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IB DP Physics Study Notes

5.1.2 Electric Field Calculations

The electric field is a fundamental concept in physics, offering insights into the forces acting between charged particles. To truly grasp the dynamics of charged systems, it's essential to understand how to calculate electric field strengths in various contexts.

Electric Field Strength: A Refresher

An electric field surrounds any charged object, influencing other charges within its vicinity. The electric field strength is a measure of the force a positive test charge would experience within this field.

Defining Electric Field Strength

  • Electric Field Strength, represented by the letter E, is defined as the force F felt by a small positive test charge q0 placed within the field, per unit of that test charge. Simply put:Electric Field Strength = Force / Test Charge E = F / q0
  • The unit for electric field strength is the Newton per Coulomb (N/C).

Point Charge and Electric Field Strength

A single, isolated charge, often referred to as a 'point charge', also generates an electric field. The strength and direction of this field vary based on the magnitude and nature of the charge and the distance from it.

Calculating Electric Field Due to a Point Charge

The formula to calculate the electric field E due to a point charge q at a given distance r is:

E = k * q / r2


  • k represents Coulomb's constant, approximately equal to 9.0 x 109 N.m2/C2.
  • q signifies the charge that produces the field.
  • r denotes the distance from the point charge.
  • Key insights:
    • The electric field produced by a positive charge always radiates outwards.
    • Conversely, the electric field from a negative charge is directed inwards.

Applications of Electric Field Calculations

Uniform Electric Field Between Parallel Plates

Parallel plates charged oppositely create an almost uniform electric field, extensively utilised in devices like capacitors.

  • Calculating Electric Field Between Plates:If V is the potential difference (or voltage) across the plates and d is their separation, the electric field E between them is:E = V / dHence, the electric field direction is from the positively charged plate towards the negatively charged one.

Electric Field Due to a Dipole

A dipole, composed of two equal but opposite charges at a small distance apart, also creates a distinct electric field.

  • Calculating Electric Field on a Dipole's Axial Line:The electric field E at a point situated on the axial line of a dipole can be calculated using:E = 2k * p / r3Here:
    • p stands for the dipole moment of the charges, found by multiplying the charge by the separation distance (p = q * d).
    • r is the distance from the dipole's midpoint.

Superposition of Electric Fields

In scenarios with multiple charges, the resultant electric field at any point is the vector sum of electric fields due to each charge.

  • Computing Net Electric Field:For n charges q1, q2, ..., qn, the net electric field E_net at a point is:E_net = E1 + E2 + ... + EnHere, each E_i represents the electric field due to the individual charge q_i.

Electric Field Within Conductors

One vital point to remember is that the electric field inside a conductor in electrostatic equilibrium is zero. This property underpins the working principle of many electrical devices.

Variables Affecting Electric Field Strength

Magnitude of the Charge

  • Direct correlation: A higher charge magnitude results in a stronger electric field.

Proximity to the Charge

  • The electric field strength is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the charge. Hence, as we move away, the electric field diminishes considerably.

Surrounding Medium

  • The electric field's magnitude is also influenced by the medium encasing the charge. Every medium has a unique permittivity, which determines how electric fields propagate within it.

Real-world Implications and Safety Considerations

Comprehending electric field calculations holds both academic and practical significance.

Electrical Gadgets and Interference

Devices emitting substantial electric fields can interfere with other nearby gadgets. For instance, machinery or devices with high voltages might impact the functioning of sensitive equipment nearby.

Biological Concerns

There's an ongoing investigation into the long-term effects of electric fields on biological systems. Given our increasing reliance on electronic gadgets, understanding potential health implications becomes crucial.

Safety While Handling High Voltages

Grasping electric field nuances is crucial for safety, especially when handling or working near high-voltage setups. Elevated electric fields can induce currents, possibly resulting in electric shocks.


