more efficient burning and reduced nitrogen oxide emissions. Moreover, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology is being developed to capture carbon dioxide emissions at the source and store them underground, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Natural gas extraction, especially from conventional reservoirs, bears similarities to oil drilling; however, there are distinctive features. In most scenarios, natural gas is found above oil reserves and is initially released as a by-product of oil extraction. Once the oil is depleted, specialised equipment is deployed to tap into the natural gas. For unconventional sources like shale gas, hydraulic fracturing or fracking is employed. This involves injecting high-pressure fluid to fracture the rocks and release the gas. The infrastructure, like the wellbore design and the wellhead equipment, differs slightly to handle gas at high pressures and to segregate any accompanying liquids.

Coal is indeed formed from ancient plant matter that has undergone millions of years of heat and pressure transformations. However, its designation as a non-renewable resource stems from the timescale required for its formation. Given that coal takes such an extended period to develop, its rate of extraction and consumption far outpaces its natural replenishment rate. In practical terms, once the current coal reserves are depleted, it would take millions more years for new reserves to form, making it essentially non-renewable for human timescales.

Tar sands, also known as oil sands, are a mixture of sand, clay, water, and a dense form of petroleum called bitumen. They are significant because they represent an alternative source of oil. Traditional oil reserves are dwindling, pushing industries to explore unconventional oil sources. Extracting oil from tar sands is more energy-intensive and environmentally damaging than conventional oil drilling. The process involves strip mining the sands, then heating and treating them to separate the bitumen, which is then upgraded to synthetic crude oil.

Practice Questions

Describe the process of distillation as it is used in the refining of crude oil. What physical property of the oil components is this process based on?

Distillation is a physical separation process utilised in the refining of crude oil to segregate its various components based on their distinct boiling points. In this procedure, crude oil is heated to high temperatures, inducing the vaporisation of its constituents. These vapours then enter a distillation column where they are sequentially condensed into different fractions at varied levels, dictated by temperature gradients, yielding distinct products such as petrol, diesel, and kerosene. This method essentially hinges on the differential boiling points of the hydrocarbon components in crude oil.

Discuss the environmental impacts associated with the extraction of natural gas through hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and explain why it is viewed as controversial.

Hydraulic fracturing or fracking involves injecting high-pressure fluid into rock formations to release natural gas trapped in them. This method is controversial primarily due to environmental concerns; one of which is the potential for water contamination. The chemicals used in the fracking process can seep into the groundwater, leading to pollution of water sources. Moreover, it can induce seismic activity, posing a risk to areas not historically prone to earthquakes. Another pressing issue is the leakage of methane, a potent greenhouse gas that considerably exacerbates climate change. While fracking has enabled access to significant gas reserves, these severe environmental repercussions spur the contention surrounding its employment.

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