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IB DP Physics Study Notes

2.1.1 Distance vs. Displacement

Within the expansive domain of physics, particularly when analysing mechanics, the motion of objects is a foundational concept. Two primary terms that form the basis of understanding this motion are 'distance' and 'displacement'. They might seem similar at a cursory glance, but a deep dive reveals fundamental differences.



When we speak of 'distance', we're referring to the complete length of the path an object has traversed during its motion. It's devoid of direction and simply quantifies how much ground has been covered. Being a scalar quantity, it's only concerned with magnitude.To visualise this, consider a scenario where you embark on a hike, moving through winding trails, uphill paths, and downhill routes. The distance would account for every step you've taken, irrespective of its direction. To understand how distance interacts with other concepts in motion, you may refer to Newton's Second Law.


Displacement, however, offers a nuanced understanding. It zeroes in on the starting and finishing points of your journey, measuring the shortest possible route between these two points and factors in the direction as well. It’s a vector quantity encompassing both magnitude and direction.Using the hiking analogy, suppose you started at point A, ventured through various trails, and then decided to camp at a spot that is actually just 2 km north of point A. Even if you've trekked 10 km, your displacement is just 2 km north. For a deeper insight into how displacement compares to speed and velocity, check out Speed vs. Velocity.


Nature of Quantity

  • Distance: As a scalar, distance is straightforward. It gives you a number - the total length travelled. The concept of direction doesn't influence it, making it always non-negative.
  • Displacement: Here's where the intricacies lie. Displacement, as a vector, combines both the distance between the starting and endpoint and the direction of that distance. The sign (positive or negative) will depend on the chosen reference direction.

Accumulation vs. Net Change

  • Distance: It accumulates as you move. If you walk back and forth, the meter keeps running, so to speak.
  • Displacement: It’s all about net change. It does not accumulate in the same way as distance. If you return to the starting point, your displacement resets to zero.

Maximum and Minimum Values

  • While the magnitude of displacement can be equal to the distance, more often than not, it’s less than the distance. The only scenario where they become equivalent is when the motion is in a single, undeviating direction.

Units of Measurement

  • The SI unit for both is the metre (m). However, depending on the context, one might also use kilometres (km), miles (mi), or even centimetres (cm). Understanding the basics of motion can also be expanded by exploring the Basics of Circular Motion.


A deep comprehension of motion isn't just about understanding definitions but also about applying these concepts quantitatively.


1. Segments and Paths: Begin by delineating all segments or paths of the journey.

2. Quantify Each Length: For each segment, measure or determine its length.

3. Aggregate: Sum up the lengths to ascertain the total distance.For instance, suppose during a marathon, a runner covers 3 segments of 10 km, 12 km, and 8 km. The total distance would be a simple sum: 30 km. This approach is similarly applicable when defining Momentum.


1. Identify Initial and Final Points: These two points form the crux of displacement calculation.

2. Straight-Line Distance: Calculate the linear distance between these two points, factoring in the direction.

3. Directional Component: Depending on your reference, assign a direction (north, south, upwards, rightwards, etc.) to the displacement.Delving back into our marathon example, if the runner started at point A, covered various paths but finished 5 km east of point A, the displacement is simply 5 km east. For a more detailed understanding, see the Definition of Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM).

Graphical Insights

Graphs offer a visual representation that often simplifies understanding. On a distance-time graph, the trajectory typically keeps moving upwards, reflecting the continuous addition of distance. However, on a displacement-time graph, the curve can move up and down, representing changes in direction and net displacement. The slope at any point on these graphs indicates speed and velocity, respectively. To visualise how these graphs relate to broader concepts, consider the Universal Law of Gravitation.


For objects that return to their commencement point, the displacement is zero. This is because displacement only concerns the difference between the start and finish positions. But the distance it covers during its movement can be significant, and it represents the total path or trajectory taken. Imagine walking around your house: you start and end at your front door (zero displacement), but you've covered a certain distance depending on the route you took inside.

Absolutely, displacement can yield a negative value. A negative displacement intimates that the final position is opposite or in the reverse direction compared to a chosen reference direction. For illustrative purposes, on a number line or a straight track, if you take right or forward as the positive direction, any movement to the left or backwards from a designated starting point results in negative displacement. This is immensely useful in physics to notate and calculate movements in opposite directions.

Distance-time graphs are visual tools that provide insights into an object's motion. To ascertain displacement from such a graph, you need to look at the vertical difference (change in distance) between two-time points. If your graph is a straight diagonal line, the slope or gradient will give you the velocity, while the vertical or y-axis difference between your start and end offers the total displacement. However, if the graph has curves, plateaus, or direction changes, you might need to dissect the motion into segments and total up the displacements for each. Crucially, when interpreting these graphs, areas above the time axis often denote positive displacements, while those below indicate negative values.

The straight answer is no; displacement cannot be greater than distance. To understand why, consider the definitions: displacement is the straight-line, or "as-the-crow-flies," distance between the start and end points. Distance, on the other hand, is the total length of the path taken, regardless of its twists and turns. Visualise it this way: if you walk the boundary of a square park and end where you started, your displacement is zero (because start and end points are the same), but the distance is the sum of all four sides of the park.

Differentiating between scalar and vector quantities in daily life is essentially about pinpointing if a measurement has direction associated with it. For instance, if you're recounting a trip and state you travelled 100 km, you're alluding to distance – a scalar quantity – because there's no direction specified. But, let’s say you narrate that you travelled 100 km towards the east from your starting point; now you're talking about displacement, a vector quantity. Here, the direction (east) combined with the magnitude (100 km) makes it a vector. The crucial difference lies in the presence or absence of a specified direction.

Practice Questions

A student walks from her house to the school, which is 1 km north, then to the library, which is 1 km west from the school, and finally to a café, which is 0.5 km south from the library. Calculate both the total distance travelled by the student and her overall displacement.

The student travels a total of: 1 km (north) + 1 km (west) + 0.5 km (south) = 2.5 km. This is the total distance. For the displacement, consider a right triangle where the horizontal side represents the westward motion of 1 km and the vertical side represents the net northward motion (1 km north minus 0.5 km south), which is 0.5 km. Using

Pythagoras’ theorem, the overall displacement is the hypotenuse of the triangle. Using the sides 1 km and 0.5 km, the displacement is found to be the square root of (12 + 0.52) = 1.12 km (rounded to 3 significant figures), directed north-west from her starting position.

On a displacement-time graph, a particle moves from a point A(0,0) to a point B(3,4) over 3 seconds. Determine the particle's total displacement and average velocity over the 3-second interval.

For the particle's movement, the straight-line or "as-the-crow-flies" distance between point A(0,0) and B(3,4) is the displacement. This forms the hypotenuse of a right triangle with horizontal and vertical sides of 3 units and 4 units, respectively. By applying Pythagoras’ theorem, the displacement comes out to be 5 units. To determine the average velocity, it's simply the displacement divided by time. Over the span of 3 seconds, the average velocity is 5 units divided by 3 seconds, which is equal to 1.67 units/second (rounded to 3 significant figures).

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