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IB DP Physics Study Notes

7.3.1 Quarks and Leptons

Venturing into the depths of particle physics unveils the tiny architects of matter: quarks and leptons. These elementary entities shape matter, and understanding their intricate properties and behaviours illuminates the essence of the cosmos.

Fundamental Particles: The Basics

In the quest to understand the fundamental nature of the universe, scientists have identified elementary particles that serve as the indivisible components of matter. These particles are broadly segmented into quarks and leptons. For a deeper understanding of particle interactions, exploring the concept of pair production is essential.


  • Definition: Quarks are fundamental constituents of matter. Intriguingly, they are never isolated in nature due to a phenomenon called 'confinement'.
  • Properties:
    • Charge: Unlike the charge of an electron or proton, quarks have fractional charges, either +2/3 or -1/3.
    • Mass: Their masses vary, with the 'up' and 'down' quarks being relatively light, while the 'top' quark is considerably heavier.
    • Colour Charge: Quarks possess a unique property termed 'colour charge', not related to actual colours, essential for the strong nuclear force.
    • Flavours: There are six distinct types or "flavours" of quarks, each having unique properties.
      • Up Quark (u): Charge: +2/3
      • Down Quark (d): Charge: -1/3
      • Charm (c), Strange (s), Top (t), and Bottom (b): Other flavours possessing varying masses and charges. Understanding the binding energy between quarks helps explain their stable formations.
  • Antiquarks: For every quark flavour, there's a corresponding antiquark with opposite charge.


  • Definition: Leptons are fundamental particles, distinct due to their non-participation in strong nuclear interactions.
  • Properties:
    • Types: Six types, categorised into charged leptons and neutrinos.
      • Electron (e-): The most familiar lepton, playing a crucial role in atomic structure.
      • Muon (μ-) and Tau (τ-): Heavier counterparts to the electron.
      • Neutrinos: Electron neutrino (νe), muon neutrino (νμ), and tau neutrino (ντ). Intriguingly, neutrinos have a minuscule mass and travel close to light speed. The study of radiation provides insights into how neutrinos interact with matter.
  • Antileptons: Analogous to antiquarks, every lepton type has a corresponding antilepton.

Combining Quarks: The World of Hadrons

Quarks never fly solo. They bond, primarily via the strong nuclear force, to manifest as larger particles.


  • Definition: Composite particles birthed from the union of quarks.
  • Baryons:
    • Comprising three quarks, they form some of the most familiar particles.
      • Proton (p): A union of two 'up' quarks and one 'down' quark.
      • Neutron (n): Fashioned from two 'down' quarks and one 'up' quark. These particles are crucial in understanding alpha, beta, and gamma decays.
    • Antibaryons: Consist of three antiquarks.
  • Mesons:
    • Particles made of a quark-antiquark pair. Pions and kaons are classic examples.
    • Play a role in mediating the strong nuclear force between baryons.

Conservation Laws in Particle Reactions

Every reaction in the quantum realm obeys a set of conservation laws, ensuring the universe's stability and predictability.

Charge Conservation

Ensures that the total electric charge remains consistent pre and post-reaction. It's why you can't spontaneously generate a lone electron or proton.

Baryon Number Conservation

Central to stability, it dictates that the total number of baryons remains unchanged across reactions.

Lepton Number Conservation

  • While a type of lepton may transition into another, the total lepton number remains invariant. For instance, while beta decay can convert an electron into an electron neutrino, the overall lepton count doesn't waver. The principles of the superposition principle can be applied here to understand particle interactions.

Strangeness Conservation

Particularly crucial during strong interactions, strangeness remains unaltered. Yet, in weak interactions, like beta decay, this isn't always the case.

Deep Dive: Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)

Quantum Chromodynamics serves as the theory underpinning the strong force. A few salient features:

  • Gluons: These are the force carrier particles for QCD. They mediate the strong force, binding quarks together.
  • Confinement: This phenomenon ensures quarks remain forever bound within hadrons. Efforts to separate them result in the spontaneous creation of new quark-antiquark pairs, relevant to discussions on pair production.


Leptons and quarks possess different electric charges. For instance, the electron, a lepton, has a charge of -1. The electron's neutrino, another lepton, has a charge of 0. In contrast, quarks have fractional electric charges. The 'up' quark has a charge of +2/3, while the 'down' quark possesses a charge of -1/3. These fractional charges in quarks ensure that when they combine to form particles like protons and neutrons, the resultant particle has a whole number charge, such as +1 for the proton.

'Up' and 'down' quarks are the lightest of all six quark flavours. The 'up' quark is slightly lighter than the 'down' quark. However, the exact masses of quarks aren't straightforward to determine due to quantum chromodynamics (QCD) effects, and their confinement inside hadrons. As of the last measurements, the 'up' quark has a mass roughly around 2.2 MeV/c2, whereas the 'down' quark has a mass around 4.7 MeV/c2. These values, however, have associated uncertainties and are subject to revision with more accurate measurements in the future.

Hadrons are composite particles made up of quarks held together by a strong nuclear force. They come in two categories: baryons and mesons. Baryons, like protons and neutrons, consist of three quarks. Mesons, on the other hand, are composed of a quark and an antiquark. The forces that bind the quarks inside hadrons are mediated by particles called gluons. These gluons facilitate the exchange of 'colour charge' between quarks, ensuring that quarks remain confined within the hadrons.

Yes, neutrinos are a type of lepton. They are extremely difficult to detect because they only interact via the weak nuclear force and gravity. Both of these forces are, as their names suggest, relatively weak compared to the electromagnetic and strong nuclear forces. As a result, neutrinos can pass through vast amounts of matter, including entire planets, with minimal interaction. Their elusive nature means that sophisticated and sensitive detectors, often placed deep underground to minimise background noise from other cosmic particles, are required to observe them.

Quarks are never observed as isolated entities in nature due to a phenomenon called 'confinement'. As one attempts to separate quarks from one another within a hadron, the force of attraction between them, mediated by gluons, increases. This is unlike the electromagnetic force where particles get less attracted to each other as they move apart. When the energy to pull two quarks apart becomes significant, it becomes energetically favourable to produce a quark-antiquark pair from the vacuum, leading to the formation of new hadrons. Hence, we only observe quarks in combinations as particles like protons and neutrons.

Practice Questions

A proton is known to be composed of quarks. Describe its quark composition in terms of flavours and their associated charges. Additionally, explain how this quark composition contributes to the proton's overall charge.

The proton is composed of two 'up' quarks and one 'down' quark. An 'up' quark has a charge of +2/3, and since there are two of them, their combined charge is +4/3. The 'down' quark possesses a charge of -1/3. Therefore, summing the charges of these three quarks results in an overall charge of +3/3 or +1, which corresponds to the charge of a proton. This intricate arrangement of quark charges within the proton ensures that it possesses its characteristic positive electric charge.

Elucidate the principle difference between leptons and quarks. Furthermore, explain why leptons, such as the electron, do not experience the strong nuclear force.

Leptons and quarks are both elementary particles; however, they differ fundamentally in their interactions. Quarks participate in all four fundamental forces, including the strong nuclear force, owing to their unique property called 'colour charge'. Leptons, on the other hand, do not possess this 'colour charge' and hence do not interact via the strong nuclear force. This is the primary reason why particles such as electrons (which are leptons) are not found within the nucleus of atoms. Instead, they orbit the nucleus due to their interaction via the electromagnetic force and not the strong nuclear force.

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