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IB DP Physics Study Notes

12.2.5 Fusion Processes

Nuclear fusion, the same process powering our Sun and stars, is the coming together of light atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus. With its potential to revolutionise our energy landscape, understanding fusion's intricate details, from high-temperature demands to confinement strategies, is crucial for the physicists of tomorrow.

High Temperatures

One of the most defining aspects of nuclear fusion is its need for intense heat. The reasons for these scorching temperatures are manifold:

  • Overcome Repulsive Forces: Atomic nuclei have a positive charge, and as we know, like charges repel each other. To ensure that these nuclei come close enough to fuse, they need to have sufficient kinetic energy, which is provided by extremely high temperatures.
  • Achieving Thermonuclear Temperatures: A self-sustaining fusion reaction requires the system to reach thermonuclear temperatures. This means the energy released from ongoing fusion reactions is enough to stimulate further reactions, creating a continuous cycle without the constant need for external heat.
  • Maximising the Reaction Rate: The likelihood of fusion reactions taking place rises with temperature. For fusion to be efficient and produce substantial energy, the system must maintain an optimal temperature where reaction rates peak.
  • Stripping Electrons: Such high temperatures are crucial for producing plasma, as they strip electrons from atoms, leading to a charged state of matter.


When atomic matter achieves the temperatures required for fusion, it morphs into a distinct state known as plasma. Understanding plasma is key to grasping fusion:

  • Ionised State of Matter: Unlike solids, liquids, or gases, plasma comprises ions (charged atoms) and free-floating electrons. The extraordinary heat causes electrons to leave their parent atoms, leading to this ionised state.
  • Quasi-Neutrality: Even though plasma teems with charged particles, it remains neutral because the numbers of positive ions and negative electrons balance out.
  • Electrical Conductivity: The charged nature of plasma means it's a remarkable conductor of electricity. This unique property is capitalised on when using magnetic fields to confine plasma during fusion processes.
  • Interactions with Magnetic Fields: The behaviours of plasma are significantly influenced by magnetic fields. Electrons within the plasma spiral around magnetic lines, a behaviour that's foundational to certain confinement methods.

Confinement Methods

The challenge with fusion is not just achieving the right conditions, but also maintaining them. Plasma confinement is pivotal:

  • Magnetic Confinement: Devices like Tokamaks and Stellarators embody this principle.
    • Tokamak: This is a magnetic confinement device that has seen widespread research and development. It uses external magnetic fields combined with a toroidal (doughnut-like) magnetic field generated by currents in the plasma to shape and stabilise the plasma.
    • Stellarator: A more complex design, the Stellarator twists plasma into a helix, stabilising it using intricate magnetic fields. One of its advantages is that it doesn’t rely on plasma currents, which can create problems in Tokamaks.
  • Inertial Confinement: In this method, tiny fuel pellets are rapidly compressed and heated using powerful lasers or ion beams. This swift action induces fusion before the pellet can disintegrate. While promising, this approach is still largely experimental.

Fusion Fuel Choices

While fusion can, in theory, involve any light atomic nuclei, certain combinations are more favourable:

  • Deuterium and Tritium: The fusion of deuterium (D) with tritium (T) is the most widely studied. Both are hydrogen isotopes. Their fusion results in helium and a neutron, alongside a considerable release of energy.
  • Deuterium-Deuterium Fusion: This involves the fusion of two deuterium nuclei. Although it demands even higher temperatures than D-T fusion, deuterium is abundant, as it can be sourced from seawater.

Challenges and Opportunities in Fusion

While the benefits of fusion, from vast fuel resources to minimal radioactive waste, make it an enticing energy solution, the road to controlled, sustained fusion is strewn with challenges:

  • Material Concerns: The intense conditions inside a fusion reactor can degrade materials over time. Developing materials that can withstand such conditions for prolonged periods is crucial.
  • Plasma Instabilities: Plasma can be unpredictable. Ensuring stability, especially in magnetic confinement systems, remains a challenge that researchers are keen to overcome.
  • Tritium Handling: Tritium, used in D-T fusion, is radioactive. While its radioactivity is relatively low, managing and containing it efficiently is essential.

