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IB DP Physics Study Notes

12.2.4 Fission Processes

Nuclear fission, a phenomenon where heavy atomic nuclei split into smaller particles, offers a glimpse into the intricate and powerful world of nuclear physics. These reactions, which release substantial energy, play a fundamental role in the operation of many of the world's nuclear power plants. Dive deep into the captivating mechanics of chain reactions, the nuances of critical mass, and the multifaceted designs of nuclear reactors.

Chain Reactions

At the heart of fission processes lies the concept of the chain reaction. It's a sequence where a product or by-product of a reaction triggers subsequent reactions.

  • Nature of the Reaction: It starts when a heavy nucleus, like uranium-235, absorbs a neutron and becomes unstable. This instability causes it to split, releasing additional neutrons.
  • Propagation: The neutrons produced from the initial fission can then be absorbed by nearby nuclei, causing them to also undergo fission. This domino effect results in an exponential increase in the number of fissions and, consequently, energy release.
  • Key Components:
    • Neutron Source: Provides the initial neutrons to start the chain reaction.
    • Fissile Material: The substance that undergoes fission, e.g., uranium-235 or plutonium-239.
    • Moderator: Reduces the energy of neutrons, making them more likely to cause further fissions.
    • Coolant: Absorbs heat produced in the reaction, preventing overheating.
    • Control Rods: Absorb excess neutrons, ensuring the reaction does not escalate uncontrollably.

Critical Mass

The concept of 'critical mass' is central to understanding how fission reactions can be sustained.

  • Defining Critical Mass: It's the smallest amount of fissile material necessary for a sustained nuclear chain reaction.
  • Beyond Quantity: While the mass of the fissile material is vital, the shape and distribution of the material, its purity, and the surrounding environment also play crucial roles.
  • Sub-critical and Super-critical:
    • Sub-critical Mass: Not enough fissile material is present or is inadequately configured, causing the reaction rate to decrease over time.
    • Super-critical Mass: The configuration leads to an increasing reaction rate, which can be dangerous without proper control mechanisms.
  • Role in Nuclear Weapons: Achieving super-critical mass in an uncontrolled manner can lead to nuclear explosions, which is the principle behind atomic bombs.

Reactor Designs

Reactors are marvels of engineering, designed to control and harness the energy from fission processes. While their primary goal is power generation, the variety in designs cater to different needs and environments.

  • Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR):
    • Design: Employs light water as both a coolant and neutron moderator. Contains a primary and secondary loop. The primary loop circulates water around the reactor core, while the secondary loop drives turbines.
    • Safety: Multiple barriers, including the fuel cladding and reactor containment, prevent radiation and radioactive materials from escaping.
  • Boiling Water Reactor (BWR):
    • Simplicity: Directly boils water in the reactor core. The steam produced drives the turbines, negating the need for a secondary loop.
    • Cooling: After passing through the turbines, the steam is condensed back into water and returned to the reactor core.
  • Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR):
    • Efficiency: Converts non-fissile material into fissile material, thereby "breeding" fuel. Typically uses liquid metal as a coolant.
    • Fuel Cycle: Can use a wider variety of materials as fuel, including the waste from other reactor types.
  • Heavy Water Reactor (HWR):
    • Special Moderator: Utilises heavy water. This allows the reactor to run on unenriched or natural uranium.
    • Versatility: Due to its design, it can use a broader range of fuels, including thorium.
  • Gas-cooled Reactor:
    • Cooling Mechanism: Uses gases, often carbon dioxide or helium, as coolants.
    • Historical Relevance: Particularly significant in early British nuclear power programmes.

Safety, Regulation, and Evolution

Safety remains paramount in the world of nuclear reactors. Advanced designs and stringent regulations ensure minimal risks.

  • Safety Mechanisms: Modern reactors incorporate passive safety systems, which function without external power or human intervention. Features like emergency core cooling systems and containment structures add layers of security.
  • Regulation: International bodies, such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and national entities set guidelines and standards for reactor design, construction, and operation.
  • Evolution: The continuous research has led to the proposal of Generation IV reactors, which promise higher efficiency, greater safety, and reduced nuclear waste.


