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IB DP Physics Study Notes

7.2.4 Particle Accelerators

Particle accelerators have transformed our understanding of the universe's smallest components. These advanced machines propel charged particles, like protons and electrons, to near-light speeds and have been pivotal in unveiling mysteries of particle physics.


Function and DesignCyclotrons are a type of particle accelerator that propels charged particles in a spiral trajectory. Key components of a cyclotron include:

  • Two D-shaped metal electrodes often referred to as "Dees".
  • A powerful magnetic field applied perpendicular to the plane of the Dees.

Working Mechanism

  • Charged particles are injected into the centre of the cyclotron.
  • An alternating electric field between the Dees accelerates the particles.
  • The external magnetic field ensures charged particles move in circular motions. As particles gain energy and speed, their spiralling pathway's radius increases.
  • Upon reaching a specific energy level, particles exit the cyclotron, directed towards a target or further acceleration chambers.


  • Compact size compared to some other accelerators.
  • Can be used for continuous particle beams.


  • Critical in medical treatments such as radiation therapy for cancer patients.
  • Production of radioisotopes for medical imaging and treatments.
  • Early research in particle physics before the advent of larger accelerators.


Function and DesignSynchrotrons are advanced particle accelerators. They are an evolution of the cyclotron, designed to attain far greater particle energies. Features include:

  • Particles move in a closed-loop circular path.
  • A combination of oscillating electric fields and a set of magnets that adjust in synchronisation with the particle beam.

Working Mechanism

  • Initially, particles undergo pre-acceleration using a device like a cyclotron or a linear accelerator.
  • Inside the synchrotron, alternating electric fields further accelerate the particles.
  • Magnets guide these particles on a circular trajectory. As particles' speeds increase, the magnetic field strength modifies adaptively to keep them on track.


  • Can achieve much higher energies than cyclotrons.
  • More efficient for high-energy experiments as magnetic fields adapt to particle speeds.


  • Synchrotrons stand at the forefront of particle physics research.
  • CERN's Large Hadron Collider, the world's largest and most powerful accelerator, is a synchrotron.
  • Apart from pure research, they're used in synchrotron light sources which aid in diverse fields like biology, medicine, and material science.

Role in Particle Physics

Particle accelerators, especially synchrotrons, are the heartbeats of modern particle physics research. Their contributions are manifold:

  • They allow physicists to probe deeper into matter by colliding particles at high energies.
  • Lead to the discovery of new particles, some of which were only theoretically postulated before.
  • Provide experimental validation or refutation for theoretical predictions.

Historical DiscoveriesOver the decades, particle accelerators have unveiled numerous new particles. The discovery of the Higgs boson at CERN in 2012 filled a significant gap in the Standard Model of particle physics, reinforcing the model's robustness.


Cyclotrons rely on the principles of electromagnetic fields to function. Specifically, they use an alternating electric field to accelerate charged particles and a magnetic field to keep them in a circular path. Neutral particles, lacking a charge, wouldn't respond to the electric field, meaning they wouldn't gain energy or speed. Moreover, without a charge, the magnetic field wouldn't affect their trajectory. As such, cyclotrons are inherently unsuitable for accelerating neutral particles.

Building large-scale particle accelerators like the LHC presents numerous challenges. The sheer size and complexity require unprecedented precision engineering. The magnets used need to be superconducting and must be cooled to extremely low temperatures, close to absolute zero. Maintaining such temperatures over large distances is challenging. Furthermore, the vacuum inside the beam tubes must be better than that in outer space to ensure that the accelerated particles don't collide with gas atoms. Financially, these projects require immense funding, often involving collaboration between multiple countries. Additionally, such projects must address environmental and safety concerns, ensuring that neither the local ecosystem nor humans are adversely affected.

The discovery of new particles through accelerators has been instrumental in validating and expanding the Standard Model of particle physics. As these particles were predicted by theoretical models, their discovery has helped cement our understanding of fundamental forces and particles in the universe. For example, the discovery of the Higgs boson at CERN in 2012 confirmed the existence of the Higgs field, explaining why some particles have mass. These discoveries not only enhance our understanding of the universe's microcosm but also provide insights into cosmological phenomena.

Building particle accelerators underground offers several advantages. Firstly, it provides a shield against cosmic rays, which can interfere with the delicate experiments carried out in these machines. By being underground, the background radiation and noise are minimised, ensuring accurate results. Secondly, the Earth's bulk offers a natural radiation shield, protecting the surrounding environment from any produced radiation. Lastly, underground construction can be more space-efficient, especially in populated areas, and can reduce the impact on the local environment and landscape.

Absolutely. While particle accelerators are vital tools for fundamental research in physics, they have several practical applications. One of the most notable is in medicine: particle therapy, especially proton therapy, is used to treat certain types of cancer. Accelerated particles can target tumour cells with great precision, minimising damage to surrounding healthy tissue. Additionally, particle accelerators are used in industry for tasks like ion implantation in semiconductor fabrication or the irradiation of materials to enhance their properties. They're also utilised in radiography and in dating archaeological samples.

Practice Questions

Explain how a cyclotron operates, outlining the role of the "Dees" and the external magnetic field.

A cyclotron operates by accelerating charged particles using an alternating electric field between two D-shaped metal electrodes known as "Dees". Particles are injected at the centre and are continually accelerated as they move between the Dees due to the oscillating electric field. An external magnetic field, applied perpendicular to the plane of the Dees, ensures that the charged particles move in circular paths. As particles gain energy and their speeds increase, they spiral outward. Eventually, when they reach the desired energy level, they are expelled from the cyclotron, directed towards a target or another acceleration chamber.

Contrast the main features of cyclotrons and synchrotrons, highlighting the reasons for the higher energy attainable by synchrotrons.

Cyclotrons and synchrotrons are both particle accelerators, but they have fundamental differences. Cyclotrons utilise two D-shaped metal electrodes, known as "Dees", and an external magnetic field to accelerate particles in a spiral trajectory. Synchrotrons, on the other hand, allow particles to move in a closed-loop circular path, using a combination of oscillating electric fields and a set of magnets that adjust synchronously with the particle beam. The key reason synchrotrons achieve much higher energies than cyclotrons is their ability to modify the magnetic field strength to match the increasing particle speeds, making them more efficient for high-energy experiments.

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