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IB DP Physics Study Notes

2.1.2 Speed vs. Velocity

In our daily lives, we often use the terms 'speed' and 'velocity' interchangeably. However, in physics, these terms have precise and distinct meanings. Delve into the detailed nuances of speed and velocity, and explore their contrast in definitions, characteristics, and applications.



  • Nature: Speed is a scalar quantity, implying it only has magnitude and lacks direction. For more on this concept, see the basics of circular motion.
  • Formula: Speed (s) is computed by dividing the distance (d) an object travels by the time (t) it takes. Hence,
    • s = d/t.
  • Units: Speed's standard unit is metres per second (m/s). However, it can also be denoted in units like kilometres per hour (km/h), contingent on the context.


  • Nature: Velocity is a vector quantity. This denotes that, besides its magnitude, it carries a direction.
  • Formula: Velocity (v) is gauged by dividing the displacement (Δx) by the time (Δt). Displacement signifies the shortest route between an object's initial and final positions, paired with a particular direction. Understanding the difference between distance and displacement is crucial here.
    • v = Δx/Δt.
  • Units: The unit remains analogous to speed, i.e., m/s, but is consistently associated with a direction, such as "north" or "towards the east".


Scalar vs. Vector

  • Speed: Being a scalar, speed overlooks the movement's direction. Imagine a race car going round a circuit. If we're solely analysing speed, the car's continual return to its initial position doesn't factor in.
  • Velocity: Velocity's essence lies in direction. If a sprinter runs 100 metres forward and then retraces 100 metres back to the starting line, their aggregate displacement, and thus their velocity, is null, despite having covered a total expanse of 200 metres.

Interpretation through Instances

  • Speed: A bird maintaining a steady 20 m/s gives a snapshot of only its speed. The actual trajectory or direction it pursues doesn't influence this value.
  • Velocity: Conversely, if the same bird soars at 20 m/s directly south, this illustrates its velocity. A shift in its route alters its velocity, even if the speed remains unvaried.

Daily Life Implications

  • Speed: When your vehicle's speedometer indicates 50 km/h, it's manifesting your speed. Whether you're cruising straight, swivelling, or reversing, the speedometer merely reflects magnitude.
  • Velocity: On the other hand, describing your movement as driving 50 km/h westward, you're referencing velocity. Your endpoint, in relation to your departure, becomes critical.


Computing Speed

1. Uniform Speed: Pertains to an object moving at a consistent rate:

  • Speed = Total distance traversed / Total time elapsed.
  • For instance, a bicycle that spans 240 metres in 4 seconds boasts a speed of 60 m/s.

2. Average Speed: For instances when an object's speed fluctuates:

  • Average speed = Total distance spanned / Total time elapsed.
  • As an example, if a bus covers 180 metres in 3 seconds and another 180 metres in 6 seconds, its average speed works out to (180m + 180m) / (3s + 6s) = 360m/9s = 40 m/s. Consider how random errors might affect such measurements.

Computing Velocity

1. Uniform Velocity: When an object's motion is linear and the speed unvaried:

  • Velocity = Displacement / Time taken.
  • For instance, a skateboarder covering 400 metres south in 10 seconds has a velocity of 40 m/s in the southern direction.

2. Average Velocity: Used when there's variation in speed, direction, or both:

  • Average velocity = Total displacement / Total time elapsed.
  • For example, a drone covering 150 metres east in 15 seconds and then 50 metres west in 5 seconds has an average velocity of (150m - 50m) / (15s + 5s) = 100m/20s = 5 m/s in the eastern direction.

Significance in Physics

Speed and velocity act as cornerstones in mechanics. They underpin advanced concepts like acceleration, force, and energy. While speed offers a rudimentary perspective of motion, velocity furnishes a holistic image, facilitating predictions and in-depth evaluations. This links directly to the second law of Newton which explains how these quantities interact with forces.

Applications in Reality

Grasping the distinction between speed and velocity can be pivotal in practical scenarios. For instance, aviation controllers monitor the velocities (not just speeds) of planes to ensure they maintain safe distances in every direction. Similarly, marine navigation, space missions, and even road traffic control employ velocity for effective and safe operations. This understanding is also crucial in environmental science, such as in studies of the greenhouse effect.


Average speed and average velocity play crucial roles in scenarios where motion is not constant. Average speed considers the overall distance covered in a given time, providing insight into an object's overall movement regardless of speed fluctuations. Average velocity takes into account both the magnitude and direction of displacement during a period, making it valuable in situations where an object changes direction multiple times or experiences varying speeds, such as road trips with stops or flights with wind variations.

No, an object's speed is always a positive value. Speed is a scalar quantity that represents the magnitude of an object's rate of motion. It does not consider direction, making it inherently positive. Negative values are not applicable to speed since it reflect only how fast an object is moving along its path, regardless of whether it is moving forward or backwards.

Yes, an object can have zero velocity while still possessing a non-zero speed. This occurs when an object changes direction but maintains a constant speed. At the point of changing direction, the velocity is momentarily zero, but the speed remains non-zero. For instance, a pendulum at its highest point experiences a brief pause in its motion, resulting in zero velocity due to the change in direction, while its speed remains unchanged.

Everyday experiences can illustrate the distinction between speed and velocity. For instance, imagine a person jogging around a circular track. Although their speed might be consistent, their velocity changes at different points due to the shifts in direction. This highlights that while speed conveys the magnitude of motion, it's the velocity that offers a more comprehensive understanding, incorporating both magnitude and direction. This concept helps explain how objects move through complex paths and how changes in direction impact their overall displacement.

Velocity is more informative than speed because it takes both magnitude and direction into account. While speed indicates how fast an object is moving, velocity provides additional context by specifying the direction of the motion. For example, two objects may have the same speed but different velocities if they are moving in opposite directions. This distinction is crucial in understanding the complete picture of an object's displacement and path.

Practice Questions

A car travels 300 metres north, then 400 metres south, all in 20 seconds. Calculate its average speed and its average velocity over this journey.

The average speed is calculated by taking the total distance travelled divided by the total time taken. The car travelled 300m + 400m = 700m in 20 seconds. Therefore, its average speed is 700m / 20s = 35 m/s. For average velocity, we consider the net displacement over the time interval. The car's net displacement is 400m (south) - 300m (north) = 100m (south). Thus, the average velocity is 100m / 20s = 5 m/s towards the south.

A runner completes a 400m race in 50 seconds. Halfway through the race, she decides to change her direction and run back to the starting point. What is her speed and velocity at the end of the race?

To find the speed, we consider the total distance covered. The runner travelled the entire 400m, so the distance is 400m. The time taken is 50 seconds. Therefore, her speed is 400m / 50s = 8 m/s. However, since she returns to her starting point, her net displacement is zero. Velocity, being a vector quantity that depends on displacement, is therefore 0 m/s, irrespective of the distance she covered during the race.

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