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IB DP Physics Study Notes

5.1.1 Electric Field Basics

In the vast realm of physics, electric fields occupy a pivotal position, laying the groundwork for understanding interactions between charged objects. Through field lines, one can visualise how charged entities influence their surroundings. This segment dissects the core principles governing electric fields, their portrayal, and their action on a positive test charge.

Definition of Electric Fields

An electric field emerges when a charged object influences the space around it. In simpler terms, it's the region around a charged object where another charged object would experience a force, be it attraction or repulsion.

  • Unit: Electric field strength is quantified in Newton per Coulomb (N/C).
  • Vector Quantity: Electric fields have both magnitude and direction, making them a vector quantity.

Origins of Electric Fields

Every charge generates an electric field around it. The fundamental law governing this phenomenon is Coulomb's law. When another charged particle enters this field, it experiences a force due to the charge that created the field. This force diminishes as one moves further away from the charge.

Concept of Field Lines

Electric field lines, or lines of force, are conceptual tools that physicists utilise to visualise and map out electric fields. Understanding their characteristics offers deeper insights into electric fields:

  1. Direction: Field lines emerge from positive charges and culminate at negative ones. In cases of isolated charges, it's convenient to assume these lines either commence or conclude at infinity.
  2. Density: Regions with a greater density of field lines hint at stronger electric fields. The closer you are to the charge, the denser the field lines.
  3. Interaction: A crucial principle - field lines never intersect. Overlapping would suggest conflicting directions for the electric field at one point, which is untenable.
  4. Curvature: Field lines can curve, showing the varying influence of charges in a region. Their curvature also provides insights into how charges would move if placed within the field.

Force on a Positive Test Charge

Electric fields have a clear impact on charges within their domain. For a charge placed in an electric field:

F = qE

  • F stands for the force (in Newtons).
  • q represents the charge (in Coulombs).
  • E denotes the electric field strength (in N/C).

Breaking this down:

  1. Direction: A positive charge will feel a force pushing it in the field line's direction. Thus, if lines traverse from north to south, the charge gets propelled southwards.
  2. Magnitude: Force magnitude correlates directly with the charge's magnitude and the electric field strength.
  3. Negative Charge Nuance: A negative charge within the field feels a force opposite to the field lines' direction.

Applications in Daily Life

The omnipresence of electric fields in contemporary life cannot be overstated:

  • Technology: Modern electronics, such as capacitors, rely heavily on electric fields. These fields store energy, which is then discharged when needed.
  • Communications: Antennas, pivotal in telecommunication, function by creating electric fields that radiate out as electromagnetic waves, facilitating long-distance communication.
  • Medical Imaging: ECGs (Electrocardiograms) read the electric fields generated by cardiac activity, enabling medical professionals to gauge heart health.
  • Safety Protocols: Electricians and related professionals leverage electric field knowledge to navigate high-voltage environments safely. Discerning field strengths and directions can avert mishaps.

Factors Determining Electric Field Strength

The strength of an electric field is not static and can be influenced by several determinants:

  1. Charge Magnitude: A charge's magnitude is directly proportional to the electric field's strength it generates.
  2. Distance Dynamics: Electric fields wane with distance. As you move away, the strength dwindles, following an inverse square law. For example, doubling your distance from a charge weakens the electric field fourfold.
  3. Medium Matters: Different mediums can modify the electric field's trajectory and intensity. For instance, water and metals interact differently with electric fields.

Role of Electric Fields in Particle Accelerators

Particle accelerators, like the Large Hadron Collider, employ potent electric fields to propel charged particles at near-light speeds. Understanding the nuances of these fields is essential for manipulating particles accurately.

Challenges in Visualising Electric Fields

While field lines are invaluable tools, it's essential to understand their limitations. They offer a simplified view, which might not capture all the intricacies, especially when multiple charges and their resultant combined fields come into play.


The number of electric field lines drawn around a charge is an indicator of the charge's magnitude. If you see a charge with many field lines emanating from (or converging to) it, that charge has a higher magnitude. Conversely, fewer field lines suggest a weaker charge. It's similar to how the brightness of a light bulb can indicate its wattage or power. The brighter the bulb (or denser the field lines), the more powerful it is.

Electric field lines are different from magnetic field lines in that they don't form closed loops. Magnetic fields loop back on themselves, but electric field lines have a start and an endpoint. They begin with positive charges and end with negative charges. If you imagine the charges as sources and sinks, electric field lines flow from the sources (positive charges) and move towards the sinks (negative charges).

The electric field direction is always taken as the direction in which a positive test charge would experience a force. Given this definition, around a negative charge, the electric field direction is inwards, towards the charge. Imagine placing a small positive charge near this negative charge. It would be pulled towards the negative charge due to attraction. This inward pull towards the negative charge is the direction of the electric field.

The electric field strength decreases as you move away from a charged object. This is governed by the principle that electric field strength is inversely related to the square of the distance from the charged source. Think of it like a light source: the further away you get, the less intense the light appears. Similarly, as you increase the distance from a charge, the influence or strength of its electric field reduces.

Electric field lines tend to crowd near sharp edges or points of conductors, and this phenomenon can be attributed to the unique behaviour of charges. On conductors, charges like to spread out as much as possible because charges repel each other. However, on a sharp point, there's limited space for these charges to spread out. This clustering of charges at the sharp edge intensifies the electric field in that area. Another way to visualise this is to consider how water flows around a rock in a stream. The water (or field lines) will rush or concentrate around the obstacle, leading to a more robust flow (or field strength) in that region.

Practice Questions

A positively charged test object is placed within an electric field. The field lines are shown curving from the west to the east. In which direction will the positively charged test object experience a force, and why?

The positively charged test object will experience a force in the direction of the field lines. Since electric field lines represent the path a positive test charge would follow if free to move, and in this case the lines are moving from the west to the east, the positive test object will experience a force pushing it towards the east. The field lines provide a clear indication of the force direction on a positive charge.

What do electric field lines represent, and why can they never intersect?

Electric field lines, also referred to as lines of force, symbolise the direction and strength of an electric field. They emanate from positive charges and culminate at negative ones, providing a visual representation of how a positive test charge would be influenced if placed within that field. Field lines cannot intersect because an intersection would denote two different electric field vectors at a single point in space, which is physically untenable. Such an occurrence would be paradoxical, as a charge placed at the intersection would be uncertain about its directional movement. Thus, to maintain clarity and logical consistency, field lines never cross.

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