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IB DP Physics Study Notes

5.1.3 Electric Potential Energy

Electric potential energy is a foundational concept when discussing charged particles in electric fields. This energy, dependent on a charge's position within the field, plays a significant role in determining the behaviour and interactions of charges.

The Core Concept of Electric Potential Energy

  • What is Electric Potential Energy? At its heart, electric potential energy represents the energy a charge has due to its specific location within an electric field. It's somewhat analogous to gravitational potential energy, where an object possesses energy based on its position within a gravitational field. To understand the relationship between electric potential energy and electric fields, you might find it useful to explore the concept of electric field strength.
  • How is it acquired? Imagine moving a book upwards against the force of gravity; the work done gets stored as gravitational potential energy in the book. Similarly, moving a charge against an electric field (such as bringing a positive charge closer to another positive charge) imparts electric potential energy to the charge.
  • Unit of Measurement: The standard unit for measuring electric potential energy, as with other forms of energy, is the Joule (J).

Equation and Calculation

  • The Fundamental Relationship: The electric potential energy (U) between two point charges can be described through a relatively simple formula. The energy is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the distance (r) between them.U = k * (q1 * q2) / rElements in the equation include:
    • k: This is Coulomb's constant and is roughly 9.0 x 109 N.m2/C2.
    • q1 and q2: These represent the charges.
    • r: This denotes the distance separating the two charges.
  • Delving into the Signs: The sign of the potential energy serves a critical purpose:
    • Positive Potential Energy: Should both charges mirror each other's sign (either both positive or both negative), the resulting potential energy is positive. This implies that external work is needed to bring these charges close, given their natural tendency to repel.
    • Negative Potential Energy: When the charges contrast, i.e., one positive and the other negative, the potential energy is negative. This negative value suggests that the charges naturally attract each other, and energy is released when they meet.

Deep Implications of Electric Potential Energy

  • Atomic Stability: On the microscopic scale, the negative potential energy existing between the positive nucleus and negative electrons of an atom keeps electrons bound to the nucleus. The interplay between these attractive forces and distinct electron energy levels ensures atomic stability. For a deeper understanding of these interactions, you might want to read about field interactions.
  • Energy Transition: Opposing charges coming together see a reduction in their electric potential energy. However, this energy isn't lost. Instead, it undergoes conversion to other energy forms, like kinetic energy. Consider the example of a capacitor discharging. The accumulated charges initiate a current, with the stored potential energy transforming into the kinetic energy of the moving charges.
  • Energy Barriers and Potential Wells: Many physical systems contain regions with elevated potential energy, acting as barriers. For instance, in semiconductors, electrons need a specific energy amount to cross these barriers. This principle is central to electronic device design, wherein barrier manipulation allows current flow control. This is further explained in the context of electric potential equipotentials.

Applications in Modern Day Technologies

  • Capacitors: Devices like capacitors store energy as electric potential energy. Charging them involves doing work against an electric field, which leads to energy storage. When needed, this energy can be unleashed to power electronic circuits.
  • Electrostatic Precipitators: In industrial applications, especially for cleaning exhaust gases, electrostatic precipitators come into play. They utilise electric fields to charge particles. The charged particles, due to their electric potential energy, move and are collected on plates, purifying the exhaust gas in the process.
  • Photovoltaic Cells: Solar cells, or photovoltaic cells, leverage electric potential energy concepts. Sunlight photons give electrons enough energy to overcome potential barriers, producing an electric current.
  • Tuned Circuits in Radios: In radios, tuned circuits containing capacitors and inductors store electric potential energy. This stored energy is crucial in selecting specific frequencies from the wide range available in the atmosphere.
  • Defibrillators in Medicine: Medical defibrillators store electric potential energy and, when triggered, release this stored energy into the heart. This jolt can reset the heart's rhythm, potentially saving a life. Another fascinating application can be seen in pair production, where energy conversion principles play a key role.

Additional Points to Remember

  • The relationship between electric potential energy and distance is crucial. As charges get closer, the potential energy increases, which can lead to strong repulsive or attractive forces.
  • The conversion between electric potential energy and other forms of energy is a foundational principle in many modern technologies, from household appliances to life-saving medical devices.


The conservation of energy principle asserts that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. For electric potential energy, this means that when the energy changes (like when two charges move closer or further apart), this energy doesn’t vanish. Instead, it converts into other forms. For instance, when two opposing charges move towards each other and their potential energy reduces, this lost potential energy typically transforms into kinetic energy as the charges speed up. This principle ensures that the total energy within a closed system remains constant, even if the form of that energy varies.

The magnitude of electric potential energy between two charges is determined by three primary factors:

  1. The magnitude of the charges themselves: A larger charge magnitude leads to a greater potential energy.
  2. The distance between the charges: Potential energy is inversely proportional to the distance. Hence, as charges come closer, their mutual potential energy increases.
  3. The nature of the charges: Like charges (both positive or both negative) repel and have positive potential energy, while opposite charges attract and have negative potential energy.

The negative sign in potential energy for attracting charges (opposite in nature) is a convention based on the work done by external forces and the system itself. When opposite charges come together, they do so spontaneously because they attract. If an external force acts to prevent them from coming together, that external force would perform positive work, and the system (the charges) would perform negative work. Since potential energy is related to the work done by the system, and the work in this case is negative (as the charges naturally want to move towards each other), the potential energy is assigned a negative value. Essentially, the negative sign indicates a lower energy state and a naturally favourable condition.

Yes, electric potential energy can be zero. This occurs when the distance between two charges is infinite, meaning the charges are extremely far apart from each other. Considering the equation U = k * (q1 * q2) / r, as the distance 'r' approaches infinity, the potential energy U approaches zero. In practical terms, when two charges are sufficiently separated such that they don't influence each other, their mutual electric potential energy is considered negligible or zero.

Electric potential and electric potential energy are intrinsically related but serve distinct roles. Electric potential at a point in space is defined as the electric potential energy per unit charge. Essentially, it quantifies the work done by an external force in moving a positive test charge from infinity to that point, without any acceleration. While electric potential energy accounts for the energy of a charge due to its position in an electric field, electric potential deals with the energy per unit charge. In other words, potential can be seen as a measure of the 'potential for work' by the electric field at a specific location.

Practice Questions

Two point charges, one of +2µC and another of -3µC, are separated by a distance of 5 cm. Describe the electric potential energy of this system and discuss its significance.

The electric potential energy (U) between two point charges is given by the formula:U = k * (q1 * q2) / rUsing Coulomb's constant k, which is roughly 9.0 x 109 N.m2/C2, and the provided charges and distance, the potential energy can be calculated. Due to one charge being positive and the other being negative, the resultant potential energy will be negative. This indicates that the charges naturally attract each other. The energy is negative because work would be done on an external agent if these charges were brought closer, due to their natural tendency to attract.

Explain the role of electric potential energy in the functioning of a capacitor. What happens to this energy when the capacitor discharges?

A capacitor is an electronic component designed to store electric potential energy in an electric field. When a capacitor charges, work is done against the electric field between its plates, leading to the storage of electric potential energy. This stored energy is directly proportional to the square of the charge on the capacitor. When the capacitor discharges, the stored electric potential energy decreases. This energy doesn't just disappear; it is converted into other forms of energy. In the case of a discharging capacitor, the stored electric potential energy is typically transformed into kinetic energy of the moving charges, or current, and can be used to power electronic circuits or devices.

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