There are several types of nuclear reactors, but two of the most common are Pressurised Water Reactors (PWR) and Boiling Water Reactors (BWR). In a PWR, the primary coolant (water) is kept at high pressure to prevent it from boiling. The heated water from the reactor core transfers its heat to a secondary coolant in a heat exchanger, producing steam which drives turbines. In contrast, in a BWR, the water used as a coolant in the reactor core boils and turns into steam, which directly drives the turbines. Both designs have their advantages and challenges, but the underlying principle of harnessing the heat from nuclear fission remains consistent.

Nuclear reactors use coolant systems to prevent overheating. The primary coolant, often water, circulates around the reactor core, absorbing the heat produced from the fission processes. This heated coolant then transfers its heat to a secondary coolant in a heat exchanger, turning it into steam. This steam drives turbines to generate electricity. After passing through the turbines, the steam is condensed back into a liquid and recycled. Efficient cooling systems ensure that the reactor core doesn't overheat, thereby preventing potential meltdowns or explosions.

Managing nuclear waste is a critical aspect of nuclear power. Once the fuel rods in a reactor are spent, they're still highly radioactive. These spent fuel rods are initially stored in cooling pools at the reactor site to allow their heat and radioactivity to decrease. After a period, the spent fuel may be reprocessed to extract remaining useful materials, or it could be transferred to dry cask storage. The final step in the disposal process is often deep geological repositories - stable underground locations where waste can remain isolated from the environment for thousands of years until its radioactivity diminishes to safe levels.

Plutonium, specifically plutonium-239, can be used as a fuel in certain types of reactors due to its fissile nature. However, there are concerns about its use. One of the primary concerns is proliferation - plutonium can be used to make nuclear weapons. Additionally, plutonium is highly radioactive, posing health risks upon exposure. Its long half-life means it remains radioactive for a long time, complicating waste disposal. While reactors designed to burn plutonium can reduce the stockpile, the associated risks mean that its use in nuclear power remains a contentious issue.

Control rods are crucial components of a nuclear reactor. They are made of materials that can absorb neutrons without undergoing fission themselves, such as cadmium or boron. By adjusting the depth to which these rods are inserted into the reactor core, they regulate the number of neutrons available to cause further fission events. If the reactor starts producing too much energy, the rods can be inserted further to absorb more neutrons and slow the reaction. Conversely, if the energy production is too low, the rods can be withdrawn to allow more neutrons to participate in fission. In essence, control rods help in maintaining a stable and controlled nuclear reaction.

Practice Questions

Describe the role of a moderator in a nuclear reactor and explain why it's crucial in maintaining a sustained chain reaction.

A moderator in a nuclear reactor plays a pivotal role in slowing down the fast-moving neutrons produced during fission. By reducing the energy of these neutrons, they become more likely to induce further fission events when they collide with fissile material. Without a moderator, many of the neutrons would simply escape or be absorbed without causing additional fissions, making it difficult to maintain a steady, sustained chain reaction. In essence, the moderator enhances the probability of chain reactions, allowing for a controlled and steady release of energy.

Differentiate between sub-critical and super-critical mass in the context of nuclear fission. How do these concepts relate to the safety and functionality of nuclear reactors?

Sub-critical mass refers to a quantity of fissile material that is insufficient to sustain a nuclear chain reaction. In this scenario, the number of fissions decreases over time. On the other hand, super-critical mass is when there's enough fissile material, or it's configured in such a way that the reaction rate increases over time. In the context of nuclear reactors, maintaining the reactor's mass near the critical point is vital. A reactor should ideally operate at a critical mass where the chain reaction is steady. If the reactor becomes super-critical without control, it can lead to dangerous and potentially explosive scenarios, while sub-critical conditions would result in inefficient energy production.

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