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IB DP Physics Study Notes

2.3.1 Definition of Work

In our daily lives, the term "work" might refer to our tasks or occupations. However, in physics, "work" has a specific and mathematical meaning, linking force and distance and unveiling a deeper understanding of mechanics.

Force-Distance Relation

In physics, work indicates the action stemming from a force exerted over a certain distance. It signifies the energy either transferred to or from an object due to the force applied across a displacement.

  • Nature of Work: Work is scalar, meaning it only has magnitude and no direction.
  • Unit of Measurement: The SI unit for work is the joule (J), which is defined as the work done when a force of one newton is applied over a distance of one metre. So, 1 J = 1 Nm.
  • Zero Work: If there's no displacement of the object regardless of the force applied, the work done is zero. For instance, you might push a wall with all your strength, but since it doesn't move, no work is done.

Work in Angled Forces

Sometimes, the applied force isn't perfectly in line with the direction of motion. In such cases, we consider the component of the force acting in the direction of the displacement. This component is found using the cosine of the angle between the force and the motion's direction.

  • Formula: Work (W) = Force (F) x Distance (d) x cos(angle)

For instance, if pulling a sledge at an angle, not the entire force contributes to moving the sledge forward. Only the component of the force in the sledge's direction determines the work done.


Exploring the numerical aspects of work solidifies our understanding, showing the relationship between force, distance, and work.

Example 1: Direct Force Application

Imagine pushing a box on a smooth surface. If you apply a 10N force and move the box 5m in the force's direction:

  • Using the formula for work: W = F x d
  • W = 10N x 5m
  • Work W = 50J

In this case, you've done 50 joules of work on the box.

Example 2: Angled Force Application

Let's say you're dragging luggage at the airport. If you pull it with a 20N force at a 30° angle to the horizontal over 10m:

  • Using the formula with angle: W = F x d x cos(30°)
  • W = 20N x 10m x 0.866 (cosine value for 30°)
  • Work W = 173.2J

So, the effective work done on the luggage is 173.2 joules.

Real-world Applications:

Grasping the concept of work is pivotal for understanding its real-world applications.

  • Gym Workouts: Lifting weights involves doing work against Earth's gravity. The force equals the weight's gravity (mass x gravity), and the distance is the height lifted.
  • Vehicle Efficiency: A car engine's efficiency is gauged by the work it can do per fuel unit. The car does work against forces like friction and air resistance when moving, affecting its fuel consumption.
  • Hydraulic Systems: Systems like hydraulic lifts show work being done on one side (e.g., pressing a small piston) and transmitted and magnified on the other side (like raising a car).
  • Daily Activities: Everyday actions, such as opening a door, climbing stairs, or stretching a rubber band, involve principles of work.

Work and Energy:

The relationship between work and energy is pivotal. When work is done on an object, it relates directly to the energy transferred. Positive work increases the object's energy, while negative work decreases it. This bond between work and energy serves as the foundation for many other physics concepts, such as potential and kinetic energy.


Friction plays a pivotal role in the concept of work. It's a force that inherently resists the motion of objects. When objects move or slide on surfaces, the frictional force acts opposite to their motion direction. This opposition means that the work done by friction is typically negative. Think about pushing a heavy box across a rough floor. As the box moves, the friction between the floor and the box resists its motion, doing negative work. This action by friction extracts kinetic energy from the box, gradually slowing it down until it halts.

Yes, under certain circumstances, the value of work can be zero. Work is fundamentally the product of force and the object's displacement. If an object remains stationary and doesn't displace, even with a force acting on it, the work is zero. Another situation is when the force is perpendicular to the movement. Consider holding a heavy suitcase and walking straight. The force you use to hold the suitcase upwards is at a right angle to your forward motion. In this scenario, since the force and displacement are perpendicular, the work done is zero.

When forces act at angles, the work calculations become a tad more intricate. If the force isn't acting in the same line or direction as the object's displacement, only a specific "component" of that force contributes to the work. To determine this component, one uses trigonometric principles. For instance, if a force acts diagonally on an object moving horizontally, only the horizontal portion of that force (determined using the cosine of the angle between force and direction) contributes to the work. This component is the effective force that multiplies with the displacement to compute the work done. In real-world scenarios, this often means that not all the force you apply translates directly into work, especially if it's not aligned with the motion.

Certainly, work can take on a negative value. The sign attributed to work derives from the relative directions of the force applied and the object's displacement. When the force is in opposition to the displacement, the resulting work is negative. Imagine you're on a snowy hill, pulling a sled. If the sled tries to slide downward and you pull it back upwards, the direction of your force is opposite to the sled's motion. In such situations, the work you're doing is negative, as you're exerting force against the object's motion.

Work is deemed a scalar quantity primarily because it solely possesses magnitude without any specific direction. When we delve into the mathematics of calculating work, the process involves accounting for the part of the force acting in the direction of the object's movement or displacement. This component is then multiplied by the total displacement to get the amount of work. It's essential to note that while the angle between the force and direction does play a role in the work's calculation, the resulting value doesn't show a particular direction in a physical sense. This inherent lack of direction distinguishes work from vector quantities like force or velocity, which carry both magnitude and direction.

Practice Questions

A student applies a force of 20N at an angle of 60° to the horizontal to push a box across a horizontal surface for a distance of 4m. Calculate the work done by the student on the box.

To determine the work done by the student, we need to consider only the horizontal component of the force since work is done by the force component in the direction of the displacement. The horizontal component of the force is calculated using the cosine of the angle. The effective force becomes 20N multiplied by 0.5 (cosine of 60°), which is 10N. Thus, using the formula for work (Work = Force x Distance), the work is 10N multiplied by 4m, resulting in 40J. Therefore, the work done by the student on the box is 40 joules.

A book is lifted vertically upwards against the gravitational force by a student. If the weight of the book is 15N and it is lifted through a height of 1.5m, calculate the work done on the book.

For the book being lifted vertically, the force acting on it is its weight. Given the weight is 15N and the height or distance is 1.5m, we use the formula for work (Work = Force x Distance). With the given values, the work is 15N multiplied by 1.5m, which is 22.5J. Therefore, the work done on the book by the student while lifting it is 22.5 joules. The work is positive since the force exerted (lifting) is in the same direction as the displacement (upwards).

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