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IB DP Physics Study Notes

12.2.2 Alpha, Beta, Gamma Decays

Radioactivity, a spontaneous process where unstable atomic nuclei release energy, has been a subject of intrigue and research for over a century. Among the various types of radioactive decay, alpha, beta, and gamma stand out due to their significance in both natural and artificial processes.

Alpha (α) Decay

An alpha particle, with its 2 protons and 2 neutrons, offers insight into the stability dynamics of heavy nuclei.

Origin of Alpha Particles

  • Nature of the Particle: An alpha particle is essentially a helium-4 nucleus.
  • Formation: Heavy nuclei, especially those with atomic numbers greater than 83, tend to be unstable. To achieve stability, they emit an alpha particle.
    • E.g., Uranium-238 undergoes alpha decay to form Thorium-234.

Energy Considerations in Alpha Decay

  • Mass Loss: When alpha decay occurs, the original nucleus loses some mass. This mass is not actually "lost" but converted into energy, as per Einstein's E=mc2.
  • Kinetic Energy: The emitted alpha particle and the remaining nucleus both acquire kinetic energy. This kinetic energy is primarily due to the conversion of the mass difference into energy.

Factors Influencing Alpha Decay

  • Nuclear Strong Force: The balance between the strong nuclear force and the electrostatic repulsion between protons determines stability. In heavier nuclei, where the electrostatic repulsion is significant, emitting an alpha particle helps reduce this repulsion. For more on the particles involved, see quarks and leptons.
  • Tunnelling: Quantum mechanical tunnelling allows the alpha particle to escape the nucleus even if it does not have enough energy to overcome the nuclear barrier.

Beta (β) Decay

Unlike alpha decay, which involves the ejection of a particle, beta decay revolves around the transformation of nucleons.

Beta-minus (β-) Decay

  • Neutron to Proton: Here, a neutron in an unstable nucleus transforms into a proton. This releases an electron (beta-minus particle) and an antineutrino.
    • E.g., Tritium (Hydrogen-3) decays into Helium-3 via β- decay.
  • Role of the Weak Nuclear Force: β- decay is mediated by the weak nuclear force, one of the four fundamental forces of nature. This force causes the transformation of a neutron into a proton.

Beta-plus (β+) Decay

  • Proton to Neutron: In β+ decay, a proton in the nucleus becomes a neutron. This process emits a positron and a neutrino.
    • For instance, Fluorine-18, used in PET scans, decays into Oxygen-18 through β+ decay.
  • Energy Requirements: For β+ decay to occur, the parent nucleus must have greater energy (mass) than the daughter nucleus. This is because the emitted positron has positive energy, and the energy conservation must be maintained.

Neutrinos and Antineutrinos

  • Importance: Neutrinos and antineutrinos are crucial in beta decay processes to ensure energy, momentum, and angular momentum are conserved. For further understanding of related concepts, refer to the radioactive decay law.
  • Elusive Nature: These particles hardly interact with matter, making them incredibly challenging to detect.

Gamma (γ) Decay

Gamma decay reflects the quantum nature of nuclear energy levels.

Nature of Gamma Radiation

  • Photonic Emission: Gamma rays aren't like alpha or beta particles. They're electromagnetic radiations, specifically high-energy photons. The interactions of gamma rays with matter are explained further in radiation.
  • Nuclear Excitation: Gamma emission often follows alpha or beta decay. After these decays, the resulting nucleus may still be excited. To return to its ground state, or a less excited state, it releases a gamma photon.

Energy Considerations

  • Discrete Energy Levels: Nuclei have specific, quantised energy levels. The energy difference between these levels determines the energy of the emitted gamma photon.

Penetration and Interaction with Matter

  • High Penetration: Gamma rays are incredibly penetrating. This characteristic arises because they're uncharged and, thus, don't interact with matter as readily as charged particles. This ties into the principles of pair production, a key concept in high-energy physics.
  • Photoelectric Effect, Compton Scattering, and Pair Production: These are the primary ways gamma rays interact with matter. Their probability varies with the gamma ray's energy and the atomic number of the interacting material. For more details, explore photoelectric equations.