Despite these challenges, fusion's potential as an almost inexhaustible, clean energy source spurs global research efforts. Its success could redefine our energy landscape.

Beyond Power Generation: Fusion's Other Prospects

Fusion isn't just about energy production; it has a range of other promising applications:

  • Medical Isotope Production: Fusion reactions can yield isotopes required for various medical imaging techniques and treatments.
  • Managing Nuclear Waste: Fusion could help in transmuting and reducing the long-lived radioactive waste from fission reactors, making nuclear energy more sustainable.
  • Space Propulsion: Given its immense energy output, fusion can be a game-changer for propulsion technologies, potentially revolutionising deep-space exploration.


While fusion processes are inherently safer than fission, concerns include the production of tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. If released, it could pose environmental and health risks. Additionally, the intense neutron flux from the fusion reactions can make the reactor materials radioactive. However, catastrophic events like meltdowns, associated with fission reactors, are not a risk with fusion reactors. Any disturbance or malfunction would naturally quench the fusion reaction.

Nuclear fusion is regarded as a clean energy source because, unlike its counterpart nuclear fission, it doesn't produce long-lived radioactive waste. The primary by-products of deuterium-tritium fusion are helium, a harmless gas, and a neutron. While the fusion reactor components may become activated and radioactive over time, the resulting waste's half-life is considerably shorter than that of waste from fission reactors, and it decays to safe levels within a few centuries as opposed to millennia.

Achieving controlled nuclear fusion on Earth is a monumental scientific and engineering challenge. Replicating the high-pressure and high-temperature conditions of stars is difficult. Additionally, confinement methods, whether magnetic or inertial, need to be incredibly precise to ensure the hot plasma doesn't touch reactor walls. Furthermore, the materials used in reactors must withstand extreme conditions, and the technology to harness the produced energy is still under development. While there have been significant advancements, commercial fusion remains on the horizon, with several large-scale projects like ITER aiming to make it a reality.

Deuterium can be extracted from seawater, making it an abundant and widely available resource. In fact, just a litre of seawater contains enough deuterium to produce an equivalent amount of energy as 300 litres of petrol. Tritium, on the other hand, is not naturally abundant. It's typically produced within the fusion reactor itself. When lithium, another component of the reactor, comes in contact with the fusion-produced neutrons, it generates tritium.

In stars like our Sun, the immense gravitational pressures and high temperatures naturally create the ideal conditions for fusion reactions to occur. On Earth, replicating these conditions is challenging due to the need to reach extremely high temperatures, often in the range of millions of degrees, to overcome the electrostatic repulsion between the positively charged atomic nuclei. Furthermore, on Earth, we must confine the hot plasma using complex magnetic fields or other methods, ensuring that the plasma doesn't come into contact with any walls, which would cool it down and halt the fusion process.

Practice Questions

Differentiate between the Tokamak and Stellarator devices in terms of their plasma confinement mechanisms in nuclear fusion processes.

Tokamaks and Stellarators are both magnetic confinement devices, but they operate on slightly different principles. Tokamaks rely on a combination of external magnetic fields and a toroidal (doughnut-shaped) magnetic field created by currents within the plasma itself. This dual approach shapes and stabilises the plasma, ensuring it remains in the desired position for fusion to occur. On the other hand, Stellarators utilise intricate magnetic fields to twist the plasma into a helical shape. Unlike Tokamaks, Stellarators don't rely on plasma currents for confinement, avoiding certain instability issues inherent to the Tokamak design.

Why is the fusion of deuterium with tritium more commonly studied and preferred in comparison to deuterium-deuterium fusion?

The fusion of deuterium (D) with tritium (T) is more commonly studied and preferred over deuterium-deuterium fusion primarily due to the lower temperature requirements and higher reaction rates. The D-T fusion reaction proceeds at relatively lower temperatures compared to D-D fusion, making it more feasible with current technology. Additionally, the D-T fusion reaction has a higher cross-section or likelihood of occurrence, which means it yields more energy under the same conditions. Although deuterium is more abundant and could be sourced from seawater, the technical challenges associated with achieving the higher temperatures needed for D-D fusion currently make D-T fusion a more attractive option.

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