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IB DP Physics Study Notes

7.2.2 Fission

Nuclear fission is a prodigious atomic process where a heavy nucleus divides, yielding smaller nuclei and an impressive release of energy. This energy discharge has been masterfully harnessed in nuclear reactors, setting into motion fascinating chain reactions.

Understanding Nuclear Fission

Nuclear fission is the division of a nucleus into two or more smaller nuclei, often with accompanying subatomic particles and photons in the form of gamma radiation. The masses of these products are less than the original nucleus, and this difference is manifested as energy.

  • Fissionable Materials: Not all nuclei undergo fission. The phenomenon is observed predominantly in heavy elements like uranium and plutonium. Uranium-235 and plutonium-239 are primary fissionable materials used in reactors.
  • Induced Fission: This is the most common type of fission, especially in reactors. For instance, when uranium-235 absorbs a neutron, it undergoes fission, resulting in two smaller nuclei, some free neutrons, and a substantial energy release.
  • Spontaneous Fission: In this type, heavy nuclei disintegrate without any external trigger. Though intriguing, spontaneous fission rates are typically too low for energy production applications.

The Intricacy of Chain Reactions

Chain reactions epitomise the true essence of fission. When products from one fission event instigate subsequent reactions, a cascading effect ensues.

  • Self-sustained Reactions: Here’s where the magic happens: a single fission event in materials like uranium-235 can produce multiple neutrons. These neutrons, in turn, can induce fission in neighbouring nuclei. When managed properly, the reaction becomes self-sustaining, and this forms the essence of nuclear reactors.
  • Significance of Criticality: For a reactor to function safely and efficiently, the number of neutrons produced in one generation must be sufficient to sustain the next generation. When exactly one neutron from each fission event causes another fission, the reactor is said to be "critical."
  • Control in Reactors: The balance is pivotal. If too few reactions occur, the reactor can shut down. Conversely, an uncontrolled reaction rate can be catastrophic. This is where control rods come into play. Made of materials like boron or cadmium, they absorb excess neutrons, ensuring a stable and safe reaction rate.

Anatomy of Nuclear Reactors

Nuclear reactors are marvels of modern engineering, meticulously designed to control the potent energy from fission.

  • Reactor Core: This is the reactor's heart. It houses fuel rods filled with fissile material, usually uranium or plutonium. Amidst the high-energy environment of the core, fission predominantly occurs.
  • Control Rods: These are crucial for reactor safety. They regulate the fission rate. By strategically moving them in and out of the reactor core, operators modulate the available neutrons, thereby controlling power output.
  • Coolant Systems: With fission comes a colossal amount of heat. Coolants, such as water or gas, circulate through the reactor, absorbing this heat. This prevents potential overheating and facilitates the transportation of absorbed heat to produce steam, subsequently driving turbines for electricity generation.
  • Containment Structures: A testament to the emphasis on safety, these robust structures encase the reactor. Their design ensures that even if anomalies arise or accidents occur, radioactive materials remain confined.
  • Moderators: An often overlooked but crucial component, moderators slow down neutrons. By reducing neutron speeds, they enhance the likelihood of these neutrons inducing fission upon colliding with a nucleus. Common moderators comprise light water, heavy water, or graphite.

Broader Implications of Fission

Fission is not just a scientific phenomenon; its implications ripple across various sectors.

  • Energy Landscape: As the world grapples with the dire need for sustainable energy sources, nuclear power emerges as a contender. With the immense energy output from fission, nuclear reactors can substantially reduce dependency on fossil fuels.
  • Environmental Concerns: While nuclear power reduces carbon footprints, the radioactive waste it produces poses significant challenges. This waste necessitates sophisticated storage solutions and has been a topic of rigorous debate.
  • Geopolitical Aspects: Nuclear fission is not just about energy. The technology is intricately linked with nuclear weapons development. As such, nuclear proliferation and disarmament discussions frequently revolve around fissionable materials and their potential applications.


The moderator is a crucial component of many nuclear reactors, especially those using thermal neutrons. Its primary role is to slow down the fast neutrons produced during fission. Slower, or thermal, neutrons have a higher probability of inducing fission in materials like uranium-235. By reducing the speed of these neutrons, the moderator enhances the efficiency of the fission process. Common moderators include water, heavy water, and graphite, chosen for their effectiveness in slowing down neutrons without absorbing them.

Breeder reactors are a unique class of nuclear reactors designed to produce more fissile material than they consume. While conventional reactors primarily use uranium-235, breeder reactors take advantage of uranium-238 or thorium-232. These materials, when exposed to a barrage of neutrons, transform into fissile isotopes like plutonium-239 or uranium-233, respectively. Essentially, breeder reactors "breed" fuel, expanding the potential nuclear fuel supply. This approach could offer a more sustainable nuclear energy future, especially given the limited natural reserves of uranium-235.

Safety is paramount in nuclear reactor design and operation. Multiple barriers are put in place to contain radioactivity, including the fuel cladding, the reactor vessel, and the containment building. Control rods regulate the reactor's activity, ensuring it doesn't become overactive. Automated shutdown systems can halt the reactor under predefined conditions. Cooling systems, often redundant, prevent overheating. Furthermore, modern reactor designs incorporate passive safety systems that function without external power or human intervention. Beyond design, rigorous training, regular maintenance, inspections, and adherence to international safety protocols ensure the continued safe operation of nuclear reactors

Cooling is paramount in nuclear reactors to remove the heat produced during the fission process. If this heat isn't effectively removed, the reactor's temperature can escalate, potentially damaging the reactor's structure and fuel elements. Moreover, if the cooling system fails entirely, it could lead to a meltdown, where the reactor's core melts, risking the release of radioactive materials. Events like the Fukushima and Chernobyl disasters underscore the importance of reliable cooling systems and the catastrophic consequences of their failure.

Uranium-235 (U-235) is a preferred fuel for commercial nuclear reactors primarily because it's naturally fissile. This means that it can sustain a chain reaction upon absorbing a neutron. Unlike its more abundant counterpart, uranium-238 (U-238), U-235 can readily undergo fission when hit by slow-moving neutrons, which are the kind predominant in reactors. The fission of U-235 releases a considerable amount of energy, along with more neutrons, perpetuating the chain reaction. Its relatively high probability of undergoing fission makes it an efficient fuel for energy production.

Practice Questions

Explain the role of control rods in a nuclear reactor and describe how they assist in maintaining the reactor's criticality.

Control rods in a nuclear reactor play a pivotal role in regulating the rate of fission reactions. They are made up of materials, often boron or cadmium, which are adept at absorbing neutrons. By adjusting the depth to which these rods are inserted or withdrawn from the reactor core, operators can manage the number of available neutrons. When the reactor is "critical", it means that each fission event leads to one more fission event, maintaining a self-sustaining chain reaction. By absorbing excess neutrons, control rods prevent the reactor from becoming "supercritical", ensuring a stable and safe reaction rate.

Distinguish between induced fission and spontaneous fission, and comment on their significance in the context of energy production.

Induced fission occurs when a nucleus absorbs an external particle, typically a neutron, which then causes the nucleus to split into two smaller nuclei, releasing energy and more neutrons. Spontaneous fission, on the other hand, is when a heavy nucleus undergoes fission without any external trigger. In the context of energy production, induced fission is of primary importance, especially in nuclear reactors, as the absorption of neutrons by fissionable materials, like uranium-235, leads to a controlled chain reaction producing a significant amount of energy. Spontaneous fission rates are typically too low and hence not viable for substantial energy production.

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