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IB DP Physics Study Notes

2.3.3 Power in Physics

In the world of physics, power isn't just about might or strength; it's the measure of how swiftly energy is transferred or work is done over time. This concept is pivotal in everything from machinery operations to human physical activities.

Definition of Power

Power, at its core, represents the rate at which work is executed or the rate at which energy transitions or converts. A consistent transfer of energy corresponds with a higher power. This is particularly relevant when considering the basics of SHM, where energy conversion is a key factor.

  • Formula: Power (P) = Work (W) divided by Time (t)
  • Units: The primary unit for power in the International System of Units (SI) is the watt (W). This translates to one joule per second. In simpler terms, if a machine is rated at 1 watt, it can convert energy at a rate of 1 joule every second.
  • Other Units: In mechanical systems, especially vehicles, you might also come across horsepower (hp) as a unit. 1 hp equals about 746 watts.

Rate of Work Done

Understanding power means diving into its relationship with work and time. When a force acts on an object, causing it to move a certain distance, work is performed on it. The speed at which this work gets done is the rate of work done.

  • Factors Influencing the Rate: The rate of work done can vary based on multiple factors like the strength of the applied force, the object's characteristics, and the environment it's in. For instance, moving a heavy object demands more power than moving a light one over the same distance in the same timeframe. This is evident in vertical circular motion, where the object's motion characteristics significantly impact power requirements.
  • Practical Implications: This concept is especially relevant for machinery. For instance, two machines might both lift a 100 kg weight to a 10-meter height. However, if one machine accomplishes this in 5 seconds while the other takes 8 seconds, the first machine is deemed more powerful.

Calculations Pertaining to Power

Several formulas are useful for quantifying power in different scenarios:

  • Power in terms of Work and Time:
    • Formula: P = W divided by t
    • Example: If an apparatus performs 6000J of work in 12 seconds, its power output would be P = 6000J divided by 12s, which equals 500W.
  • Power in relation to Force and Velocity:
    • For objects propelled at a consistent velocity by a steady force, power can be depicted as the product of force and velocity.
    • Formula: P = F multiplied by v
    • For instance, a truck's engine, moving the vehicle at 25m/s with a force of 5000N, exerts a power of P = 5000N multiplied by 25m/s, which is 125,000W or 125kW. This concept ties into the broader understanding of Boyle's Law, which also involves the relationship between force and motion.
  • Electrical Power:
    • In electric circuits, power is the product of voltage (V) and current (I), signifying how rapidly electrical energy changes to other forms, such as light or heat.
    • Formula: P = V multiplied by I. Understanding how electric fields contribute to power calculations can be further explored in the context of electric field strength.

Power in Varied Contexts

Appreciating power requires viewing it from multiple perspectives:

  • Mechanical Systems: Here, power serves as an efficiency metric. Engines, turbines, and other mechanical devices are frequently judged by their power ratings, indicating their energy conversion rate.
  • Physiology: In the realm of human biology, power has significance too. Athletes, particularly those in sprints, focus on the power they can generate in a limited period to achieve maximum speeds.
  • Sustainability: Today, power ratings of devices are essential. Equipment that delivers high power with lesser energy input is sought after, as they're not only cost-effective but also eco-friendly.
  • Day-to-Day Examples: From light bulb power ratings to horsepower in vehicle specifications, power is a daily metric. It aids in making informed decisions about efficiency and potential costs. Additionally, understanding power is crucial in fields such as atomic energy levels, where power and energy conversions play a pivotal role.


In electrical systems, power not only signifies energy consumption or generation but also influences numerous practical aspects. Devices with a higher power rating will consume or emit energy at a swifter pace. This can have ramifications on electricity costs, the longevity of components, and system performance. Overloading a circuit by drawing excessive power can cause overheating, posing risks of damage or even fire. For portable electronics, power consumption directly affects battery lifespan. Moreover, in designing electrical systems, understanding power requirements is crucial. It informs decisions about component selection, thermal management solutions, and overall system efficiency. In essence, power management is at the heart of sustainable and efficient electrical design.

The watt (W), which is equivalent to one joule per second, is the SI unit for power. However, in various contexts, different units are employed. The horsepower (hp) is notably prevalent, especially in contexts like the automotive and machinery industries. A single horsepower equals about 746 watts. In the aviation industry, you might hear of 'thrust horsepower'. The British Imperial system occasionally employs units such as foot-pounds per minute. There's also the erg per second, used in the centimetre-gram-second system. Regardless of these variations, in global scientific discourse and standardisation, the watt remains the dominant and universally accepted unit of power.

Efficiency plays a pivotal role in the realm of machinery and power. The efficiency of a machine indicates the proportion of input energy that's successfully converted into useful work. In real-world scenarios, no machine is 100% efficient. Various losses - be it from friction, electrical resistance, air resistance, or thermal dissipation - divert some of the input energy. This misdirected energy doesn't contribute to the intended work, thereby diluting the machine's power output. Therefore, a machine with 90% efficiency will give a far superior power output compared to one with just 60% efficiency when provided with the same energy input. This distinction becomes crucial in industries where performance and energy savings are paramount.

Absolutely. An object can have stored or potential energy without exhibiting any power if that energy isn't being actively transferred or converted. Consider a book placed on a high shelf. It has gravitational potential energy due to its position, but until it falls (or is pushed), it isn't converting that energy into any other form, and thus it's not exerting power. Similarly, a fully charged battery possesses chemical energy, but unless it's powering a device or discharging, its power output remains nil. The key is in the action or the rate of change - power comes into play when there's active energy conversion or transfer.

Power, in its simplest definition, is the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred. It encompasses the concept of time. On the other hand, energy is a scalar quantity that represents the capacity to perform work. It can be in various forms, like kinetic, potential, thermal, or chemical energy. Work, another scalar quantity, directly relates to the transfer of energy; it's essentially the process through which energy is converted from one form to another, usually by forces acting over distances. In everyday situations, the difference becomes clearer: a loaded truck might have a lot of potential energy at the top of a hill (stored energy), but the power is exhibited when it starts moving down the hill (rate of using that stored energy).

Practice Questions

A crane lifts a 200 kg block to a height of 15 meters in a span of 30 seconds. Calculate the power exerted by the crane during this lifting. (Assume the acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 m/s^2.)

Firstly, we need to calculate the work done by the crane. Work (W) is given by the formula: W = m * g * h. Using the given data: W = 200 kg * 10 m/s2 * 15 m = 30,000 J. Now, using the formula for power: Power (P) = Work (W) divided by Time (t). Plugging in the values: P = 30,000 J divided by 30s = 1,000 W. Therefore, the power exerted by the crane during the lifting process is 1,000 watts or 1 kW.

An electric heater operates with a voltage of 230V and draws a current of 10A. Determine the power of the electric heater.

To find the power of the electric heater, we use the formula: Power (P) = Voltage (V) multiplied by Current (I). Using the provided data: P = 230 V * 10 A = 2,300 W. Thus, the power of the electric heater is 2,300 watts or 2.3 kW. This value signifies how rapidly the electric heater converts electrical energy into heat energy, ensuring quicker warming of the surrounding space.

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