Comparative Analysis

  • Alpha Particles: These have a high ionising power but low penetration. They pose minimal external hazards but can be harmful if ingested.
  • Beta Particles: They are moderately ionising and have greater penetration than alpha particles. β- particles can be a skin hazard and harmful internally.
  • Gamma Rays: Being the least ionising but most penetrating, gamma rays are an external hazard and can penetrate the body and other materials.


Neutrinos, despite being elusive, play a pivotal role in beta decay. In the early 20th century, scientists observed that energy and momentum didn't seem to be conserved in beta decays. This was puzzling, as these are fundamental conservation laws in physics. The neutrino was postulated as a solution. Although it carries away energy and momentum, its interaction with matter is so weak that it was nearly impossible to detect initially. Its introduction preserved the conservation laws in beta decay. Only later in the 20th century was experimental evidence for neutrinos obtained, validating decades of theoretical work.

Beta radiation encompasses both beta-minus decay, where an electron is emitted, and beta-plus decay, which results in the emission of a positron, the electron's antiparticle. This duality underscores the fascinating and sometimes counter-intuitive world of quantum physics. Electrons, which we classically view as fundamental particles with a negative charge, have counterparts with the exact opposite charge. The presence of positrons in beta-plus decay exemplifies the inherent duality and symmetries present in the subatomic world, where particles have antiparticle pairs.

In beta-plus decay, a proton within an unstable nucleus is converted into a neutron, emitting a positron (the antimatter counterpart of the electron) and a neutrino in the process. As the atomic number (Z) is determined by the number of protons in a nucleus, the conversion of a proton to a neutron results in a decrease in Z by one. This effectively means that the parent atom changes into a new element with an atomic number one less than the original, showcasing the transformative power of nuclear decay processes.

Alpha particles are composed of 2 protons and 2 neutrons, bound together. As neutrons are electrically neutral and protons carry a positive charge, the overall charge of an alpha particle is positive. This positive charge plays a significant role when an alpha particle interacts with matter. As it moves through a medium, it will experience strong electrostatic forces with the negatively charged electrons of atoms. This interaction results in a rapid loss of kinetic energy, causing the alpha particle to be deflected, ionise atoms, and come to a halt quickly. Its positive charge is the reason for its limited penetration ability.

Gamma radiation consists of high-energy photons and is a form of electromagnetic radiation. It often accompanies other types of decay because it's a mechanism by which an excited nucleus returns to its ground state or a lower-energy state. When a nucleus undergoes alpha or beta decay, it often results in the daughter nucleus being in an excited state. To stabilise itself, the nucleus releases this excess energy in the form of gamma rays. Thus, gamma emission can be seen as a secondary process that follows the primary decay mechanism to ensure the nucleus reaches a more stable energy configuration.

Practice Questions

A particular isotope undergoes beta-minus decay. Describe the changes that occur in the nucleus during this decay process and explain the significance of the emitted antineutrino.

In beta-minus decay, a neutron in the unstable nucleus transforms into a proton. During this process, the nucleus emits an electron, known as a beta-minus particle, and an antineutrino. The change in the nucleus results in an increase in the atomic number by one, thus transforming the parent atom into a new element. The emitted antineutrino plays a crucial role in the conservation of energy, momentum, and angular momentum in the decay process. Its elusive nature ensures that the transformation process obeys the conservation principles without being readily detectable, highlighting the intricate balance and subtlety in nuclear processes.

A researcher is given a source that emits alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. Describe briefly the penetrating abilities of each type of radiation and provide a method to distinguish between them using their penetration properties.

Alpha particles have the least penetration ability among the three; they can be stopped by something as thin as a sheet of paper or even human skin. Beta particles are more penetrating than alpha particles but can still be halted by materials like plastic, glass, or a few millimetres of aluminium. Gamma rays are the most penetrating; they require dense materials such as lead or several centimetres of concrete to block them effectively. To distinguish between them, one could use a set of barriers: a sheet of paper, a thin sheet of aluminium, and a thick lead block. The radiation stopped by the paper is alpha, the one stopped by aluminium but passing through paper is beta, and the one penetrating both but blocked by lead is gamma.

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