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IB DP Physics Study Notes

2.1.3 Acceleration

Acceleration, a cornerstone in the study of physics, defines the change in velocity of an object relative to time. Delving into its intricacies reveals its significance in diverse realms, from basic motion to intricate dynamics. In this section, we embark on a deeper exploration of acceleration, discussing its definition, computation, and graphical representation.

Definition of Acceleration

Acceleration is the rate at which an object alters its velocity. Being a vector quantity, it boasts both magnitude and direction. This implies that the mere presence of an acceleration doesn't necessarily equate to speeding up; the direction is key.

  • Uniform Acceleration: This refers to an object changing its velocity at a steady, constant rate over time. For instance, if a car increases its speed by 10 m/s every second, it's undergoing uniform acceleration.
  • Non-uniform Acceleration: This is when the rate at which velocity changes is inconsistent. Imagine a car that increases its speed by 5 m/s in the first second, then by 15 m/s the next. Such erratic changes point to non-uniform acceleration.

Calculation of Acceleration

The mathematical representation of acceleration helps quantify the changes an object undergoes. Let's break down its formula and the logic behind it: Formula:

  • Acceleration (a)=Change in Velocity (Δv)/Time Taken (Δt)


  • Δv = Final velocity - Initial velocity
  • Δt = Time interval over which the velocity changed


Consider a bicycle that boosts its velocity from 5 m/s to 15 m/s within 4 seconds:Δv = 15 m/s - 5 m/s = 10 m/sΔt = 4 secondsa = 10 m/s ÷ 4 s = 2.5 m/s²

A skateboard decreases its velocity from 8 m/s to 2 m/s across 3 seconds:Δv = 2 m/s - 8 m/s = -6 m/sΔt = 3 secondsa = -6 m/s ÷ 3 s = -2 m/s²

A critical point to digest is that negative acceleration, or deceleration, doesn't always mean an object is slowing down. It's crucial to juxtapose the direction of the acceleration vector with the object's motion to ascertain this. If they're opposite, then indeed, the object is decelerating.

Graphical Representation of Acceleration

Understanding acceleration becomes more intuitive with visual aids. Velocity-time (v-t) graphs serve this purpose excellently.

Uniform Acceleration

On a v-t graph:

  • The slope or gradient of the graph epitomises acceleration.
  • A straight line showcases uniform acceleration since the change in velocity remains consistent across time intervals.

Visualise a graph with velocity (in m/s) on the y-axis and time (in seconds) on the x-axis. A straight line originating from 0 m/s at t=0 seconds, stretching to 20 m/s at t=10 seconds, has a constant incline, indicating a uniform acceleration. The value of this acceleration corresponds to the slope.

Non-uniform Acceleration

For a v-t graph:

  • A curved trajectory indicates non-uniform acceleration, where the rate of change in velocity is inconsistent.
  • The acceleration at any given time is the tangent to the curve at that point.

Let’s consider another v-t graph. If the trajectory begins at 0 m/s and ascends in a non-linear manner, the velocity fluctuates at varying rates, suggesting non-uniform acceleration.

Interpreting the Graph

  • Horizontal Line: A flat trajectory on a v-t graph denotes constant velocity and thus, zero acceleration.
  • Slope Orientation: A rising slope signifies positive acceleration, whereas a descending one indicates negative acceleration.

Real-World Nuances

Our understanding thus far provides foundational knowledge, but in real-world contexts, several factors can modify acceleration:

  • Friction: Surface roughness or medium (like air or water) can affect motion, influencing acceleration.
  • Gravity: On Earth, objects in free fall experience a gravitational acceleration of approximately 9.81 m/s², influencing their velocity.
  • External Forces: Pushes, pulls, and other forces can either boost or counteract an object's inherent acceleration.
  • Circular Motion: Objects moving in a circular path have a special type called 'centripetal acceleration', directed towards the circle's centre. It ensures objects remain in their circular trajectory.


Yes, an object can be in motion even if its acceleration is zero. When an object has zero acceleration, it means that its velocity is constant, not that its velocity is zero. For instance, a car moving on a straight road at a constant speed of 60 km/h has zero acceleration because its speed isn't changing. However, it's still in motion. Acceleration measures the rate of change of velocity; thus, zero acceleration simply implies no change in speed or direction.

When a car brakes, it undergoes negative acceleration or deceleration, causing its velocity to decrease over a specific time. The more abrupt the braking, the higher the magnitude of this negative acceleration. When a car turns corners, it undergoes what's termed as centripetal acceleration. Even if the car maintains a constant speed while turning, its direction changes, implying a change in velocity. This change in direction, whilst maintaining the same speed, provides the car with an acceleration directed towards the centre of the curve or circle it's following.

Astronauts in space, especially those orbiting Earth like in the International Space Station, are in a continuous free fall towards Earth. They don't "feel" the acceleration due to Earth's gravity because both they and the spacecraft are falling at the same rate. This phenomenon creates a sensation of weightlessness or microgravity. While astronauts are still influenced by Earth's gravity (which keeps them in orbit), they don't experience a force pushing against them, like we do when we stand on Earth's surface. This lack of opposing force makes them feel weightless, even though they're constantly accelerating towards Earth.

In a vacuum, where there's no air or any other medium, objects accelerate due to forces without the hindrance of air resistance. This means that, theoretically, in a vacuum, objects continue to accelerate as long as an external force is applied. In contrast, in environments with air resistance (like Earth's atmosphere), as an object's speed increases, the air resistance acting against the object also increases. This resistance acts as a force opposing the motion, which can result in a decrease in acceleration or even a terminal velocity, where acceleration becomes zero because the opposing forces (like air resistance) balance the force causing the motion (like gravity).

Acceleration is considered a vector quantity because it not only has magnitude (how much the velocity changes) but also direction. Knowing the direction is essential to understand the true nature of the change in motion. For example, if an object slows down, its acceleration is negative, meaning it is in the opposite direction to its motion. Conversely, if an object speeds up, its acceleration is positive and is in the same direction as its motion. So, while the magnitude of acceleration informs us about the rate of change of velocity, the direction gives the context in which this change happens.

Practice Questions

A car initially at rest starts to move and achieves a velocity of 20 m/s in 5 seconds. Calculate the acceleration of the car. Describe any assumptions you made while calculating the acceleration.

The car starts from a standstill, which means its initial velocity is 0 m/s. Given that its final velocity is 20 m/s over a span of 5 seconds, we can use the simple formula for acceleration: acceleration = (change in velocity) / time. Plugging in our values: change in velocity = 20 m/s - 0 m/s = 20 m/s and time = 5 seconds. Thus, acceleration = 20 m/s divided by 5 s = 4 m/s². One primary assumption made in this calculation is that the car experienced uniform acceleration throughout the 5 seconds.

On a velocity-time graph, a particle's motion is depicted by a straight line sloping upwards before becoming horizontal. Can you interpret the motion of the particle concerning its acceleration and velocity?

The motion of the particle on the graph can be described in two stages. Initially, the upward slope indicates that the particle is experiencing positive acceleration, as its velocity is consistently increasing over time. This suggests the particle is gaining speed. When the line transitions to horizontal, it implies that the particle's velocity has become constant. At this stage, since the velocity remains unchanged, the acceleration is zero. The particle moves at this consistent speed without any change in its rate of motion.

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