The formula for the electric field due to a point charge, which is inversely proportional to the square of the distance, arises from the three-dimensional nature of space. Electric field lines radiate outwards from a positive point charge in all directions. As you move away from the charge, the surface area over which these field lines spread increases as the square of the distance. Since the number of field lines (related to the charge) remains constant, but they are distributed over a larger area, the density of these lines reduces. The reduced density of field lines indicates a weaker electric field, explaining the inverse square relation.

Yes, introducing a dielectric between oppositely charged parallel plates affects the electric field between them. A dielectric is an insulating material that can become polarised when exposed to an electric field. When a dielectric is placed between the plates, it reduces the effective electric field. This happens because the dielectric material gets polarised, creating bound charges that produce their own electric field opposing the applied field. The resultant field in the dielectric is then the difference between the applied field and the field due to polarisation. The factor by which the electric field (and also the potential difference) decreases is called the dielectric constant of the material.

When two identical positive charges are brought closer together, the region around the midpoint between them experiences a strengthened electric field. Each charge produces its own electric field, pushing away from itself. As the two charges approach each other, the superposition of their individual fields becomes more significant, especially around the midpoint. Because the electric fields due to each charge add up in regions where their directions are the same, the net electric field strength increases. In essence, bringing two like charges closer makes the combined field between them more robust, due to the principle of superposition of electric fields.

The shape of a charged object plays a crucial role in determining the distribution and strength of the electric field around it. For uniformly charged surfaces, electric field lines are perpendicular to the surface. For flat surfaces, field lines are straight and uniformly spaced. However, for curved surfaces, the concentration of field lines varies. For instance, at the pointed or sharper end of a charged object, like the tip of a cone, electric field lines are more concentrated, indicating a stronger electric field. Conversely, on flatter or broader sections, the lines spread out, denoting a weaker field. This effect is why lightning conductors, designed to attract lightning, are pointed.

When a conductor reaches electrostatic equilibrium, there are no net electric forces acting on the free electrons within it. Initially, if an external electric field is applied to a conductor, the free electrons move in response to this field. As they shift, they redistribute themselves in such a way that they set up an internal electric field opposing the external field. This movement continues until the internal field exactly counterbalances the external field. At this point, equilibrium is achieved, and the resultant electric field within the conductor is zero. Therefore, charges inside a conductor don't experience any force from internal electric fields when the system is in electrostatic equilibrium.

Practice Questions

Two large parallel plates are separated by a distance of 0.02 m. They are connected to a power supply, maintaining a potential difference of 100 V between them. Calculate the electric field strength between the plates.

In situations involving parallel plates with a potential difference, the formula used to calculate the electric field strength is E = V/d. Here, 'V' represents the potential difference and 'd' stands for the distance separating the plates. Given the potential difference V is 100 V and the distance d between the plates is 0.02 m, substituting the provided values yields E = 100 V / 0.02 m. Performing the division gives an electric field strength, E, of 5000 N/C. This result indicates that, within the space between these plates, a positive test charge would experience a force of 5000 N for every Coulomb of its charge.

A point charge of 5 x 10^-6 C produces an electric field. Calculate the electric field strength at a point 0.05 m away from the charge. Use the value k = 9.0 x 10^9 N.m^2/C^2.

When calculating the electric field strength E due to a point charge, the formula E = k*q/r2 is typically employed. Within this formula, 'k' represents Coulomb's constant, 'q' is the charge generating the electric field, and 'r' is the distance from that charge to the point in question. In this scenario, the charge q is given as 5 x 10-6 C, and the distance r is 0.05 m. The constant k, known as Coulomb's constant, is provided as 9.0 x 109 N.m2/C2. Inserting these values into the formula, we have E = (9.0 x 109 * 5 x 10-6) / 0.052. This calculation results in an electric field strength, E, of 1800 N/C. This indicates that a positive test charge placed at this location would experience a force of 1800 N for every Coulomb of its charge, due to the presence of the 5 x 10-6 C point charge.

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