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IB DP Physics Study Notes

2.4.2 Impulse

Impulse is a crucial component in the domain of mechanics, shedding light on the intricate dance between force and time and how they culminate in changing an object's momentum. As we journey through this topic, we'll observe how impulse interlinks with daily occurrences, from sports to vehicular safety.

Force-Time Relation

Impulse is not just a mere product of force and time but is a reflection of how variations in these parameters can lead to significantly different outcomes.

  • Formula: Impulse (I) = Force (F) x Time (Δt)This relationship is especially highlighted in real-world scenarios:
    • Cricketers and Balls: When a cricketer catches a swiftly moving ball, they tend to pull their hands back upon catching. This isn't just an instinctual move but a calculated one, too. By increasing the time of impact, they reduce the force experienced per unit time. This not only ensures that the ball doesn't pop out but also reduces the risk of injury.
    • Jumping off a Moving Vehicle: Ever wondered why rolling and subsequently increasing the time of contact might save you from injury when jumping off a moving object? By increasing the time taken for the stop, the force experienced at any single moment is reduced, leading to lesser injury.

Impulse-Momentum Theorem

The profound relationship between impulse and momentum is best described by the Impulse-Momentum Theorem.

  • Understanding Momentum: Before delving into the theorem, it's essential to understand momentum. Often regarded as 'motion content', momentum (p) is given by p = m x v, where m is the mass and v is the velocity.
  • The Theorem Explained: The theorem, at its core, expresses that the impulse an object experiences equals its momentum change.Formula: Impulse (I) = Δp = mΔv
    • Elastic Collisions: Objects bounce back without undergoing deformation or heat generation. The kinetic energy remains conserved, with the change in momentum (or impulse) reflected in the post-collision velocities of the objects.
    • Inelastic Collisions: Here, post-collision, objects might adhere together or undergo deformation. Some kinetic energy is converted into other forms. But the impulse remains consistent with the Impulse-Momentum theorem.

Deep Dive into Applications

1. Vehicular Safety: Automobiles are designed keeping impulse in mind. Crumple zones in cars, for instance, are regions that deform upon impact. They increase the duration of the collision, thus reducing the force experienced by the passengers and potentially reducing injuries. Airbags, too, work on the same principle, cushioning passengers and increasing the time of impact, thereby decreasing the force felt.

2. Sports Techniques: In sports like golf, tennis, and baseball, the technique of 'following through' is taught and emphasised. By ensuring that the bat or racquet remains in contact with the ball for a longer duration, players can impart a more significant change in the ball's momentum, affecting its speed and direction. This is also related to the applications of circular motion seen in various sports.

3. Rocket Propulsion: Rockets operate based on the principle of impulse. They eject gases at high velocities, and the consequent force generated over this short duration provides the necessary impulse to propel the rocket in the opposite direction. This principle is a practical application of Newton's third law of motion and the Impulse-Momentum theorem.

Graphical Interpretation

A Force-Time graph can be utilised to represent impulse. The area under the Force-Time curve signifies the impulse or the change in momentum. Two forces with different magnitudes and durations might have the same impulse if the areas under their Force-Time graphs are equivalent. This graphical representation is vital in fields like engineering to analyse and design impact-resistant materials and structures. For further insight, you can explore field interactions.

Angular Impulse

When bodies rotate, the concept of impulse extends into the realm of angular motion. The application of torque (rotational force) over a duration leads to an angular impulse, which, in turn, results in a change in angular momentum.

Formula: Angular Impulse = Torque x TimeA good example is a figure skater. As they pull their arms in, they reduce their moment of inertia, leading to an increase in angular velocity. The angular impulse applied by the skater's muscles results in a change in their angular momentum. This principle also relates to resonance in simple harmonic motion.

Understanding impulse can also help in comprehending the effects of radiation in various physical contexts, particularly how forces interact over time to change the state of motion.


