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IB DP Physics Study Notes

2.4.1 Definition of Momentum

When one thinks of a motion, one might consider speed or direction, but in physics, the concept of momentum encompasses both. This significant aspect links an object's movement to its mass and velocity, serving as a core idea in various physical scenarios. For more foundational knowledge, see the definition of momentum.

Mass-Velocity Relation

Momentum, at its core, signifies motion. It’s the quantity obtained by multiplying an object’s mass with its velocity. So, simply put:

Momentum (p) = Mass (m) x Velocity (v)

Characteristics of Momentum:

1. Units: Momentum's measurement in the International System (SI) is kilogram meters per second (kg.m/s). This unit reflects its basis in both mass and motion.

2. Vector Nature: Momentum isn't just about magnitude; it's also about direction. Like velocity, momentum is a vector quantity. Thus, an object heading eastward would have an eastward momentum.

3. Relation to Mass and Velocity: A heavier object, naturally, when in motion, carries more momentum than a lighter one at the same speed. Similarly, faster objects possess more momentum than slower ones, given they have the same mass.

4. Zero Conditions: If an object stands still, its momentum is zero, as its velocity is nil. Likewise, if we consider something without any mass (hypothetically), it would have no momentum, irrespective of its speed. The principles of circular motion also play a crucial role in understanding these dynamics.

Conservation of Momentum

Momentum's fascinating feature is its conservation. The law of conservation of momentum is a profound concept asserting that, in an isolated system, momentum remains constant. This constancy exists even in the face of interactions, like collisions, within the system.

Breaking Down Conservation:

1. The Idea of an Isolated System: First, it's vital to grasp what's meant by 'isolated'. An isolated system is one unaffected by external forces. The system's total momentum doesn’t waver because there's nothing from the outside influencing it. This is evident in both horizontal and vertical circular motion.

  • Interactions and Collisions: Momentum's conservation is most vividly seen in collisions. Whether the collision is elastic (bouncing) or inelastic (sticking together or deforming), momentum stays consistent.
    • Elastic Collisions: Picture two billiard balls striking each other and bouncing apart. Here, not only is momentum conserved, but so is the kinetic energy. The balls don't lose their energy; they merely transfer it.
    • Inelastic Collisions: Now, consider a situation where two cars crash and crumple upon impact. The kinetic energy isn't entirely conserved due to factors like heat or sound generation. However, the momentum remains untouched. If you add up the momentum of both cars before and after the collision, you'd find the figures match.

2. Real-world Implications: Momentum conservation isn't just theoretical; it's practical. For instance, in car safety engineering, understanding momentum helps in the design of safer vehicles. By grasping how momentum works, engineers can create structures that reduce the impact of collisions, safeguarding passengers. This understanding extends to the design of systems involving resonance in simple harmonic motion.

3. The Physics Behind Conservation: Conservation principles, such as momentum conservation, are bedrocks of physics. They reveal the universe's symmetries and provide methodologies for various problem-solving endeavours. For instance, particle physicists lean on momentum conservation to forecast particle interaction outcomes. This principle is also observed in the basics of simple harmonic motion.

4. Mathematical Depiction: Using a simplistic approach for two interacting objects without any external force play, one can state:Total initial momentum (before interaction) = Total final momentum (post-interaction)Thus, if two objects, A and B, were to interact:Initial momentum of A + Initial momentum of B = Final momentum of A + Final momentum of B


Momentum is the product of an object's mass and its velocity. Therefore, a smaller mass can achieve the same momentum as a larger mass if it compensates with a higher velocity. Consider a tennis ball and a bowling ball. If the tennis ball moves fast enough, its momentum could match that of a slowly moving bowling ball. This principle underscores many phenomena, such as why bullets, which have small mass, can inflict damage. Their high speeds ensure they carry significant momentum.

Airbags play a crucial role in car safety by manipulating the principles of momentum and impulse. When a car crashes, its momentum changes rapidly. For passengers inside, this rapid change can lead to severe injuries. The purpose of the airbag is to increase the time over which this change in momentum (or impulse) occurs. As the impulse-momentum theorem states, the impulse is equal to the change in momentum and is also the product of force and time. By extending the time, the average force experienced by the person is reduced. This is why an airbag, by slowly deflating and increasing the collision time, significantly reduces the force and, hence, the potential for injury.

No, an object cannot possess momentum without kinetic energy. If an object has momentum, it means that it has both mass and velocity. Any object with velocity inherently has kinetic energy. While momentum is linearly proportional to velocity, kinetic energy is proportional to the square of velocity. Therefore, even if the velocity is very small, the object will still possess both momentum and kinetic energy, albeit in potentially minuscule amounts.

The principle of conservation of momentum arises from Newton's third law, which states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. During a collision, whether elastic or inelastic, the internal forces that objects exert on each other are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. This ensures that momentum, being a vector quantity, is conserved. However, in inelastic collisions, kinetic energy is not conserved because some of it gets transformed into other forms of energy, such as internal energy, sound, or heat, due to deformations or other processes. The total energy in the system remains conserved, but not all of it remains as kinetic energy.

Momentum and kinetic energy are both foundational concepts in physics that involve an object's mass and velocity, but they serve to describe different properties of motion. Momentum, represented as p=mv (where m is the mass and v is the velocity), is a vector quantity that describes the amount and direction of motion an object has. Its direction is defined by the direction of the velocity. Kinetic energy, on the other hand, is given by KE=0.5mv2, which describes the energy possessed by an object due to its motion. It's a scalar quantity and doesn't have direction. While both involve velocity, kinetic energy is dependent on the square of the velocity, making it more sensitive to changes in speed.

Practice Questions

Two trolleys, A and B, are about to collide on a smooth horizontal surface. Trolley A has a mass of 2 kg and is moving to the right with a speed of 3 m/s. Trolley B has a mass of 3 kg and is moving to the left with a speed of 2 m/s. If they stick together after the collision, what will be their final velocity?

To solve this problem, we need to apply the law of conservation of momentum. Before the collision, the momentum of A is (2 kg * 3 m/s) = 6 kg.m/s to the right and the momentum of B is (3 kg * 2 m/s) = 6 kg.m/s to the left. The total momentum before the collision is 6 - 6 = 0 kg.m/s. After the collision, since momentum is conserved and they stick together, the combined momentum remains 0 kg.m/s. This means they have come to rest and their final velocity is 0 m/s.

In a game of snooker, a ball of mass 0.15 kg is hit with a velocity of 2 m/s towards another stationary ball of the same mass. If the initial ball comes to a stop after the collision, what is the velocity of the second ball?

Utilising the conservation of momentum principle, the total momentum before the collision equals the total momentum after. The moving ball has a momentum of (0.15 kg * 2 m/s) = 0.3 kg.m/s, while the stationary ball's momentum is 0. After the hit, the initial ball stops, transferring all its momentum to the stationary ball. Consequently, the momentum of the second ball after the collision is 0.3 kg.m/s. To find its velocity, we use the formula: Momentum = mass x velocity. Rearranging, we find the velocity to be 0.3 kg.m/s divided by 0.15 kg, which equals 2 m/s. Hence, the velocity of the second ball is 2 m/s.

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