Indeed, different force-time graphs can yield identical impulses, a fact that's intrinsic to the definition of impulse. The impulse is represented by the area under the force-time graph. Two distinct shapes on a graph can enclose the same area. Think of a tall, narrow rectangle and a short, wide one; they can have the same area but different dimensions. Translated to a force-time scenario, a large force acting briefly can generate the same impulse as a smaller force sustained over a more extended period. This versatility of achieving identical impulses via various force-time combinations showcases the flexibility in manipulating forces in real-world applications, from sports to engineering.

The principle behind impulse is foundational in designing safety mechanisms, especially in scenarios involving rapid deceleration or collisions. When a car crashes, there's a tremendous force exerted in a very short time. Airbags act by extending the time of interaction. By doing so, they effectively reduce the average force exerted on the person. When the time taken for the change in momentum (or deceleration) increases, the force experienced decreases, a direct manifestation of the impulse-momentum theorem. This reduced force lessens the potential harm to the vehicle's occupants. Thus, understanding and manipulating impulse plays a critical role in enhancing safety features across various transport modes.

Declaring impulse as a vector quantity is an assertion of its dual nature: it has both magnitude and direction. This is analogous to force, from which impulse is derived. The direction of the impulse aligns with the direction of the applied force. For a practical understanding, consider playing billiards. When you strike a ball, the direction in which you apply the force dictates the ball's subsequent motion. The strength of your strike (force) and how long you maintain contact with the ball (time) together determine the impulse, which in turn decides the change in the ball's momentum. This directionality is fundamental in predicting and analysing real-world motions and interactions.

While both concepts revolve around momentum, they address different facets of motion. The impulse-momentum theorem establishes a relationship between the impulse imparted to an object and the resultant change in its momentum. It essentially states that an applied impulse will correspondingly change an object's momentum. It's a focused principle that looks at individual objects and the forces acting upon them.

In contrast, the conservation of momentum is a broader principle that considers an entire system of objects. It postulates that in the absence of external forces, the total momentum of a closed system remains unchanged. This means that while individual objects within the system can experience changes in momentum due to interactions, the overall momentum of the system is conserved. This principle is pivotal in analysing collisions and interactions in isolated systems.

Impulse and force, while intertwined in physics, serve distinct roles when assessing an object's motion. Force is a fundamental concept that describes a push or a pull exerted on an object. It's a snapshot of what's happening at a particular moment. Impulse, on the other hand, integrates the effect of that force over a time interval. Essentially, impulse can be visualised as the accumulation of force over time. Imagine pressing your hand against a wall — that's a force. Now, push against it continuously for five seconds — the total push you've given is the impulse. Hence, impulse considers not just the magnitude of the force but also the duration for which it's applied, encapsulating a more holistic view of the interaction.

Practice Questions

A car of mass 1,200 kg is moving at a velocity of 15 m/s. The driver applies the brakes, and over a period of 4 seconds, the car comes to a stop. Calculate the average force exerted by the brakes during this time.

To determine the average force, we first need to find the impulse using the Impulse-Momentum theorem. The change in momentum, Δp, is mΔv = 1,200 kg x (0 m/s - 15 m/s) = -18,000 kg·m/s. The negative sign indicates a decrease in momentum. Now, using the impulse formula, I = FΔt, we can rearrange for F: F = I/Δt. Plugging in our values, F = -18,000 kg·m/s ÷ 4 s = -4,500 N. Therefore, the average force exerted by the brakes is 4,500 N in the direction opposite to the car's initial motion.

A tennis player hits a ball with a racquet. The ball, initially at rest, gains a velocity of 25 m/s after being in contact with the racquet for 0.05 seconds. If the ball has a mass of 0.057 kg, determine the average force exerted by the racquet on the ball.

Firstly, we'll find the change in momentum of the ball using the equation Δp = mΔv. Here, Δv = 25 m/s (since it starts from rest), and m = 0.057 kg. Thus, Δp = 0.057 kg x 25 m/s = 1.425 kg·m/s. Now, to find the average force exerted during the short time interval, we use the impulse formula, I = FΔt. Rearranging for F, we get F = I/Δt. Inserting our values, F = 1.425 kg·m/s ÷ 0.05 s = 28.5 N. Hence, the average force exerted by the racquet on the ball is 28.5 N.

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